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Posts posted by Cruisewithm

  1. OP, so sorry that you felt that the staff on your cruise was not what you thought it would be. There is no bad intent here to you at all and what you experienced. :)


    I have a couple of thoughts after having been on over 30 cruises and several different cruise lines.

    I have also traveled solo and with friends and family.


    IMHO, I do not need the staff to be overly friendly or become my friend all of the time, in fact I do not really like the 'in your face greetings etc.'.I do not expect that anywhere when there is customer service. Can you imagine being expected to be like that all of the time at work? I only expect pleasant.


    These are adults working very hard and, again, IMHO, should not need to be 100% overly friendly to a customer. Though I don't like the 'sucking up' factor either. Everyone has days at work that are not perfect and therefore we do the best we can to be pleasant. I am not sure why it is important to some people to have their room steward or other staff be their friend.


    I have always received excellent service on cruise ships - I cannot think of one time that it wasn't. Was it perfect, no, but I believe of the staff are working very hard are always pleasant.


    If the 'unfriendly' interaction is 'reported' to the management, what would be said - this is subjective and unfortunately the staff would suffer. I am not dismissing rude behavior by a staff, IMHO that should be reported


    That said, I have noticed on recent NCL cruises that the service is slow due to having not enough staff; I would be unhappy to if I was expected to do the work of more than 1 person.


    How could I report to NCL that they did not have enough staff working without making the staff look bad - when short staffed it is never the staff's fault........:(


    JMHO -

    Safe cruising all!



    I think exactly the same, This "how are you", "how was your day" all the time it's so fake and tiresome... maybe it's a country culture thing. And I mean not only in a cruise, I mean it in every where.

    When I went to vacation once in Orlando, I was surprised that every time I enter in a shop that was someone saying hi,how are you? Cidst6I thought, wow people here take good care of the costumer, then I tried to reply once: I'm fine, thanks know you. How are you today?

    The guy did not expect this answer, and was very disconcerted.

    That's when I realized that the guy did not care how was I or anything. That was just automatic, and I started to gate this fake customer services.

  2. Have NOT been to this Sandals, but have been to others and they are great. Don't worry about being solo. You will find lots of groups that are traveling together, girls weekend trips, etc. I will point out that you do not receive the same beach service that you do in other islands.


    Thanks Nancy!

  3. I live in a building, and from the elevator to my apartment door there is a corridor. My neighbor has a 4 year old girl. And every time she tries to run or sing aloud while in the corridor I can hear her mom saying to don't do this because it disturbs the others.

    What's the difference between my building corridor and a cruise staterooms corridor? Oh, but we are in vacation, who cares if anyone is sleeping, or relaxing?

    This post is not about drunken people, motorized fat people, handicapped, etc.

    I have a 15 year old son, and sometimes when we are waiting for the elevator and he starts to rise his voice I immediately remind him about it, it's not a place for this kind of behavior.

    Remember parents, the fault it's not in your kids! If you don't say anything they will keep on thinking it's OK, always.

  4. In my opinion this thread is describing symptoms of a much deeper problem that has developed in our culture over the past 20-30 years. Our culture has become so self obsessed that many have no awareness of others around them or simply don't care.


    Thus the children are running out of control wherever they are, never say please, thank you , excuse me, sir, ma'am, or I'm sorry.


    Their parents are the ones on the ship who at 2 am in the morning are loudly stumbling down the halls drunk or at dinner are so loud in their conversation at dinner that it is impossible to hear the person sitting next to you. Or will light up a cigarette before getting to the smoking area.


    Their grandparents are the ones that will run you over in the hall with their scooter or take their cane and push you out of the way in the buffet line, or throw an absolute fit at a young attendant in the theatre because they can't sit in the reserved seats for those who payed 3 or 4 times as much for a suite.


    All the above will show up in the MDR in shorts, t shirts and flip flops then if confronted will loudly say I paid $$$ for this cruise and I will do what I want.


    By the way I experienced all of this on our cruise on the Oasis in February.


    So what's my solution to the problem(like anyone really wants to hear my solution-ha)


    I want to personally be a little less self absorbed and try to lead by example. I want to try and return kindness for ugliness. I want to focus more on how blessed I am to be able in my mid 50's to travel the world several times a year and frequently take trips that are adults only or close too it-ha and less on the petty annoyances in life, have 4 grown children that at least in my rose colored glasses seem to be at least a little bit more aware of others then the average 20 something. And have the blessing of trying to pass on my view to 3 beautiful grandchildren and soon to be 4.


    Just one man's opinion so let the flaming begin


    No flaming, I totally agree. People misunderstand NCL Freestyle with like of politeness. Even if you are not obligated to wear a tuxedo for the MDR, it doesn't mean that you can wear anything that comes to mind. It's just some common sense, appropriate behavior, decorum.


