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Posts posted by TNTLAMB

  1. 3 hours ago, skynight said:

    Terms do say what you reported, but be assured that as August 2019 and on all past Princess cruises OBC is posted to your on board account as credits. Any and all on board expenses* charged to your account will net against the credit and there will be a running net balance. This includes the daily auto gratuity and any casino play that you may charge to your on board account. Regarding casino play, if at a table and you request $100 in chips you will receive $100 in live chips and a $100 charge will be added to your account. If you play at a slot and request $100 your account will be charged $100 and you will have $100 in real money to play. When charging to your on board account the casino expects play. At the tables they can see the play. Slot play is shown on the cashier's computer screen. 

    * Future cruise deposits purchased while on board are not charged to your on board account. They are directly charged to your credit card.



    That would be correct. It seems the policy was changed after multiple threads on CC (and others cruise sites) suggested that one need only buy chips and then cash them in to collect cash for their non refundable OBC. But you can (at least I have never been refused) use the OBC to play table games. They will indeed watch to see that you actually gamble and keep track of the money gambled using the OBC AS THEY SHOULD. Is there a way around it? Of course, there are several several, though all involve some risk but none fall into the grey area. The Martingale Strategy on roulette is one such way, just keep track of your chips Winners will be paid with colored table chips that you can color up at the end of the session and redeem for cash. You can do the same  and have less risk (and less payoff) with a modified James Bond Method Bet two lines and and either red/black or even/odd. If you have a good memory the D’Alembert Strategy will also work. 


    Whichever strategy you use just make sure your clear the board after every spin and use your OBC for every bet. I use a bit more complicated strategy, but the only difference is I either win big, break even very slowly or walk away with no OBC and at least most of it in my pocket in redeemable chips. Unless you have a bad session in which case you should have walked away early. you should expect at least 95 cents for every OBC dollar after 17 spins. If not play another time.


    Dunno about slots have never played one on a cruise ship Even the poker machines are not actual poker machines but random number generators with a fixed pay out. 

  2. Port agent did it all (I assume) we also had princess transfers. Princess will do a lot for you (as will the airlines) if you let them depending on your attitude and how you ask. We never had to leave the airport. The instant one TELLS them what to do you are sunk. I have always had hotels paid for with weather delays been on the first flights out, eals and depending on the airline discount coupons, while at the same time haering folks telling them how its going to be blown off with nothing except standby for an available flight. It's amazing what telling the agent "I bet you are getting hammered by folks, lets pretend we are "talking about it for a few minutes while you catch your breath, then deal with it" as opposed to I am elite and expect....... You do know every passenger whether its a cruise line or an airline likely has notes from other interactions available to whoever is dealing with you right and sometimes even a rating?

  3. FWIW we have a tight connection for our Dec Cruise on the Royal. We as well have platinum princess travel insurance. Its not the first time on this itinerary. We are HOPING for a delay.  Last time instead of two cold at sea days from LA to Cabo, princess flew us to Cabo where we arrived a day early.took care of meals and hotel etc. It was wonderful......... Not sure I'd risk it on other itineraries, but for this one its a can't lose.....

    • Like 1
  4. Dunno what the story is either BUT Its a violation of every CC agreement I have ever seen to refund a points card in cash. Beyond that if the amount was 70,000 it woula cost PC a min of $1400.00 at standard exchange rates and as much as $4200.00 on a Premium (points type card) Dunno where folks think those points and rebates come from But its important to remember it comes from the merchant who takes the card. Unless the refund goes to the card, it comes out of the merchants pocket. Not many can take that kind of a hit.


    The OP would recieve a check from the CC company in the event the card was not active. (assuming he didn't have a balance on the card.) That being said there is just too much here that doesn't add up.

  5. If you are familiar with how ships are designed, then your pictures confirm what is generally known about many cruise ships- wide flat bottoms with very shallow drafts making them "rocky" on rough seas.. You would have to see a picture of a "liner to really see the difference. Pam put it best when she said "You're right. They are "rocky" compared to ships designed as liners. The Grand class ships have a relatively shallow draft and wide, flat bottom so that they tend to go over seas rather than through them. They're like rubber duckies with stabilizers to help, well, stabilize them." in this old but good thread: 




  6. 1 hour ago, Crystabel said:

    WI have no idea where TNTLAMB got the idea she is flat bottomed....

