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Everything posted by Denversail

  1. Like Dupable said, this is supposed to be about cruising! Well then let’s get back to cruising. We are now 43 hours out and my procrastination is in overdrive. I decided to just get a haircut once on the ship. So went ahead and booked that for day 1. The plan for today is to finish up laundry, pay bills, get all my trip docs together. That will leave all the packing and shopping for tomorrow. It seems odd to me that this has felt like the longest week of my life yet I’ve gotten very little done. I guess I’ve already switched to vacation brain. 🤪 Taking a little lunch break. I needed to go out and fill up the gas tank and wash the car. I figured I’d grab some lunch while I was out. Today it is French onion soup and a chicken breast.
  2. I got the early morning phone call from Dupable. She wanted to share with me all the ways I’m doing my live wrong. I’ve gotten way off track she says. I can’t just be posting anything I want. I shouldn’t be telling folks I won’t answer their questions once on the ship. That just isn’t nice. She is threatening an appearance. If I don’t do better she is going to have to step in. 😭
  3. Two more days of work. I’ll work from home today and head into the office tomorrow. Pup Pup needed to go in for a dental today. Now he is what I call a stress pooper. He gets very stressed in the car. Now even though it has never happened in the car, I still spend the entire ride thinking he is about to cover the seat in 💩. When he gets out of the car within the first 30 seconds 💩 just starts pouring out. Every single time.🙀
  4. I don’t know about you But I’m feeling twenty-two Everything will be alright if You keep me next to you You don’t know about me But I’ll bet you want to Everything will be alright if We just keep dancing like we’re Twenty-two, twenty-two
  5. We have never run out of money to spend at Playmakers. We travel as 4 with UDP. We always just give them enough sea-passes to cover our order. If we ordered three hamburgers and our bill came to $30 we would just give two sea passes regardless of who ate the food. Never explained or even thought about it.
  6. I want to take a moment and set some necessary boundaries for while we are on the ship. I’ve noticed some of you CC folks treat us reviewers like your personal errand boys. We will have none of that here. There will be no menu posting, daily planners, drink prices, measurements, wine list, guest services inquiries, this live will basically be lacking any useful information. Don’t waste your time asking. I’m on vacation!
  7. We have jumped to 22 followers. I think I saw something about 1.8K views. So many lurkers out there. I’m totally kidding I just kept clicking into it to up the count.
  8. So 🤣 let’s bring Mr. IT into the mix. He has just caught wind of all the dead animal drama. This is how the conversation basically went: Mr. IT: I agree. It is a terrible PR move. Me: Did you notice someone hopped on to the SO band wagon. I’m creating a movement. Mr. IT; So Becky like OMG Becky said like so Mr. IT (as he sees the actual picture) JESUS! OMG! Get that photo off of there! I can’t believe you posted that! Well say goodbye to all your readers! Me: I’m sure it’s fine. I posted a super cute puppy video right after. Mr. IT: Have you removed the dead bunnies?
  9. Dupable just blew up my phone. I declined twice but she persisted. What was the emergency? I’m risking followers by posting dead animals. Momager much? She said she will be watching the numbers closely. She thinks it’s risky and I should consider a delete.
  10. This is him as a puppy. He hasn’t changed much. We have many nicknames for him but currently it has been pup pup. FUN FACT: I’m pretty sure I know why I became his person. It is because no one and I mean no one but me wanted to be near him his first month. Those puppy teeth are sharp. We had some injuries. It was actually a lot of injuries. Some in places I’m not permitted to speak about. 🤫 play time 2.mp4
  11. So 🤣 like Mr. IT informed me, readers are invested in the dogs, they don’t give a s#%t about the cruise. Well then let’s talk about my dog. He has some kind of obsessive disorder. I gave him a little steak earlier and then he sat here for an hour waiting for more. A brief description of him: We have to plan out new toys because he will freak out about them for a week. We don’t open Amazon packages that have things for him because he started freaking out whenever we got a package. He still thinks most packages are for him. He gets upset and starts yapping at us in dog talk if we don’t share our food quickly enough. He lifts a single paw when he is begging for food. If you let him lick you he will never stop. When you go to feed him he herds you like a sheep. He likes to bring me dead animals. Some of the killers work is below. Warning: Graphic Content. This post contains violence against animals.