    Any cruise should come with a guide of how to be a polite person when you are dividing small spaces between thousands of different people.

    Unfortunately in reality, most people just don't know how to behave outside their houses. And if you cater a international cruise where you go to international territory the lack for understanding and acceptance shows itself.

  5. The major problem is that parents think a ship is a safe place for kids.


    The hallway in a cruise and in a hotel is place where you have to simply control your kids for a number of reasons. Safety, respect, politeness, etc.

    When someone wrote here Try to control a 3 year old, well my opinion is that a ship is not a place for 3 years old or younger, for safety reasons and nothing more.

    I agree also when someone else posted that if you do not bear children try another cruise line, of course.


    Another point I must agree is that some parents really do not care if their children are disturbing other passengers (cruise, plane, whatever) and that's the most annoying of all.


    BTW, I have a 15 year old son, who travels with me since he we was a toddler, lots of Intercontinental travels, USA, South America and Europe., but I never brought him in a cruise till he was 10 years old because like I said, I don't think a ship it's a safe place for young kids.

    It's just my opinion.

  6. In 2012 I planned the whole year for a trip to Orlando with my 10 year old son, now he's 15.

    I made so many lists and arrangements for this perfect trip. We flew from São Paulo Brazil to Panama and then connected flight to Orlando. It was a 12 hour flight in total and we arrived very tired at 11 pm. When we got to the Hertz counter I realized I forgot my driver's license, and I already had the 10 day rental paied. I panicked. Because the whole trip was based driving a car, and now what? I looked at my son he was sitting watching the suitcases waiting for me, he was so tired, I decided to take a cab to the hotel.

    When we were inside the cab going to the hotel my son was so excited , he said: omg I can't believe we are really here!

    That made me realize that if my son was happy then everything was fine.

    During the 10 day vacation we used taxis, the hotel shuttles and buses.

    It was my 3rd Disney Vacation, and the happiest.

    I realized that when something like this happens it has a reason, and the main reason is that God didn't want me to drive in Orlando, maybe it was the way to avoid an accident. Who knows?

  7. I may get flamed for this, especially since I can't imagine that the parents who allow this don't have a clue at how intrusive and annoying it is. But, just in case parents really have no idea, I am putting this out there. I am clueless as to why any parent thinks it is ever okay to let their children run up and down the hallways on a cruise ship. I know they are kids, and we should let them be kids...But, isn't it more important we teach them to be humans first? It is just not appropriate or considerate at any time of day to be running down a hallway outside of other people's cabins. Do you not realize how loud and annoying the constant thumping of feet running past someone's cabin door must be. And, it doesn't matter what time of day either. If someone is trying to relax in their cabin in the middle of the day or early evening, that is their right, and there is absolutely no reason for anyone to be running around in the hallways ever.


    Thanks God I'll be in a studio cabin in NCL ESCAPE, there won't be any children running.

  8. And no, not everyone is exibicionist, not everyone here is in shape, it's just practical, a swim brief is made to specifically to swim, to go in to the water!

    I lived in Italy and there lots of guys of all ages uses swim briefs. So open your mind people... what Americans find disgusting, for the rest of the world it's just normal.

    Like I said, culture.

    When you are in a cruise wich mostly goes in international waters and cater international passengers you have to just learn to live with other cultures, it's not offensive to any human been to use a swim brief.

  9. I loved reading all the experiences of the solos cruisers. I wonder if some of the people here already got married, or divorced, since this post started few years ago, it's a lot of time and things happen in life.

    I'll do my first solo cruise in 60 days, and this post helped a lot. Thanks everyone for sharing, and hope to hear from you guys soon.

  10. So let me start by saying I have only done one solo cruise - transatlantic on QM2 for 8 amazing days and I feel a need to share some of my experiences about what, for me, is the trickiest part of solo cruising - dining.


    So I went into the buffet area only once and ran into an elderly Irish gentleman who was sailing solo - his experience of the cruise was very bad, he referred to the Queen Mary as a "glorified ferry" and I actually felt sorry for him because I think that one of the reasons he wasn't enjoying himself was because he was eating all his meals in the unpleasant rattle and clatter of the buffet area. As for me, I took all of my evening meals in the MDR which is the Brittania Restaurant on QM2, and this being Cunard the dress code was either formal or ultra formal which definitely changes your experience for the better (in my opinion). I opted for an 8 seater table and can clearly recall sitting there anxiously on the first night waiting for my tablemates (as I had arrived first). First up was Barbara, a blonde 69 year old retired flight attendant, Barbara was quite frankly stunning - and at 69 !! She was also marvellous company, next up was David a very quiet, shy entrepeneur and farmer - another super guy to dine with. From there however things began to take a turn for the worse - there was an English guy who rolled up halfway drunk and very loud with a martini in hand, a Scottish couple complete with a wife who felt it her business to ask the most personal questions and then offer unsolicited life advice - this may not sound too terrible until I add that she figured out that the loud English guy was in fact gay, and offered to provide him with certain services of an intimate nature that would "cure him" - all this with her husband sat listening in bemused silence - I suspect that this was not his first rodeo as the saying goes. Then there was a shady character from Germany who claimed to be writing a book about entrepreneurs and a very loud party girl who loved to shout out obscenties much to the consternation of our fellow diners at other tables. I became firm friends with Barbara and David, but reached the point on cruise day 3 that I was dreading dinner even as I sat munching on breakfast and realized that I had to act, so I saw the Maitre d' and switched tables - and my new tablemates were all wonderful company even though I was the only solo at their table apart from one of the guest speakers - the famous Maureen Ryan.