    Well I got the idea because most modern cruise ships are flat bottomed. ( There is an article somewhere on the main CC sight explaining it.). One of the main reasons is the ease of dry dock.  The Grand is unique however in that it was the first grand class and built at a time when newer materials were being developed but not being worked used.It was built entirely of steel. Later grand class versions use lighter alloy materials in decking ladders etc.


    The effect of all that steel was the ship rode bow high and had to frequently use her pin stabilizers to have a relatively smooth ride.. problem was it slowed the ship down significantly not to mention fuel efficiency.  The main reason The grand had the most extensive dry dock ever and Skywalker's was removed was to eliminate her riding bow high. It helped some and fuel efficiency increased about 3%4% Though vastly improved it's a constant battle on the captains part to balance speed, fuel efficiency and how extended the stabilizers are. More simply put the Grand has more difficulty in rough water than any of princess fleet and many other lines forrests.

    • Like 1
  7. I don't know whether the ***** team is a contract Vendor or a part of Carnivals IT team, but it is important to much of the workdone on ***** is pretty much moot since G.D.P.R. as taken effect. Trust me on this its a coding nightmare. I have 53 sites down in part or whole. One would THINK it would be an easy fix (I did) By the time you get desk top/tab/mobile and multiple OS and browsers to recognize the new code its not. One think if you built 53 site with Ruby, and fixedone you could fix the other 52 the smae way... You can't. GDPR doesen't effect just the EU bit everything everyewhere.

  8. No problem doing what you want to do. But you are making it overly complicated and expensive just use https://www.uberconference.com it only requires 100kbps for perfect connection.which is no problem especially in the carribean. You can even enable file sharing. Anyone can call in from any device.lap top is the best but a smart phone on wifi is fine. I have conferenced all over the world a number of princess ships with no problem. I usually am prepared for the conference and utilize Google sheets a lot which can be updated on the fly and and add chat to the sheet making the meeting go very quickly. Just don't have more than ten folks in the meeting five is ideal

  9. i just got off the phone with Princess...NO Grand R/T to Alaska will ever offer this tour BUT if plans change i.e. they go to Tracy Arm and then on to Juneau on the same day then they MIGHT offer this tour....that is why they list it !

    I told them it looked a lot like" Bait & Switch" to me and i wondered how many booked this cruise thinking they could take that excursion and later found they could not and other cruises that did offer it could be sold out by then. A poor poor bit of P R with no specific disclaimer on the web site .


    It stretches credulity to think that at the last minute they could change date and place of port docking during a busy Alaska season. I am sure they fight tooth and nail for those specific dates and pier spots months and years ahead of time.



    Actually they can change pretty easily. at least in Juneau and Skagway, they own their own dock..................

  10. Preliminary hearings are a strange beast. Many defense attorneys waive the preliminary hearing if they are certain the case will proceed to trial anyway. The main reason is that The biggest difficulty with contesting a preliminary hearing in federal court is that the prosecution can admit hearsay testimony. This means that the prosecution can call an agent, usually the case agent, and he testifies about what other agents saw, heard or learned during the investigation. At trial this sort of testimony isn't allowed. IF they are looking for a plea deal the defense attorney doesn't want to antagonize the prosecution or influence the judge. There really isn't anything to read into it.

  11. I'm not sure what you mean by that. There is no district for maritime cases. Maritime cases are prosecuted in the venue the suspect was brought ashore....in this case, the District of Alaska. The Special Maritime and Territorial Jurisdiction (SMTJ) is just a law (18USC7) that grants jurisdiction.


    Thats true but the maritime sentencing quidlines are different and have been since 1984 and revised in the 2012 manual.

  12. The murder statute in the Federal System is much different than in the state system. There is not much room for "plea Bargain" sentence is always harsh..................... (no parole etc.) If it happens in the special maritime district there is even less room. Its an interesting discussion but moot.


