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Everything posted by jam19872016

  1. The plan was to do 19 laps but gosh that Florida sun is intense. I did 9 and will do the other 10 once we are moving and have some breeze.
  2. Heading to the walking track to get my two miles in and by then rooms should be ready.
  3. No but I've left my car for almost this long last year and it cranked right up. Hopefully it will be good. No other cars but the owner could see me on camera when I pulled in so that's reassuring that he is paying attention to motion on his property. Was in a very nice looking neighborhood and he indicated he would be in town Wednesday. Like I said a little nervous but there are absolutely 0 red flags going off so far. I needed to take a picture of my car in the parking spot front back and sides for insurance purposes. The host also asked for a picture.
  4. Internet check. If this holds up I will be very happy. Definitely starlink upgrade since last time.
  5. My mom just found a duck. I wasn't even looking yet and she got a head start on me.
  6. Lunch was very satisfying. Now we are heading to the coffee bar for me then checking out the library for my mom.
  7. Then off to lido. I stopped off at red frog for a Pina colada but it didn't seem open so grabbed one from blue iguana. Pro tip, your folio will be on your receipt if you need it to log into the hub and get on wifi.
  8. We each made our way to our rooms to drop off bags. Both our rooms appeared ready but no key yet so we vacated in search for lunch. My home for the first five days.
  9. Boarding started at 1040. Wedding parties first. They kept calling and they never showed up so at 1043 they called diamonds. By 1048 we were on board. Mustered by 1053.
  10. Made it to the parking spot and called an Uber. It arrived within 4 minutes and whisked me to the terminal. Check in was a breeze sat down at 1028 just waiting to board.
  11. As expected I didn't sleep well but thats normal coming up in cruise day. Gonna wipe the sleep from my eyes, load up and head out. Let's do this!
  12. A little more I think since I'm using it for 56 days but you purchase by the month but yes a very nice savings. Probably about $4.50 a day.
  13. I'm a little nervous but I drive a Nissan nothing flashy and I purchased the insurance package. I asked my friend who travels a lot if she had heard of it and she said yes but never used it or heard anyone's experience with it.
  14. Well I am going to try to sleep. Its like Christmas Eve but I am going to try. The plan is to hit the road by 8am tomorrow although 7:30 would be better in case there are any problems. Leaving at 8 will get me to my parking spot at 9:48. Adding 30 minutes for an Uber (rough guess) will get me at the terminal at 10:18. My check in time is 10-10:30 and boarding typically begins by or right at 11. I would love to be mustered and eating by 11:15. See everyone tomorrow for cruise day 🤪
  15. For parking I am trying Neighbor.com which is a site I stumbled upon while researching options since two months of parking at traditional options is a bit pricy. It's basically like Airbnb but instead of renting a vacation home, you're renting a place to park or store things. In my case I am renting a parking space in a driveway. It sounds a little sketchy and I'm definitely nervous, but it is a legitimate website and my host has all five star reviews(although not a lot of reviews so who knows). All in costs for two months including fees and insurance came out to $253. I spoke to him and most of his renters are cruisers taking extended trips and crew looking for a place to park during their contract. Its only a couple miles from the port and I will Uber in in the morning.
  16. Just ONE MORE DAY!!! Helped my mom finish some packing yesterday and now today we are pretty much good to go. I stopped by CVS and it brought back memories of stopping in there 48 hours before a cruise but there was no nose probing yesterday just picking up some items I forgot at home. I feel extremely prepared which is still anxiety inducing because I just know I am forgetting something. Hopefully I am good I am just usually such a last minute packer (like that morning) that I am not used to being ready. We couldn't find my mom's Halloween costume so we are not gonna dress up. I unpacked mine and that will make some more room in my suitcase which is already fuller than I've ever packed before. I had to make sure I had some nice clothes packed since Cunard isn't a big t-shirt kinda crowd. So unless I remember what I forgot, I'm good to go just waiting on tomorrow to get here. Hurry up Monday!
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