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Everything posted by oldstudent1

  1. Anyone able to get their Goodwill FCCs extended beyond 12/31/22? I am looking for some magic. I had the $4K + applied to a cruise in October that I couldn't use because my husband died. I could have used them on 2 cruises I took since, but they were sitting on the cruise I couldnt take. Chris
  2. I have Goodwill Cruise credits that I received while on the Coral in March, 2020 when the pandemic broke out. We had a choice of receiving a full refund then or opting for additional cruise credits. I took the the additional cruise credits and applied them for a cruise in October 2022. I had to cancel that cruise because my husband died. Now Princess tells me the Goodwill credits (over $4K) will expire if I don't sail by 12/31/22. The regular customer service number cannot help me. Does anyone know an email or other number to help? Elite desk? Thank you.
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