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Posts posted by Suze10860

  1. did you think about aft haven balcony? the pictures online of those balconies are incredible! i think there were 2 chairs, a table and 2 loungers and room for a party!


    my guess is you value the 400 spa pass though and want the spa rooms like i do


    Actually it's a possible upsell situation so I'm pretty limited. I'm currently in a mini suite with a large balcony and I am torn about what to do...


    I think the lovely in-room tub in these cabins would be wonderful, but the entire spa thing isn't that big a deal for me. I mean, it would be nice to have, but that's not the main selling point.

  2. Thanks for your response. If you don't mind my asking, how much do you enjoy your balcony when staying in this type of cabin? My balcony has always been a really big thing to me. But right now I'm struggling with how to weigh its importance against the perks of being in the Haven. There is something about lounging on my OWN little deck that is very appealing to me. Not all of the time. But some of the time. When I really want alone time. I definitely don't mind climbing up from the bottom of the chair! I guess I just want to be sure that if I request it of my steward, I can in fact get 1 lounger and 1 regular chair out there.



  3. I am on that cruise also and I cruise the same week every year so hopefully I can answer your questions.


    Seas are not rough coming out of NY. You crawl through the harbor and for the most part I find the water to be calm. I have only had an issue once, my first cruise and that was around cape hatteras and was also a much smaller ship and I think we cruised along a hurricane. With that being said I have never felt sick on the breakaway.

    Depending on NY weather you can swim the first day. If it's cool, there's always the hot tubs.

    I always recommend bringing a light long sleeve or sweatshirt because it tends to be very breezy for the sail away.



    I LOVE your post! Just one question: Are you sure that's not the "Maine" in you talking? :) Nothing would make me happier than to be lounging in the sun on the first full sea day. And I will be. Whether it's in a bathing suit or sweatpants - I will be!!


    I am so excited about this cruise!!

  4. Thanks for the response. I too am an avid researcher!! I've watched that darn video so many times. It's great, isn't it?


    I don't care about the couch/chair situation in the cabin. Nor about the "pole" that I hear about once in awhile. And I'd be more interested in snacking on my deck rather than an actual meal.


    I would also NOT be adverse to having a lounger sideways on the deck. Anyone ever done that?


    I'm sailing out of NYC on the Breakaway on April 3...the type of room is still up in the air. I'll definitely come back with lots of info though. I'm a "pay it forward" kind of gal and I like to write a detailed review.

  5. I guess you don't think calling someone obnoxious is being judgmental either?


    FWIW, I don't care...just holding out a small hope that you might not be so judgmental (sorry...opinionated) about other people in the future...especially since you don't like it when it's done to you.



    But that is just an opinion.


    Whew. Just went back and read a bunch of your other posts. I feel much better now knowing you're this way to lots of other people. I won't take it personally.


    And for the record, I would say the fact that you've taken time to direct 3 posts at ME (having nothing to do with the actual subject matter of the thread) sort of says you DO care. Just like you seem to care about pointing out lots of other "issues" with people's posts.


    And finally, you might want to reconsider the difference between being "judgmental" and having an opinion about someone's behavior. I would be judgmental if I said every long-time poster on CC is obnoxious. That's an untrue generalization. That's not the same as saying I find your responses to me obnoxious.


    Carry on not caring....

  6. That is a huge response to a simple yes or no question, isn't it?


    FWIW...being that this is a discussion forum, unless attributed to an exterior source, EVERYTHING posted here is an opinion...it really doesn't need to be stated.


    Still...any person's opinion about someone else's behavior is always that person's judgment as well.



    Reminds me of the "Mean People Suck" bumper stickers and how they made fun of the people who couldn't understand that saying that people suck is...in and of itself...mean.


    OK - how about this:


    No. (I don't think I was being judgmental.)


    Full disclosure: Yes. (I do think you're being a little obnoxious in your attempt to "call me out." Why do you care?)

  7. While I understand your point about not judging others, isn't calling people "rude" judging them?


    It's a good point but I have a very fine line that I use. In the post that I quoted (which was the only one to which I referred) there was a major generalization being made. You have to admit that they were saying that people who pay for and enjoy the beverage package are alcoholics. They didn't preface it by saying "in my opinion." Also, the statement does start with "I really don't think" but that was about being enough alcoholics booking cruises!