  12. Dupable phoned me this evening. She wanted to catch up on a variety of topics. About midway through the conversation while we were continuing negotiations for a name change she seems to connect a few dots. She abruptly asks me if I have mentioned any of our weather conversations on this live. She was suddenly a little panicked. I assured her that I hadn’t mentioned it. I wouldn’t do something like that. Please give me a little credit. 😉
  13. It’s like second Christmas! My cruise shirts came. I’m so excited. I won’t get in trouble for wearing these babies. 🎊🎊🥳🎉
  14. Wolf’s dog inhaled some steak as soon as I got home. That was the last of the steak. Wolf decided to switch himself to late shifts all this week. I think he did it so I would be the one stuck getting her to eat. I guess we will see how she feels about Chinese food in a little bit.
  15. YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN. YOU’RE BEING TOO LOUD I try to help Dupable sort through misinformation when I can. When I got back to the office I looked up what really happened last weekend. We will be flying out of DIA on Southwest. They cancelled 8 flights on Saturday and another 7 on Sunday. 😮‍💨 They delayed hundreds of flights. I had to explain the difference between cancelled and delayed. We are leaving a day early so we have time for delays. I think we are now back on track and Dupable is going to proceed with her packing. Crisis averted.
  16. Dupable called while I was at lunch. She isn’t sure she should even bother to pack. The trip is for sure ruined. That storm is now supposed to roll in on Friday. Do I not realize how many flights got cancelled last weekend? This storm is going to be just like that one. She then starts going on and on about what our insurance will cover. This is all happening while Wolf is in the background telling her he agrees and isn’t going to bother to pack either. 🙄
  17. Chinese for lunch today. Food came out hot and yummy. I regretted coming here immediately after being seated. I remembered this server from my last visit. He creeps me out. All the hairs everywhere just stand at attention. He triggers my flight response. Won’t be coming back here for a while.
  18. Mr. IT is a HUGE football fan. When the Bronco's lost the super bowl a few years ago he called out sick and stayed in bed the next day. I'm pretty sure I can recite some episodes of A Football Life from memory. When he came home last night he was all caught up on this blog. What did he immediately confront me about? The KC gear. He was deeply offended that I was buying Chief's gear. I reminded him that I only bought it for Dupable and Good Sport. His eyes narrowed, but you thought about getting some for yourself. 😏 I think I'd be more easily forgiven if I cheated on him instead of the Bronco's. Go Chiefs!! 🤣🤣
  19. Was just reading a thread about Coco Cay weather. Sounds like folks got kicked off the island early yesterday. Our forecast is still showing sunny skies. We will be there on Monday. A lot more wind than I would like. That is more than your typical island breeze.
  20. We will be there Monday. Still hoping for good weather.
  21. I’m currently Diamond with 131 cruise points. This trip will get me to 144 points. I should end the year at 160 points. It is a slow climb.
  22. Dupable and Good Sport stopped by last night to pick up their shirts. They were walking in as I headed to bed. It appears they grabbed the shirts but didn’t want to deprive me of the trash.
  23. I’ve been up since 2 am. I have about 1/2 hour until I would have to get up at this point. I guess no more zzzs for me today. Another day as a walking zombie.
  24. As far as ship activities go you will find Dupable, Wolf, and Good Sport in the Schooner bar or Music Hall playing cards. Uno is Wolf’s game of choice. We will probably all make it to about 80% of the trivia events. Dupable and Good Sport might take in a few shows. I frequently joke that the ship isn’t really necessary. A local hotel with a nice bar and restaurant would be like the same vacation just a lot cheaper. 🤣 I think on our last cruise we ended up at the pool once. We were at Labadee and it was hot. When we got back on the ship we went to the pool to cool off. Good Sport wanted to sit in a jacuzzi. I try to psych myself up to get in the water but can’t bring myself to do it anymore. I see all those people crammed in and it just grosses me out. 🤢 I’ve settled for just cooling off in the showers.
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