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Posts posted by happy_trees

  1. We discovered that yesterday when trying to book shore excursions on our Alaska cruise ... the total came to $80 more than it should have.


    Took four separate calls to get it straightened out for the correct amount. First one said they couldn't find any excursions, second booked us, but not for the times we asked for, third corrected the booking. And the fourth phone call today sent us the confirmation, finally.

  2. It worries me that you say this is the new site ... it looks like something from the 1990s.


    We've booked our first RC cruise, and my gosh it seems every time we want to do something -- add internet, add excursions -- the website can't handle it. Which then means a call to the agents after the website being unable to apply payment ...


    This isn't a great introduction to their brand. If we'd known how wild and crazy their daily changes in prices are, and how horrid the website is, we'd have tried another company.

  3. Hi,


    So my mum went on the maiden voyage of anthem and loved it so when our friends announced they were getting married on the ship in March we booked , with the confidence of it being a huge ship I should feel little movement as I get sickness .... (Mum never mentioned any movement or creaking )


    We are due to sail in 5 weeks and I've tried to avoid reading too much about the ship , until the recent event of the storm which I've now learnt that the ship moves .... A lot


    I'm basically pooing my pants that I'm going to have a terrible vacation .


    I'm from the Uk and our travel sickness tablets are not great so on my last US trip I bought some Dramamine tablets , which I tried once during a flight and it worked well ....


    But now I'm worrying even those won't work , when I feel the movement I almost freak out as I know how it makes me feel when the sickness starts

    Are there other options ??


    I've tried ginger , U.K. Tablets, the pressure wrist bands etc ,


    I've been on Epic and carnival inspiration and was ok on the epic but had a few bad days on inspiration .


    You might also pop into Boots and pick up Travella by Nelsons. They're behind the counter. Homeopathic. I rarely get motion sickness, but when I do it's a force to reckon with -- only on really twisty roads when sitting in the rear seat -- but these do wonders and aren't drowsy.

  4. Since the vast majority of people who get Zika don't notice any symptoms, it's very possible travellers with the virus don't even know it.


    The CDC is keeping an active map up to date of current areas with mosquito-born Zika. You can compare the map (lower right on the page) with your itinerary and decide your own comfort with whatever the current data says the risk is. That's more effective than random people on the internet guessing.



  5. Wow.....now this sounds like a gourmet product! You could almost have me giving it a try on my next cruise. With cream cheese huh?:D


    marmite and cream cheese on toast is quite nice, yes. just use the tip of your knife. marmite is good in moderation -- i think part of the reason people hate it on first taste is they spread it on thick like butter or peanut butter.


    i was reminded after i posted that marmite on toast, then a slice of cheddar and back under the broiler for 30 seconds is also wonderful, especially with some branson pickle on the side.

  6. I accidentally picked it up thinking it was jam and licked the excess off the knife! Nearly passed out....:eek:

    Give examples as to how you eat the stuff....please.


    on toast, with butter. marmite spread really thin. my favourite sandwich is toast plus butter and marmite and freshly sliced tomatoes with a tiny bit of salt.


    on sandwiches, with Philly/cream cheese. usually you'll have a sandwich filling like sliced cucumbers too.


    hot marmite tea: a dollop in hot water. good thing when you're sick with the flu. vitamins plus liquids.


    i use it as a soup base and sometimes when making brown gravy.


    in the UK, there are even these snacks called twiglets, think something like cheetos, but instead of bright orange cheese, there's a very thin marmite-flavoured coating.


    can really add it to any recipe that calls for salt and pepper. it's got a bit of the taste of both. it's an all-around in the kitchen.

  7. So what if you have no money/credit card? You are just stuck in Jamaica??


    If you're an American, and you're ever stuck anywhere in the world without finds/id/etc, you can go to the closest US embassy. They can re-issue a temporary US passport, and they have repatriation loans for destitute US citizens to get back to the US.


    Most countries have similar programs.

  8. Hi, I have been cruising solo for many years but have never heard of

    being charged 4 times the price:eek:...yes, you are allowed to name

    cruiselines....so Royal Caribbean is charging you 4times the price? I

    agree, that is ridiculous......

