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Posts posted by WAsplasher

  1. I always thought late sitting was the most popular, can't understand anyone wanting to eat dinner at 6pm. Each to their own I guess.


    OP when you say those who want early got late and vice versa, has this happened to everyone and they have just got the whole ships reservations backwards? If it is a just your family then as others have asked did you book a saver fare? I was under the impression dining is only confirmed when you get on board with saver, irrespective of what the voyage personaliser may say. It isn't about the amount paid, it is about the terms and conditions of the rate booked.


    Whatever has happened you are correct that nothing condones rudeness from the Maitre D.


    :D Aren't people funny!! And I mean in a good way :') I have requested early sitting as I am travelling alone, and 8.30 is too late, I'd end up having afternoon tea every day and overeat! I generally eat around 7. And what's with 'early saver' what's that? I booked my April 18 cruise over a year in advance, simply to make sure I got a single room, and believe me I wasn't offered any sort of saver! Maybe it's. because I booked from Australia? Anyway, my seating time was confirmed immediately.

  2. :DI understand that if you are on excursions booked the the ship, they will wait for regardless. On a cruise to the Faroes last year, we booked one tour privately which garaunteed getting you back in plenty of time, and they did, but next year I'll be travelling alone and will book all my excursions through the ship just in case. I don't really do running!:D

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