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Posts posted by Hypbmxgurl

  1. Yeah we plan most nights in the main dinningroom. My husband works 3 jobs and I work one. We rarely see eachother though and when we do we have the kids which we love of course but we would like a couple nights to just be adults and spend time together as a couple without the 1 and 5 year old boys with us. Lol just want ideas on things to try and do.

  2. Aww man stay away from cabana Bay, me and my husband work for the same company with valet. He works at royal pacific which is beautiful and I work out by disney. But with all the construction going on at cabana Bay that place is a nightmare. If you did it on your own it would be so much cheaper. I mean shoot why not uber to the port from the hotel? You could walk to Universal it's so close when you go there

  3. Oh wow okay, yeah my friend connected to me told me I could keep the stuff in there then told me nvm because they will think you ate it or what not and charge you for it. Post it note is a great idea! There's nothing that has to actually be refrigerated? Also thank you for the idea about the milk. I would hate to have to leave the cabin at 2 in the morning looking for milk while having a mad 1 year old wanting his random bottle lol

  4. This maybe a dumb question, but I was wondering about the things in the fridge. I know if you take something from it you will be charged. Can we ask once on board if they can empty the fridge? I really don't want to worry about my 5 year old grabbing something from in it all the time. Plus I need the room to keep milk and such for our 1 year old.

  5. Thank you guys so much! I was hoping maybe I could find an over the counter product. I hate to go pay a 60 dollar Co pay for my doctor to see me just to get something to take in case I get sick. I'm leaning towards trying the bonine. Seems like a lot of you have used it! Now just to figure out what to do for the the young ones. All I need is for my.kids to be puking at the dinner table 😅 so glad I found this app to be able to ask my dumb first cruiser questions! You guys are great. Also I hear different parts of the boat you seem to feel more. I think the middle of the boat is best? Makes me a little nervous because we are in room 1404 which is the very back balcony room.

  6. We are going on our first cruise May 22nd on freedom of the seas. I say my first cruise but I went on one back in 3rd grade or so for 3 nights. One thing I remember is being at the formal dinner and getting sick and leaving back to the room with my.mom who also got sick. I want to prevent it this time. My main concern is also my two young boys. I have a 5 year old and an almost 2 year old coming. Any recommendations on something I can bring with me for the little guys and anything that actually works for adults?

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