    I am fine paying double (well not really fine but I do it because I know

    that is the price I pay) but as for 3 times more? That makes no sense

    to me at all.

    Did you speak with someone about it? Normally they charge double because

    they want 2 people in that cabin.......did they give a reason for the extra



    The price I got was off the internet using their booking system, so then I called to talk to them because that seemed incorrect ... I simply got told the price on the internet was correct and they gave me the updated with port fees and other taxes price which the 1678 didn't include.


    So, I sent in an email asking about why a solo cruiser in a cabin that could only hold 3 people was being asked to pay a few hundred more than if they had the three people in the cabin.


    Haven't heard back. I'm curious if I will, and I hope I do. But I have no idea how long it takes them to get around to replying to emails, if they even do. I think at this point, I may look at rail/land Alaska trips instead -- some of them have very low single supplements.


    Also, I saw after the fact that just a few days before people on this board were getting a fare that had a 50% single supplement. I would have been happy with that fare, but maybe that ended before the sale fares for double occupancy that are good through tomorrow? I also was flexible with the type of cabin -- I've had balconies, OVs, interior. I prefer being able to see the sun, but I'll take what works best for my budget.


    Everyone's been really helpful with me getting my mind around what are normal supplements and where to find some of the deals online, so thank you to people in this thread or via messages. :-)

  9. Fortunately, we'd not booked. We had picked out the cruise, then just one thing after another ... her doc visits, etc, made us wait ... so at least no one is out money for the initial one we'd planned on, which was a Princess Land and Cruise in June. I can move my dates to May to make the cruise a bit cheaper, and although I didn't want to forego the land portion, I could to make it cheaper .... so I'm OK with *some* singleton supplement. Even if RC wanted to charge me double for that cruise on the 27th, it would have been OK. But charging me almost 4x as much is unbelieveable.


    Still looking around. I figure I have probably 2-3 weeks before it'll become unlikely to find a cruise that I can also get affordable airfare to. We'll see.

  10. Thanks for the reply -- unfortunately, it *was* RC. I'd seen several people in the bargains thread say they'd got great fares solo on the May 27th Alaska cruise -- apparently I missed that deal, because that same cruise is $499 per person, double occupancy right now, but is $1678 for a solo cruiser before taxes. Inside cabin. That was the cheapest option. I called to double-check after I got that price on the website, and the person I talked to said solo cruisers were ineligible for any special rates that were offered to people with double occupancy. The total price, after taxes, fees, and before gratuities, was $2012.


    What a difference a week makes. :(


    I'm keeping an eye on plum cruises to see if anything pops up that works with the dates I was planning to be gone. Was hoping there were other tips people have ... I can be rather flexible, and I've done inside, OV, and balcony before -- not going to be picky. Just looking for something that's not going to cost me the same as an entire family to travel.

  11. Hello everyone! I've been a long-time lurker, but not mainly of this forum, and have been on a number of cruises. Never been a solo cruiser before. Recently, the person I was going to takie an Alaska cruise with got sick and won't be able to go ... I think it's a matter of probably not being able to go in the future, unfortunately. We were about to book when she got the news.


    So I thought I'd change things, and see if I could find a slightly cheaper cruise, knowing I'd probably wind up paying a single supplement for the unused bed in the cabin.


    What I discovered as I was looking around was that it's not just going to cost double, but will in many cases cost three or four times as much. I was really surprised by one cruise line (not sure if I can or should mention names) that told me flat-out solos weren't eligible for any discounts, so four times the price of a person sharing a cabin was normal.


    So suddenly, solo's looking much more expensive -- about four times the price -- and puts the idea of cruising out of the realm of possibility. I'll have to look for other ways to get up to Alaska, perhaps. I was wondering two things:


    1. Is this type of much-more expensive pricing normal? Is it normal for solo cruisers to not be eligible for promotional discounts?

    2. Are there good places/sites/lines to search for solo cruise prices?


    I'm not thrilled with paying a solo supplement, but I can do so. I just can't bring myself to pay 4x the cruise price, though.

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