    So, when I said it was rude, I was referring to the specific behavior that I'd just witnessed/read. I also stated very clearly that it is what "I think" - It was my opinion. Not stating a fact.


    I wasn't make a judgement. I was specifically giving my opinion on someone stating as a fact (people who buy the UBP are alcoholics) something that is obviously just their opinion. Two different things.


    You might think it's splitting hairs. But honestly, the fact that I took the time to type out this response should show you that it's something I take very seriously. I take words in general quite seriously.


    But no worries.

  8. How nice.


    I've purchased the UBP at cost twice, and had it promo'd twice.


    I enjoyed it equally in both circumstances.


    Well, according to some standards around here, you must obviously be an alcoholic. If you read my post above, you'll see that I DEFINITELY don't agree with that sentiment! I'm quite sure that there are actually plenty of people who pay for and enjoy the package. And it makes them neither alcoholics nor obnoxious drunks. I think it makes them people enjoying their vacations the way they want. To each his own.

  9. I really do wish they'd eliminate the included UBP and lower prices. I really don't think there are enough alcoholics increasing their bookings to offset the cost to the rest of us who would rather book at the lower rate without UBP because there's no way we'd ever drink even close to enough to equal the cost of the UBP.


    I totally understand why some people don't like the drink packages. That's fine. But why do so many people feel the need to immediately "go there" and imply that people who get a package are alcoholics? I'm sorry, but I'm sure there are people who get the drink package, break even with it, drink a lot on the cruise, behave themselves the entire time, and are NOT alcoholics!! Sorry, but I think that it's rude to insinuate otherwise.


    Just say you don't like it; you'd never drink enough to make it worth your while; you wish it didn't exist. No need to disparage others who do like and/or want it.


    Just my opinion of course, and probably not a popular one from most of the posts I've read. And just in case anyone cares, I personally wouldn't be able to break even with the the drink package at full price. But guess what? I'm not the only person in the world so I don't think I should judge others by my personal behavior!!

  10. I will just say that if my daughter in law kept trying to persuade me to participate in an activity in which I have no interest, it would be annoying and definitely put a strain on the relationship.


    While I don't think you should push it, I just wanted to add that I definitely don't feel this way. Assuming you have a good relationship with your in-laws that is. If my kids' significant others cared enough to try to convince me to do something with them, it would definitely not annoy me at all. I'd personally be happy that they want me to do something with them that they enjoy. I guess it depends upon the relationship itself.


    But just to reiterate what I originally said, I don't think trying to convince them is a good idea. But not for this reason.

  11. I didn't think takeadip's post was judgmental, it was an opinion.


    It is fine if someone wants to take a cruise and stay drunk and lay around the pool.


    Well, first of all, an opinion can be judgmental. They are not mutually exclusive.


    And what was said was:


    Originally Posted by gwsster

    If you cruise to drink then the "free" drink perk may be of value, not so much for me or DH.


    It's presumptuous to assume that the "free" drink perk would only have value for a person who "cruises to drink." I just pointed out that this is absolutely NOT the case.


    Again, we were talking about the "free" drink package (As you can see right in the quote to which I referred.) I personally wouldn't pay for a drink package because we don't drink enough to warrant it. We wouldn't even break even. We do, however, drink enough to save money when we are just paying only the 18% charge. I guess my point is that you don't need to over-drink by any means when the drink package is a free perk.


    However, that being said, we do know people who will pay for a drink package, will save money by doing so, will NOT misbehave while onboard, and do NOT solely cruise to drink. I guess I just don't like generalizations.


    But really, from the sound of your post you seem to be in agreement that people who get the drink package are going to over-drink and misbehave. Seems to be a lot of that opinion here. I don't cruise enough to really know the full story, but I remember seeing multiple overly-drunk, rude individuals on each of the cruises I've taken. I'm going to pay close attention on my up-coming April cruise.

  12. Yes, all those plus iced tea, coffee, flavored waters.


    What does this mean? Like a pitcher of still water with lemon in it? I'm just curious. I'm a big seltzer/club soda drinker. I especially love it flavored. I've read lots of different things as far as if I can get seltzer or club today free of charge.

