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Posts posted by Cruisingfor40

  1. I am wondering about this as well. We have one daughter, her first cruise, so no friends or siblings. But, I want her be able to do her own thing, such as "hit the waterslides, we will see you later!" type of thing. I just have no idea how the phone thing works. And in the case where she is on her own, going to the waterslides, where would her phone go while riding. I am assuming even if in a waterproof case, she would not be allowed to carry it on a waterslide. Just trying to figure out logistics. I have no issues with her being in the cabin or hallways alone, so we may do the note/dry erase system.

  2. Hello, when you go parasailing as a family, the three of us, do you pay the fee just to go? Or just for those going up? For example, if I do not go, but my DH and DD do, do I pay the full fee? And it's my understanding that my DH and DD can go together if under the weight limit, is that correct? I LOVE Harvest Caye just as a chill day, CAN NOT WAIT to go back, but I thought it would be so awesome for them to parasail this trip. This is DD's first cruise!

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