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Posts posted by SpiritAngel77

  1. Hi Violetmoon1979. I've done pretty good this week, today was my weigh in day and I lost 1.8 kilos, its not much but its better than putting on! Thursday I found it hard to want to go on with the programme, I was hungry and felt sorry for myself that I couldn't have what I wanted to eat, but I stuck it out as I am so determined to be healthier and to fit my clothes better for the cruise, they're a little tight at the moment but I want to be comfortable in them! I live in Melbourne, the Eastern part, it gets cold here, wish I could have some of your heat, lol. Unfortunately due to laziness, I find it hard to exercise now, I have Osteoarthritis in the back so every 5-10 minutes I have to sit down as my back seizes up, so it has put a damper on my exercise routine, but I am not going to quit, I am doing only 5 mins at the moment on a stepper and the exercise bike, in the next couple of months I hope to be doing 20-30 mins of exercise. I used to love walking, thats why I get upset with myself for becoming lazy with it, but I will slowly get there! You will too, it just takes time and alot of effort!:)

  2. Wheatie59, that is the exact thing, its very very handy, I bought it for my hospital stay last year. I will have a look at that thread someone mentioned about the power strips and such that we can bring on, thanks everyone for the tips and information.:)

  3. Its a special outlet tower I bought from "Innovations", it has USB ports for charging your Iphones and normal powerpoints for normal electrical stuff like fans and laptops and what not! I was also wanting it for my small fan as I cannot sleep without my fan noise, otherwise I'll go crazy, and I don't think they want a crazy person going mad at night on the ship, lol. I could buy a plug for my iphone, I just haven't had to up until we go on the cruise I suppose.

  4. I am wondering if the cruise lines actually inspect our Handbags and carry on bags at all? I need to take a special power outlet tower with me so I can charge my phone, as I don't have a normal cord for it, I lost it:rolleyes:, lol. I am worried they will confiscate my tower and it cost me a fair bit, so I don't want them to lose it!

  5. Thank you all so so much for your replies, you have put my son and I at ease. Thank you for the club meet and greet meeting tip, will do that as I don't want him to feel left out with the other kids, gets a bit of that at school as he joined his school halfway through 2015 and found it hard to find friends of course!:D

  6. So, I have just been told maybe I should come to the Carnival Cruise threads, maybe I should have been looking properly, cos I didn't know there were a whole board on the different cruise lines, OOPS:o. I put this message on the OZ/NZ part, but I'm not really getting many responses to the questions I asked. We are going on a Carnival cruise(Spirit) and was wondering if the Doctor Seuss Breakfast is worth the money and if the green eggs are actually edible? As they look horrid due to the colouring, lol, are they actually tasty? if of course anyone has had it by chance if they were on a Carnival cruise?

  7. WOW, sounds like cruising isn't all that bad with some of you going on cruise after cruise, so now I AM excited, lol. Unfortunately due to lack of budget I don't know when our next cruise would be, if we ended up liking this one, plus my sister wants us to go to America, as she has always wanted to go there! Plus I have a son who has mild Autism and I am just hoping he will be fine on this cruise as he gets very anxious with new surroundings and such. He freaked out just having to get on the ferry from Queenscliff to Sorento a few years ago, that was scary as he had never freaked out like that before! But from what you all have said, has made me even more happier that we chose to go on a cruise instead of The Gold Coast for our holiday, plus I am looking forward to not having to cook for 9 nights, lol.:D

  8. I just hope I am not disappointed with the cruise, as its very expensive and its the only holiday we will be going on for a long while after!! I don't expect everything to be perfect, but just not to the point that I am writing a bad review, I hate writing bad reviews for anything! I have read reviews that Carnival Spirit, since its refurbishment, has come along way in better service and food, I just hope it has. i cannot WAIT.:D

  9. I think there is something wrong with me, all I can think about is the cruise we're going on, and its not even happening for another 9 months. All I do is look up video's of the ship, the food, the entertainments, reviews and tips and info about cruising, I'm too excited for it. Of course its my first cruise. Did anyone else feel like this about their first cruise or any cruise they go on, or is it just me, being obsessed? lol.:D:o

  10. I am so glad there is a board for people trying to lose weight for their cruises, as I am one of them. I am going on the Carnival Spirit in Feb 2017 so I'm hoping that give me time to lose weight so I can fit into my clothes before we cruise, then I don't have to buy new clothing. I have just put some tops on Lay-buy that are one or 2 sizes smaller than me, so it would give me inspiration to lose weight, but it so far isn't doing anything.

    Unfortunately I love love LOVE food, especially the savoury stuff, and I find it very hard to get motivated anymore to exercise or want to stop eating the food I love! BUT for the sake of my health especially, as I am rather large, I really need to do this and stop giving up a week later or making excuses for not wanting to stop eating the bad stuff! So, from tomorrow which will be the 2nd of May here in Australia, I will start my WW programme, I have Weight Watchers books that I ordered months ago, that I never even started to try and work from, all that money spent on them and I've done nothing with them, well, not this time!

    I also have to get my mind out of eating junk food all weekend long as I do, even when I am dieting, as this is just not helping me lose weight or keep it off! So, even though its going to be tough for me and I probably won't be too happy about it, next weekend is the start to new thinking, I will let myself have one thing if I crave it, but I will not let myself eat junk food all weekend long. So every Sunday, I will weigh myself and report it here, instead of weighing on a Saturday like I do, this way I won't be able to overeat on Saturdays like I do now. So, here I go.......:)

  11. I put this message on the OZ/NZ part, but I'm not really getting many responses to the questions I asked. We are going on a Carnival cruise and was wondering if the Doctor Seuss Breakfast is worth the money and if the green eggs are actually edible? As they look horrid due to the colouring, lol, are they actually tasty? if of course anyone has had it by chance if they were on a Carnival cruise?

  12. Hello. For those that have sailed on the Carnival cruise ships, did any of you try the Doctor Seuss Breakfast? If so, just a couple of questions. Are the eggs tastier than they look, being green an all, as they look horrid, lol. Is it on every morning or just set mornings?, As we were hoping to do it for my son's 16th Birthday breakfast! Also, is the breakfast worth paying for as an extra?

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