  13. Check out #102 on wine list.


    Thank you! Needless to say, I don't know much about wine at all. Other than the fact that there are only a few types that I like. I was looking for the word "prosecco" more as the type of wine, and didn't realize it would be after the word "Brut." Thanks for confirming that it is there. Hope it's one that I like.

  14. Agreed.. That is still the only reason my dw and ds cruise... It's to see the world .. I guess in my review of the breakaway on 3/6 to 3/13 I will make sure I take notice... I may even take some pics of my fellow passengers who are chair hogging that way we can put them on blast!!! I hope people don't just sit on the ship and get wasted... That would be a waste.


    Come on. Just because it's "the only reason" for you, really does not mean it must be "the only reason" for everyone. In my opinion, this is one of the most judgmental posts I've seen.


    I agree that I don't want others drinking so much that they intrude on MY (or anyone else's) vacation. But please don't think that your reason for cruising is any more valid than a person who wants nothing more than to be on a ship in the middle of the ocean without a care in the world. If that were anything like pitching a tent in my backyard and just staying home, I'd start renting out real estate.


    Sorry, but even if I don't in any way over-drink when I cruise, I found this a little offensive.

  15. So I'm not a new cruiser. My husband and I LOVE CRUISES! We want to plan a family trip with his mom (50), his sister and her husband (both in their mid 20s), and their 2 kids (2 and 7). We know they would have an amazing time on a cruise because we've vacationed with them before and we think a cruise vacation would be perfect for them. One of their biggest hesitations is the feeling of being "stuck in the middle of the frickin' ocean". Any advice or any facts you guys can share to help us convince them?


    Ugh. I have one brother who has a wife who feels the same way. It makes the rest of us crazy (two brothers and two sisters and their families who have cruised together.) Because this particular brother doesn't have super strong feelings on cruising, he never pushes it. They enjoy their all-inclusive resorts in the DR (which isn't really our cup of tea.)


    The only thing that I tried to suggest is maybe a very short cruise to nowhere deal. They never wanted to do it.


    Other than that, I personally wouldn't try to convince someone. I'm the type of person who would end up feeling 100% responsible for their happiness on the cruise. Just what I don't need.

  16. No, you are not alone. My husband and I sat across from each other on our cruise. We were at a table for 8 with three other couples. All of the other couples also sat across from each other.


    Ah yes. Obviously you too like to stare lovingly in to your husband's eyes? (Yup. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!!! :p;):eek::) )

  17. If you cruise to drink then the "free" drink perk may be of value, not so much for me or DH.



    I think saying this is a little harsh. We absolutely don't do anything in life solely "to drink." I would worry if we did. However, on a cruise, or on any vacation for that matter, we probably will drink a little more than usual. No driving. No getting up early. If we want to have wine with dinner and then a drink later on at a show, it's not really a sign of "cruising to drink."


    So, if we each have just 2 drinks a day (for a total of 4 drinks) and they are $10 each, that's $40 a day. Seven (7) days times $40 is $280. That's a savings if we pay the charge on the "free" package. And I really don't think it represents excessive drinking.


    Just my thoughts.

  18. Him, we must be odd-couple out. I'm pretty sure we would sit across from each other. At least that's what we do when we go out with friends. To me, it seems more natural to be looking at my husband, rather than next to him.


    And if we were first, we'd probably take AC - not because of window or view. We would do that in a regular restaurant without the ocean outside!!

  19. It all varies whether you think it's worth it. A younger crowd will definitely love this and view the charge as a necessary cost.


    I'd like to speak for people I know in the "older crowd" out there. My husband and I are by no means over-the-top drinkers. I'm still pretty sure we will love this as well and we totally understand the charge. In my opinion, it doesn't take that much to get to the point where you save money. I think that LrgPizza's explanation summed it up perfectly.

  20. Thanks so much for posting this question. The only specialty restaurant I've pre-booked is Moderno. While I'm not feeling the love here, I know we still want to try it because we love a Brazilian Rodizio. Hopefully we'll enjoy it.


    I'm sure we'll also hit-up Cagneys. Always enjoy a steakhouse.


    We also have 4 dinners, so the other 2 are still up in the air. It's great to read other people's opinions here.

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