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Magic City Cruiser

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Posts posted by Magic City Cruiser

  1. Does anyone have any experience with this group?

    Specifically, I'm looking at the West Tour:


    Barker's National Park


    Cayman Turtle Farm

    Tortuga Rum Shop


    It's a 3.5 hour tour and I'm wondering how much time in the auto and how much time at the stops? And, it's $79 so can I do it myself rather than a tour for less?

  2. Thank you for this review, we will absolutely be purchasing weekly passes on the Dream :D Where is the spa reception desk where we would go to buy our passes, can we access this without being in a spa cabin? (we do not want to change from our cove balcony as we have always wanted to try a cove)


    Glad to hear you say this! We've just booked a Cove, which I am really looking forward to, but I love the Spa amenities! However, the difference between the Deck 11 OV and our Cove, when you factor in the Spa Package we would only save about $12 and some elevator time :D.

  3. As for "no big deal if you're caught", I beg to differ. My cabin mate had to watch while Security at the Port of New Orleans laughed as he poured out her water bottle camo vodka. The same trip, I had to go to the naughty room to explain that my DH must have put that box of wine in my luggage and didn't know about the rules. We were both so traumatized that for the amount we drink, we'll just suck it up and do it "legal". :p

    That said, people have smuggled in any and all ways. Sometimes you get caught, sometimes you don't. End of stowry.

  4. I think it's still hit or miss these days but the hits are coming more frequently :p. My cabin mate usually sails with a full bar in her suitcase, a little of this and a little of that in the original bottles, I had to go to the naughty room to remove the full box of wine. My DH says spend the $ and don't worry about getting caught. I don't drink that much, anyway!

  5. Good luck and peace with your decision! It sure is a bummer to have to lose something to get something!

    My two cents: Have DH ask...never hurts to ask.

    And, for the record, I cruise with several friends every year, one of the groups cabin mates cancelled at the last minute. He didn't want his money back but Carnival wanted to charge her the single rate which wasn't in her budget. So, we did the no show. Carnival pages her before the ship sailed and she said "Oh, no, I can't believe he's not on the ship...yada, yada" and that was that. No extra charges.:D

  6. We had an aft balcony on Triumph and loved it.


    One hint, on deck 8 the aft balconies on either end are wider (I'm not talking about the wraps). They are the same price. We didn't get an end one but were right beside it. It really is noticeably bigger. It's only true on Deck 8 though. All the rest are equal size.


    I had one of these "bigger" balconies. As I recall it was much deeper and a little wider than the other AFT balconies. We had friends next door so I could do a nice comparison. We often gazed longingly at the extended AFT balcony on our left....sooooooooo nice! I would actually pay a bit more than $120 for an AFT balcony but I spend a lot of time on a balcony.

  7. Bless all of your hearts. Reminds me of the time my five year old locked us out of the hotel bathroom necessitating a middle of the night room move (why hotel maintenance couldn't unlock the door is still a mystery) and then the next day, pulled the fire alarm in the hotel restaurant. It happens, FIDO, forget it and drive on. ENJOY YOUR CRUISE!

  8. I've asked this before but now I have a new twist!

    Once again, has anyone been able to have a roll away brought to the room each night instead of using the most uncomfortable couch? I know it "might" be possible but I'm hoping to hear from someone that has done this.

    NEW TWIST-Has anyone, on any ship really, used an inflatable mattress? I'm thinking it might be a good investment and we can maybe put it in the closet when not in use and not have to deflate and inflate! Is this a crazy idea??

  9. I sailed Carnival for about 5 years with a BC and DL and never had any issues. AND, never had to show my marriage certificate. My BC was the original so I think to be on the safe side I would order an "official" copy from the state.

    I used to have nightmares about getting to port without my ID but those went away once I got my passport!

  10. I just submitted a question on John Heald's blog... hopefully we'll get some information. :)


    Thanks, Robear! Hopefully we can wish you a happy birthday on this cruise! At last count there was 12 of us so we can do a rousing if not on key Happy Birthday song!

    I love the Elation though as this will be our 3rd cruise in a row aboard her, I'm hoping there will be another ship in NOLA next year that goes on 5 nights!

  11. Don't know if you have or not come join our roll call for the 13th.


    Yeah, keep us posted on the roll call if you get any info on the dry dock renovations! Elation is a nice ship, not too big, not too small, any improvements will be icing on the cake!

  12. As I mentioned in our Roll Call, this October will be my 9th October cruise, sailing from New Orleans or Mobile to Cozumel and Progreso. Three years ago, we sailed around a hurricane, missing both Mexico ports and substituting Key West. The weather was some of the best of all the cruises, not too hot, beautiful sunshiny cruise days and Key West was gorgeous with bright sunshine.

    Last year, we ended up with a three night cruise to nowhere instead of our scheduled 5 night cruise because the authorities closed the Mississippi River due to impending Hurricane Karen, I think it was. We were packed and ready to roll when we got the word so me and my nine other girlfriends drove/flew to Nawlins and rented a lovely house Uptown for two nights. The "hurricane" turned into a 20 minute thunderstorm which we all enjoyed from our front porch while sipping Cosmopolitans. The weather on the 3 night cruise? Simply perfect.

    The first couple of cruises, we would book at the end of the month...the "end" of hurricane season, so we thought...but 2 of 3 of those cruises were chilly and windy and cold and rainy. We now go closet to the first of October as we can.

    A couple of early cruises we had some "rough" seas....but out of 8, none have been a complete bust or reschedule.

    As for your 3 year old, take meds just in case but she should be fine. Those prone to seasickness in my group swear by the patch but so far I've done just fine with some ginger pills when the seas were choppy.

    I love October cruises from New Orleans. Not a lot of kids or teens (not that that's a BAD thing :D), GREAT prices and overall beautiful weather.

    That said "you pay your money, you take your chances". You can't predict or control the weather.

  13. Oh, I see what you are saying :)

    yes, the only thing to do is to keep watching...as often as possible. Doing it every day (especially if you book are out) could get tedious :p


    Exactly! I figured as much but was hoping I would find an easy way :D. It drives me mad to think I might be missing a drop. And, what's ridiculous is my cruises are not expensive at all! I think it's kinda like gambling...just the thrill of "winning", even if it is only enough for a couple of DOD's!

  14. I think my "rhyme or reason" confused things!:D. While I understand drops and increases based on how a ship is selling, as far as I'm concerned, since I can't see how the ship is selling, there is NO "rhyme or reason", I just have to keep watching everyday!

    I just thought since I've noticed price drops AFTER an ADVERTISED sale that maybe there were other such times I could keep an eye out like a particular day of the week or season. I mean do they "run the sales report" once a month so IF the ship isn't selling, you'll see a drop around that time...that kind of thing :).

  15. I never have gotten the hang of the Fare Viewer Engine thingee but I do "fake bookings" quite often to check my rates.

    Of course, I'm on the Carnival Email list so get emails about "sales" and such.

    What I'm wondering is how often do rates drop without advertisement? Does it seem to be tied to advertised sales? I know I always figure that the rates will drop AFTER the sale ;).

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