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Posts posted by Mareblu

  1. 5 hours ago, arxcards said:

    I have a fair bit of a family trace from Northumberland, but definitely not the Campbell clan. By some connection, I live in Northumberland County (the early pre-council pastoral & parish boundaries). Have a fair bit of my ancestry from around Hadrian's Wall

    Hadrian’s wall is an incredible construction.

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  2. 8 hours ago, MicCanberra said:

    I have no Scottish links at all apart from laughing at Billy Connelly and watching Hamish Mcbeth.

    However when we toured Ireland and the UK driving through Scotland around the lochs and such just felt like home. It was a strange feeling, as it doesn't really even look like anything I have seen in Australia.

    A friend who lives in the Highlands told me the Scots believe that when you visit and feel that comforting, familiar sense of belonging, a mystic cord has been tied to your body.  The spirits of the Highlands can gently tug that invisible link at any time, and often, during your life, no matter how far from Scotland you stray.  I love these myths and legends.  They raise us to their realm.

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  3. 5 hours ago, OzKiwiJJ said:

    But it's very similar to parts of NZ, especially around Dunedin. Otago Harbour would be called a sea loch in Scotland. 


    I had that feeling of "home" when we were in Scotland too. Somewhere back in my father's ancestry there are Scots but I have no details other than my birth surname (Campbell). My mother was from Lancashire with Welsh ancestry. 

    Campbell is the dominant clan in the Highlands.  The Duke of Argyle is Campbell Clan Chief.  He’s a delightful, particularly handsome man.  My close friend (originally from NZ with Shetland Isles ancestry) calls him “Lord Yum Yum”. 

  4. 5 hours ago, Aussieflyer said:

    My mother's side of the family came from Somerset - South Petherton to be exact. We have never managed to get there though. Some came to Victoria with some settling in the western district and other in Gippsland. There is a Vagg Lane in South Petherton but I think the cottage has gone (as there used to be one). Vaggs Road in Yinnar Victoria is where my grandparents lived.

    I have Somerset ancestral lines as well.  Through all the west country, in fact.  My mother’s lines are Scottish, Northern Irish  and west midlands.  I feel I’m home when I’m in the Scottish Highlands.

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  5. 19 minutes ago, Aussieflyer said:

    Oh dear Mareblu what a drama but glad that it came good in the end. Certainly an excursion to be remembered (though maybe for the wrong reasons). Glad that the injured passenger is back on board - he will be sore and sorry for a while but was very lucky he didn't hurt himself more seriously, 

    I can imagine all the official vehicles attending. We once had a car accident in Devon when a motorbike rider ran into us at speed on a narrow road (Phil had seen him coming down the hill and had pulled off as far as possible and stopped). We ended up blocking the whole road and had police (including the senior officer of the area who was referred to as Ma'am), ambulance, air ambulance, fire brigade. Luckily we only had bruising and the bike rider did come off ok - how he wasn't killed I have no idea as the speed broke the bike into pieces.


    Oh goodness, Aussieflyer, that certainly trumps our drama.  Glad you weren’t more seriously injured, and yes, a miracle the motor cyclist survived.  We’ll be in Devon in a few weeks, after Scotland and Wales.  Devon will be a week’s stay.  I have ancestry, on my father’s side, from Devon and Cornwall.  Leigh’s Rob and I share ancestry a few centuries back.  Amazing who and what you discover on CC🥰

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  6. So very sorry to learn of your accident, Lyle.  Falls, like moments of profound grief, happen suddenly and obviously when we least expect them.  Different effects for both of course, and  I’m sorry for your pain and discomfort, but relieved, as you and Lynn would patently be, that you didn’t suffer more severe injuries.  Healing wishes to you both, from us both.  Lynn’s grief will last longer;  I can tell she was very close to her mum.


    Yesterday was a rather dramatic cruising day.  Our tour bus for our excursion to Aix-en-Provence suffered sudden engine failure on the highway, with the driver finally pulling to the side near a paddock, just as the bus filled with acrid smoke.  Tour Leader managed to get everyone off in an orderly manner and we were directed to quickly move away from the bus into the paddock.  To do this we had to straddle and swing over a concrete barrier.  One frailer gentleman chose to cross instead via the adjoining, lower metal road barrier.  He fell heavily and sustained deep gashes to his face and legs.  The edge was sharp.  We ended up being surrounded by two ambulances, a large fire truck and two police patrol cars, all with sirens blaring.  Finally, a replacement bus and driver arrived, and we continued our tour to beautiful Aix.

    Fortunately, the injured passenger was back on board for sailaway, after treatment in  Vista’s medical centre.  He declined the offer of suturing at the Marseilles hospital, obviously because he wanted to ensure a timely return to our ship.

  7. 2 hours ago, Hlitner said:

    Good day from Villafranche,


    Today, after a short cruise from Livorno, we are anchored just off the coast of the lovely French port/resort city of Villefranche sur Mer.  For those who have never been to this port it is tender only.  The Vista used several of its own tenders supplemented by a large shore-based tender.  This is the first time I even recall a shore-based tender at this port, and that boat is quite new and immaculate.


    Villefranche is a favorite port because there are so many options for both excursions and DIY.  From here, folks can easily get to Nice (yes, Nice is nice).  Eze, St Paul de Vence, Monte Carlo, Grasse, Antibes, and other places are all within range for a day trip.


