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Posts posted by Mareblu

  1. 17 minutes ago, Blackduck59 said:

    So we are now working out the logistics for Lynn's Insulin. A 9 week supply is difficult to travel with being it has to be kept cold. I am thinking it would be prudent to buy more in Australia or New Zealand. Unfortunately we are concerned about getting a valid prescription to use down there. We will of course have copies of all our prescriptions but of course they will likely not be valid outside of Canada. Any suggestions are welcome.

    I’m sure Lynn’s prescription can be filled here.  We have in the past filled scripts in the UK, so I can’t see the difference.  I will enquire for hou with our local Pharmacy tomorrow (Monday).

  2. 13 minutes ago, lyndarra said:

    Give that man a kewpie doll!

    The loch in the background is Loch Linnhe. We were standing on our little piece of Scotland.


    Your turn Lyle.

    Loch Linnhe is beautiful.  We stayed in a perfect B&B overlooking the Loch not long ago.  

  3. Curiosity drove me to scan the HAL threads.  The Promenade Walking Direction one is hysterical.  The MDR thread you're discussing is fascinating.  You had every right to question the standard when you were left for such long periods waiting for initial, then subsequent service attention.  However, if you think the HAL threads (and I've only visited these two mentioned) are contentious, you should try the Oceania threads.  There are a couple of regulars with obsessive topics who intervene in any innocent or convivial thread with "their" trigger words.  I can also usually let things slide, but when I'm really pushed, I do tend to respond.  You may remember the Cunard posting about why Cunard was cutting services to Australia some time ago that really sparked my reaction, and drew grateful support from many on here.  This time, I have scored my first black mark for responding, in admittedly scathing tones, to a regular Oceania who frequently oversteps the boundaries of courtesy and respect, usually in an aggressive and disturbing way.  I readily admit that my response was too derisive, even if it drew much support from Oceania regulars.  It's something I didn't expect to see on my page, but I'm not sorry I did it, just sorry I didn't pay more attention to a more mature put-down.  He's been polite ever since, and at least I wasn't suspended.  A warning's a warning, though, and I accept my black mark.  It's true though, as Lyle says, that some people do feel they "own" topics, or even any commentary on particular cruise lines.

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