    I say all this because I had considered doing what the elderly Irish gentleman had done - dining alone in the buffet, but I pushed myself into the company of others even though I am by nature quite reserved - and quite honestly the experience completely made the cruise for me because I still find myself thinking of the people I met all these months later.


    One other small story that I add for no other reason than the fact that it comes to mind as I type. While I did take afternoon tea with the aforementioned Barbara on at least one occasion, I did also choose to take it alone in the crowded Queens Room on at least one other. I took a book along with me for company and sat there quite contented as I gulped down gallons of tea and half a dozen cucumber and egg sandwiches. I noticed a lady sat at the table next to me and the poor thing had a terribly disfigured face. She seemed to be looking around trying to catch someone's attention for company - as a fellow solo my heart went out to her and I invited her to sit with me which she did without saying a word. It turned out that the person behind that face was so wonderfully kind and polite, and I choked up a little when she thanked me so profusely for sitting with her. I think of her often.


    So for my summary of solo dining - well, as Thomas Edison so famously said - opportunity is missed by most people because it arrives in overalls and looks like work. Well solo dining is a little bit like that - yes there is the possibility that you could end up sat at a table of unpleasant characters, but if you are willing to work at it you can, and will, find some great company onboard, and the absolute worst thing you can do is hide away from view. If you want to be assured of solo company the transatlantic voyages are a sure thing, as they are used by many as a means of traveling, not cruising.


    Hope you enjoyed my ramble, I think it's some type of therapy because I'm ready for another cruise.


    Thanks for sharing your experience, I wish I could write in English as well as you do.

    I'll be travelling solo for the first time in June on the NCL Escape, I hope I have chosen the right one. I was in doubt between Celebrity Equinox and the Escape. I read the Celebrity crowd is much more older than the NCL, and so I went for Escape. Not that I'm young, lol I'm 42, female, from Brazil and I really enjoyed the way you described your experience. Lots of times looks can be deceiving. You did great inviting that lady to have tee with you.

    Maybe I'll have the same luck as her, who knows some nice gentleman would take pity on me? You may say I can do the same as you and invite someone to join my table but most of times it can be misunderstood...

  11. I lived in Italy for 7 years. Always return there for vacations. So, Livorno there's nothing to see, go to Florence. But remember, it's far from the port.

    Rome, Civitavecchia is far from Rome, take a hop on hop off bus in the central station piazza. You can see a lot in very little time. The colosseum is beautiful but inside is dissapointing, it's much more interesting from the outside. I wouldn't waist precious time there. If you have time go see the Vatican museum.

    Naples, don't stay in this city, it's dirty. Take a ferry to Capri. Spend the day there. Go to Monte solare, go to Villa di San Michele, go to punta tragara hotel and take pics, or rent a boat and do island tour. Capri it's the most Beautiful place I have ever been, I went to Asia, middle east, South America, europe and North America. Have fun.

  12. arg-3-50-trans.gifarg-exclaim-50-trans.gif


    "I'm A Very Busy Bee, Because Soon I Am Going Out to Sea. I Think You All Will Agree, Togetherness Is Called We. Then There Is The Fun I Foresee, Hoping To Make Afternoon Tea. Ahhh The Caribbean Beckons Me, With Their Shade From The Tropical Lime Tree. So Much To Sight-see. I Can't Wait To Shout WHEEEEE, Feeling The Ocean Air With Glee. Maybe I Will Meet Guy Harvey, That Would Be So Artsy. The Race To Get VIBE Passes Will Be Like The Grand Prix. I Am So Thirsty, For My Very Dry Martini. This Ol' Queenie, Is Exhausted From All This Anticipatory Jubilee. It's Almost Time To Get Our Key, To Our Luxurious Cabin In Now Just



    3 Days Until We Sail-A-Way On

    The Norwegian Es-Caw-Pay!"


    Aww I wish a wonderful cruise to you guys.

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