    This morning we saw another day of perfect weather.  Not a cloud in sight, temps in the mid 70s, low humidity, and a gentle breeze.  A true "10" day, So, DW and I decided to follow a plan of hiking to the Villa Eprussi de Rothchild, which is located near Cap Ferrat.  We had planned to tender ashore after 10am (to miss the rush) but the cruise director announced, around 9:30, that there was no tender queues.  We headed to the Vista Lounge (to get our tender tickets) but were stopped on the stairway by Paul (the Assistance Cruise Director) who said there is no wait for a tender and to just head down the tender pier. Good job Vista :).   It is about a 2 mile walk from the tender pier and the stroll took as about 50 minutes.  The Villa Ephussi was interesting (a self-guided tour) and the outdoor gardens were very expansive.  


    After spending about 2 hours at the Villa, we walked back to Villefranche where we stopped for a delightful lunch.  DW and an excellent goat cheese salad and I fulfilled a personal passion of having Soupe de Poisson.  The fish soup in this part of France has long been a favorite of mine and the Rock Fish based version at Cosmo (the name of the restaurant) was excellent.  We returned to the ship about 3pm having enjoyed an absolutely perfect day.


    also terrific.  


    A word about my food comments.  This is our first O cruise, so we cannot compare to the pre-Covid O.  Others tell us that O cuisine has gone downhill in the past few years, which does make us wonder what we missed!  What we are experiencing here on the Vista is probably the 2nd best overall cuisine we have had on 18 cruise lines.  #1 still goes to the new Explora Journeys, Explora Journey 1.  Seabourn trails O because O offers more variety (at least on the Vista).  


    One mild complaint (about O) continues to be the early nights.  Entertainment (in Horizons) generally ends at 11:15 and than the ship dies!  There have actually been some decent crowds in Horizons (quite a few dancers) but once the music stops, most are quickly off to bed.  One more dance/music set would be appreciated by us night owls.  




    Another erudite post, thank you Hank.  We are sailing with you, and I concur with just about all your observations, with the exception, of course, of your shore exploits.  


    We have travelled through and stayed in many of the lovely spots in this itinerary (DH is originally from Friuli, in north-eastern Italy) so have been quite relaxed about exploring ashore.  


    So far, since embarking in Civitavecchia, we have been pleased that Oceania’s cuisine is up to the standard we have enjoyed for many voyages.  I simply wanted to note that last evening’s Toscana experience was exceptional.  The culinary team had sourced local Ligurian mussels, which are smaller and more intensively flavoured than most other varieties.  The chefs presented these beauties in an exquisite pasta (made in house of course) dish.  So lovely that fresh, local ingredients were presented for our enjoyment.  I’m not usually a “foodie pic person” unless a dish is exceptional.  I felt on this occasion, an image was warranted.


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  8. 20 hours ago, safarigal said:

    I'm excited about the information, and that there will be a dedicated viewing area in the heart of the action on the waterfront, but it will be standing only. For those of us shorter people we may not actually get to see much, but at least we will be able to hear!

    We may also choose to remain aboard, and the festivities and ceremony will be broadcast live throughout QA.  That may be my option, as I would be unable to stand from 2.30 until 6.00pm.  We will wait and see.

  9. 1 hour ago, Aussieflyer said:

    Lots of things going on in the Aussieflyer household - spending 'quality time' in ER with DH over Easter and last weekend but at least now has a referral to a proper cardiologist (sorry Canberra Hospital just doesn't cut it). DD has had surgery to remove a cyst on top of head (second time), had to change flights to SYD as DH won't be well enough for James Taylor (so I will need to to instead) and I have been trawling cruises for DS and I - booked  Singapore - Sydney for late next year and a short one in March. Hoping DH is well enough for Norway in early October. I am exhausted with all the work (and that doesn't include my paid work at DOHA)! So bad it was takeaway for dinner tonight.🤣

    Little wonder you’re exhausted.  Healing wishes to your family.  Our DD and DSIL also spend their days in DOHA.  We’re currently enjoying the Med with our Canberran friends on beautiful Oceania Vista.  

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  10. Grazie, Hank, for your marvellous and comprehensive bulletins.  We are waiting in our comfortable hotel for our taxi to arrive for transfer to Vista.  What a terrible time for a strike!  Many passengers from other vessels docked here in Civitavecchia will also have their plans disrupted.  Hope all is resolved very quickly.  We usually partake of a martini in Martinis before dinner, so hope we run into you.  Enjoy your day here in Civitavecchia.

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  11. 1 hour ago, MicCanberra said:

    I haven't used the link.

    I have used google maps to either confirm or to search an area for a more exact name (such as with the ballons in the yarra valley). 

    In my mind, using the clues and to narrow a search is fine.

    Then how come you knew that blowhole was on a coast between rocks?

  12. 8 minutes ago, cruiser3775 said:

    Where is Jordon? I'm looking for the name of the road.


    For those who wonder why some contributors get it right quickly, try reading this:



    I'm out of this thread now. Carry on if you wish.

    Currently enjoying onboard wifi flying over Oz.  My how things have changed.

    Don't go.  Love your posts, and I’ve never used that link.  Google sometimes for a little help after lots of tries, but not that link.  I’m sure most of us on here don’t, either.  Stay with us.  

  13. 8 minutes ago, lyndarra said:

    My son arrived home today from his SP cruise on RCI Ovation/

    Enjoyed himself however there was COVID on board. He is ok ATM however the couple he went with have come down with it. He was to supposed to come home with them in their car but opted to take the train  instead. I picked him up from Cardiff station.

    While driving to the station there was a news flash on the radio that an aircraft had crashed into Lake Macquarie. Tonight I learned it was a gyrocopter and it crashed right where I usually go winsurfing. It was, coincidently, the same one I saw on Saturday landing and taking off at Warners Bay.



     What an eventful day.  Firstly, hope your son escapes Covid, and glad to read (thanks for link) that the two passengers escaped injury.  Just as well you weren’t in the water.

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