    The "plea bargain" will essentialy break down to how much time he will serve NORTH of 18 years for a guilty plea (and thats hard time) not the charges themselves. Federal sentencing is so harsh, 93% of federal cases plead out


    By contrast in State Court a "life sentence" can be as little as 12 years.[ /quote]


    What state considers 12 years as a life sentence.....:confused::confused:




    Just about all 50 unless its an indeterminte sentence such as 25 years to life. In most states an inmate is eligible for parole after serving half his sentence. Then he is credited for good time which can reduce the sentence by half again. So 50 year sentence can result in 12 and half years In GA because of a fluke a murder can be out in 6 (not that it happens) as the state defined a life sentence as 25 year. Other states define it as much as 80 meaning they can be out in 20.


    I'm confused by your post - on one hand you state that there isn't much room for plea bargaining, yet 93% of Federal cases plead out. I don't understand your point. 18 years is the minimum sentence for any murder - even 2nd degree?


    18 is the min for manslaughter, 30 is the min for second degree murder, life without parole is the minmum for 1st degree murder. Plea bargaining in the federal system means pleading guilty to what you are charged with. The reality, however, is that, in most cases, prosecutors give up absolutely nothing in exchange for guilty pleas. Nevertheless, there is a huge incentive to plead guilty in federal court in cases in which a defendant has little or no defense to the charges. This is because the sentencing guidelines in federal court provide for a reduction of a defendant’s sentence by 2 or 3 levels if a person pleads guilty and, thereby, “accepts responsibility.” This can often reduce a sentence by at least a year and often by several years and is why so many defendants ultimately enter guilty pleas in federal court. This is about 10 year in the case of murder.

  13. The murder statute in the Federal System is much different than in the state system. There is not much room for "plea Bargain" sentence is always harsh..................... (no parole etc.) If it happens in the special maritime district there is even less room. Its an interesting discussion but moot.


    The "plea bargain" will essentialy break down to how much time he will serve NORTH of 18 years for a guilty plea (and thats hard time) not the charges themselves. Federal sentencing is so harsh, 93% of federal cases plead out


    By contrast in State Court a "life sentence" can be as little as 12 years.

  14. It fascinates me, the obsession some folks have with "who" the ship personnel is, as if they can make a big difference. Sure we all have favorites, but for the most part zero evidence to base it on. Most of the time its "name dropping" trying to shw some kind of inside connection. (almost as bad as sports fan boards) Policy, procedure, methods, menus, food, supplies etc all come from a MUCH higher level. Everyone is charged with carrying it out the way its supposed to be. That doesn't mean there aren't circumstances that change that. BUT it does mean that when things do go bad its invariably an isolated incident.


    Like the recent Crown incidents. How often does a cruise start with a computer system failure, a medical emergency, weather problems, multiple terrorist attacks in area, a take over of immigration management by government bureaucrats, and a few other issues.


    People saying its isolated are not "cheerleaders" by any means (well at least most of them) they are folks who understand "stuff happens" and you can either make the best of it or get your underpants in a wad and be miserable throughout.


    By all means if you think a computer system failure, a medical emergency, weather problems, multiple terrorist attacks in area, a take over of immigration management by government bureaucrats. is a regular occurrence on the crown, stay away. OR realize that tens of thousands of folks have a great experience every week. Which is more likely?.

  15. ....... passengers have been advised to bring photo copies of their passports to reduce processing times with immigration.......


    You made two important points there. One you should always travel with photocopies of your passport SEVERAL in fact and kept in several different spots. The second is although it didn't likely occur to you (or the other PAX at the time) the real issue was in fact processing time with immigration. Princess was only the first step of several. But like you say when things start cascading, there is little chance of recovery.

  16. Sorry to take the thread off topic, but what Liverpool bombing??


    Sorry I skipped over a bunch The bombing itself was in Manchester. One of the supects was arested and the cell (similar to the 2005 cell and subway bombings) in Liverpool. The connection for these folks was in blegium, sweeden etc and they were locking down everything at that time trying to locate the rest of the cell lest there was a repeat of the Liverpool station bombings

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