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Posts posted by Scott6444

  1. This is just a symptom of the disposable society we've become. Ads tell people they need to upgrade their phones every single year; new tech comes out, throw out the old and buy new. Don't bother with leftovers - go out for another meal. Don't wear last year's jacket, shoes, purse, blouse, etc. You absolutely must have new! Just go ahead and buy what you want, when you want it!


    There's nothing wrong with refurbishing what's still good at it's core.


    Of course, this comes from someone with a 4 year old phone, a 5 year old kindle, a home computer that still runs Vista, and I've had the same winter coat for the past 10 years (I replaced the zipper a couple of years ago though).


    Well said! People are so in debt, but have the newest of everything! Stop buying and save a buck.

  2. Never bought never will. Always go straight to cabin upon boarding. Room always been ready, so dropping off luggage was no problem. Priority boarding; always been there when port opens and am one of the first on. Debarkation, never too worried getting off, always made sure connecting transportation and flights were well enough ahead to not stress when i get off the ship, allows for a liesure morning.

    I could see the value a bit in priority tenders, but as we like to explore the ports of call at our will and direction we would not need priority tenders. Some excursions we have found are good, but many are very rushed and the vultures are waiting everywhere. I like to see the real ports and towns, not the tourist parts, but thats just me. Also with staggered boarding now, not sure if fttf is worth it, and not at an increased cost.


    Happy sailing

  3. How many people here actually use debit cards, and run right to the internet to check the balance? I use debit cards sometimes, and have had this done to mine, but rarely notice cause I only review my monthly statements and those only show posted charges.


    I use my debit card 6-8 times a day, and am never charged more then the amount. It would be illegal for a bank to pay out any amount it felt like.

  4. On both the Miracle and Breeze we put a lump sum on the kids cards, and set the limit at $10 a day. The card would not allow them over the $10, worked great. I never went back to guest services once, and at the end of the cruise their itimized bill was included with mine, never over the $10 per day, and the small remaining amount was added back to my account. All very easy and perfect!

  5. Us and the kids enjoyed it last time on the breeze! Dont know times, and it is weather dependant. Can be challengng, but i think more so for adults, lol. Seen lots of 'big' kids taking awhile, while kids were flying threw it. Seen few lines for it or anything, golf or slides.



  6. I was booking two rooms at same time and the agent got the names wrong and sent the itenerary by email while i was on the phone with her....3 times! Just couldnt get the right people in the correct cabin. I just kept calm and told her while laughing we can do this all night if she would like until i get email that is correct, next go she got it. There was no need for hostility or compensation, i knew the trip was my responsibility, so i controlled the situation. As another member reflected, do the homework yourself.

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