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Everything posted by midwestchick

  1. We’ve done Croatia. It was beautiful, but Dubrovnik was so busy and somewhat of a disappointment. The rest of that cruise we loved. It was actually on a 10 day back to back in 2917.
  2. Actually the 125.00 is not a bad price. We paid about that several years ago for a water taxi from the airport to a Ve ice hotel. I don’t really like people movers and I can see they would be a pain for people with luggage. We want the simplest and most convenient transfer we can find. Thank you for the information.
  3. We don’t wish to stay in Venice this time. We prefer to stay where the ship is docked.
  4. Roughly about 20 miles. Are taxis readily available at the airport?
  5. Hi. We are on the Italy intensive on the Quest in October. What excursion did we do with you? It’s been so long…which cruise was in 2016?
  6. That’s roughly what we paid for a water taxi from the airport to a hotel in Venice the last time we were there. Are you flying into Ve ice? What is the name of your hotel? We sail in October and I’ve finally started researching this trip.
  7. That definitely reminds me of Venice. If people sail from there do they used Marco Polo airport or another one?
  8. We are booked on an Italy extensive cruise in October. The ship sails out of Chioggia and not Venice, although we would fly into Venice. I’ll like information about transfers from Venice airport to that port. Are there hotels there and what do people do about transfers? We’ve been to Venice several times before so if we would skip staying there for a day it would not be missed.
  9. I was only commenting on someone’s post as if we all we’re faint hearted! 😳 🙄 🙄 🙄. That was the way I interpreted it. To me it was an insulting comment to post I thin all of us have traveled enough there is not a faint hearted one among the lot.
  10. UPDATE POST ABOUT FRIENDS FLYING TO ORD. They did go to ORD and then were supposed to go on to Dulles but Chicago lost their luggage so they stayed overnight. She said they may never see their luggage but it did leave AMS. Bad new is UA changed our seats after I paid for an upgrade due to a 10 minute time change. Now Incan argue with them at 0600 tomorrow morning. 😡😡😡
  11. IMPORTANT…..LATEST UPDATE FROM SUNDAY FLIGHT TO U.S. We had friends from our cruise fly home yesterday morning (granted it was a Sunday flight) and she emailed me. She said the airport was very busy and they had an early morning flight Sunday to the U.S. She said she needed all of the 4 hours at AMS. I then replied and asked her about luggage arrival. I have not heard back yet to see if all their luggage made it home. I will keep you posted. Our taxi driver from the cruise port will be at our hotel at 0630 on Wednesday to take us to the airport. We have an 1100 flight. Also, Amsterdam is a littered mess from their parade on Saturday and the people who participated stayed on longer as noted by our driver. The canals are a mess with debris and plastic bottles floating. They haven’t had their parade for 2 years but I don’t think this was a way to show any appreciation to the city hosting the event. What a shame for first time visitors to Amsterdam. We were totally appalled at the filthy litter all over the streets in the city center and here in Dam square. Our waitress at breakfast here at the hotel said she saw young people standing by trash containers but purposely dropping beer bottles to the ground in stead of putting them in containers. She watched from the restaurant. She said she witnessed total disrespectfulness. What a shame. 😡😛😫 😒 🤦🏻‍♀️ 🤷‍♀️ The city is working tirelessly to clean up the mess.
  12. As someone said and I quote. “It’s not for the faint hearted! ”. 😉 😄
  13. Thank you. That’s usually the way it is or should be. We will continue our plans to arrive as earlier posts recommended. Some of these situations are not new to us. Life in the travel world is what it is. You either deal with it or stay home. We are quite accustomed to very long travel days to and from the U.S.
  14. That is truly wonderful news. Does it feel as if there are enough staff now
  15. Lucky you. I hate these long flights to the US.
  16. We definitely will. We’ve enjoyed it so far and many pax are really nice, kind and friendly. If you fly home from Amsterdam let us know how the airport is.
  17. We are staying at the Swissotel. Maybe they can direct me there. How long are you in Amsterdam? I’ve been trying to get Anne Frank tickets but it only shows me September. If you are there next week would love to connect and buy you a drink. We’re finally doing our Norway cruse…the weather is much different than your last trip.
  18. Nice to see you here Phil. Where is that located? We have a United direct flight. I hope that makes a difference. I’ll look for the air tags. Where are they located in the airport?
  19. We'll be flying home on the 10th and I understand how bad things are at the Amsterdam airport. Supposedly we have to be there 4 hours before our flight. Have things gotten any better or are they still struggling with a lack of staff?
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