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Everything posted by MeganGC1983

  1. Colton needs a haircut terribly, so I’m going to grab them from school early. Briley didn’t even want to go, and all they are doing is watching movies and cleaning. I think 1pm will be perfect. I’m pretty thirsty today. My near death experience has somewhat subsided. I’m gonna need a margarita later while we wait on Brinkley at dress rehearsal. On the plus side, Brinkley is finally packed.
  2. How many external chargers are too many? I just pulled at least 8 from my backpack. I shouldn’t need that many for a 4 day cruise. Charging those and my earbuds now. I definitely feel like I’m forgetting something. 😬
  3. Last day of school in full effect here. I’m tying up loose ends for work, and I gotta finish packing. Hope everyone has a fantastic Friday!
  4. Just got home for the evening. Have I mentioned I hate soccer? So glad spring soccer is over! Rotated more laundry. Now to check documents. Have I mentioned I hate sailing with birth certificates? Every sailing I say the next one the kids will have their passports, but I just never get it done. This sailing Mr. Megan is standing in that ridiculous line with the kids while I breeze through customs with my passport.
  5. Thanks for making it. Sorry it isn’t going smoothly.
  6. Soccer was pushed back… that was a problem because soccer was at 5:30, softball at 7. Well then softball got canceled because the field is still wet. So soccer it is this evening, then dance recital on Saturday and we are home free. I’m currently washing clothes fast and furiously. The struggle
  7. That’s a possibility. That one legged, bicyclist voodoo man haunts me. If I get punched in the head this cruise… I switching to all inclusives. 😉
  8. Awards done. Colton got the Citizenship award he’s been hoping for all week. Thats the award the class voted on. My oldest also received it in 3rd grade. And they have been going back and forth all week. Brinkley said there was no way Colton deserved… just typical sibling rivalry. My middle couldn’t care less about things like that. Kids are funny. I started regretting at the assemblies about my “elegant” night decision. I decided awhile back that we would not dress elegantly, but more like “church attire”. It’s a short cruise, etc. But now I feel like we should. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Too late now though to get everything together. Next time!
  9. I wasn’t going to bring this up, but last night after softball, we stopped at Sonic. There’s a chance a hit was put out on my life or I was poisoned, one or both. Either way, my stomach is not ok. No one else in the house has had any issues, so I’m going to battle through it. If this live takes a turn or if I go MIA, just know I had a good run, and Sonic in Apache did me in.
  10. Starting my work day since I will take a longer lunch break today for 3rd & 4th grade awards. I always have the tv on in the background…I’ve got last night’s Amazing Race on. Love seeing Sousa Beach in Puerto Plata on there. We’ve been there twice… maybe even on that same catamaran they use to dive down and get the clues.
  11. It stormed the greater part of the night last night. It woke me up a few times, but I was so tired, I just rolled over. It can’t be that serious if the words “tornado” & “warning” aren’t coming from my phone. I’m not sure how the rain will change the schedule for this afternoon. Both games have been rescheduled several times. 70 hours until take off.
  12. Welcome! I miss the Med. 77 days until I’m back there and iceberg free. 😉
  13. Won both the games tonight. Still undefeated. I’m exhausted.
  14. They are here. @mamiamjo they obviously are cheaper because the packaging isn’t much. I’ve bought post it notes with more gusto.
  15. Took my brother in law to get his stints out at the ENT. He had his deviated septum fixed. It looked pretty painful and nasty to me. I do not recommend it. Hustling home to beat the bus to head to Apache, OK for softball. How hard is it to get to a cruise? Pretty darn hard. All. The. Things.
  16. Lost you all for a little bit. I thought I got shut down. also, for anyone that has sailed Virgin Voyages, the beautiful Abi Gold is getting on the Allure in 1 day.., the sailing before me. We’ve been messaging back and forth. I can’t wait to see her. We haven’t sailed together since June 2023- Greek Island Glow. She’s starting in Mamma Mia and Blue Planet. She’s not sure if she’ll be performing our sailing or not. Fingers crossed because she’s fantastic. I hope Brinkley gets to see her perform.
  17. So appealing.., the meat sweats. Best way to cruise the Caribbean. 😉
  18. It is mine too but with a shorter cruise and the kids being there… I’ll need faster recovery. Hope these patches can do some magic.
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