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Posts posted by mkcurran

  1. 34 minutes ago, princess76021 said:

    i was asked where the oh crap button was i'm using it sorry


    i've been under allot of stress.  sorry.  

    a woman in my neighborhood was murdered and i'm stressing.

    she lived 5 houses away,  it is a very quiet neighborhood. 

    been here for 39 years and never had any problems

    now that i'm alone i am scared silly!!


    hugs from texas

    Hugs from Arizona to Texas.

  2. 15 hours ago, pebbles1102 said:

    Our flight out of Amsterdam was delayed for an hour so we missed our connection in dublin. The airline put us up in a hotel for the night and paid for dinner and breakfast tomorrow. We grabbed an Uber and visited downtown Dublin for a bit. IMG_3344.thumb.jpeg.78fcedbf20f1f548c4d341e4e328b75c.jpeg











    Best travel delay ever.

    • Like 13
  3. 49 minutes ago, tsahall01 said:

    The Virgin Islands are now under a state of emergency.  Why, you ask?  We have no FG power!!  The CEO of the Water and Power Authority (WAPA) resigned.  Puerto Rico froze WAPA's bank account to pay overdue bills and fees.  Meanwhile, high ranking WAPA employees are driving around in new Teslas (instead of investing in solar) and all high ranking officials have solar.  They poured big bucks into completing the racetrack in time for Carnival--the racetrack is used about 3 times a year... Businesses here are struggling.  Mom & Pop stores don't have generators.  Our generator broke down last night.  Not a happy camper right now!

    That is terrible. 

    • Like 5
  4. 3 hours ago, Funsince1983 said:

    Does anyone remember the live from the guy on Princess who's wife left him and I think it got deleted and then he started a new one but it was super vague? He's got a current one going on the Carnival board and all I can say is 👀

    At least he's quite honest about the situation. 

    • Like 4
  5. 1 hour ago, pirate4me2 said:

    Eeek, all this talk of post-cruise COVID has me a bit nervous about my upcoming sailing. Think I’ll go get some extra vitamins on lunch and start popping them. 

    Just unloaded and stacked 100 more bales of hay in the barn. Whew. Farmer said they will be baling again in about 3-4 weeks, at least I have a little time to recover physically and financially. 

    In an odd twist of fate I didn't even get the cruise crud after My latest cruise.  So there is hope!

    • Like 7
  6. 31 minutes ago, graphicguy said:

    Drove the Tesla Y.  Very impressive.  Would be a tough choice between it and the Blazer.  Tesla is quicker.  Blazer is bigger.  Tesla is ALL SCREEN for the interior.  Blazer has buttons galore....along with the BIG screen.


    But, once these wheels are set in motion, they seem to go into perpetual motion.


    Insurance adjustor called me and said he thinks my car is totaled.   But, he's  a contractor and all he will do is send the insurance company his recommendation.  Although, he said they might ding a few of his observations on small stuff, but the majority of the damage is suspension, safety equipment and undercarriage/body structure damage.


    The other question, my car is a 2023, and those are no longer available.  It would have to be a 2024.  I think I'll have to go to battle for the value of a  recent Accord Hybrid, regardless of whether it's a 2023 or a 2024.


    I personally didn't know electric cars vs hybrid cars vs internal combustion cars, etc generates strong opinions.  I am getting a real eye opening about it.   Never called names because of the car I am looking at.


    @DeltaOne..as you say, why would anyone care whether I drive an electric, hybrid or internal combustion car?  Apparently people, some I don't even know, do indeed care.  I don't.  


    That's all that matters.

    I've purposefully never lived in an area where an electric car would be useful. I'm given hybrids a thought, but I'm not sure they'd be practical either, but I'm not ruling them out. I do find all of the talk around the various electrical cars interesting.

    I will state that I do think it's a shame they made an electric Mustang. That's just sacrilegious to do that to a muscle car. But I never that much of them putting 4 cylinders in some of the models either. 

    2 minutes ago, KmomChicago said:

    We’re all vaxxed though we haven’t had boosters in the past year or so. Didn’t even think about it. I expect 2-3 days of fluishness then pretty quick recovery. 

    I really hope it goes away quickly!

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, pirate4me2 said:

    Some days I wonder how Chris and I have made it 12.5 years in marriage. yesterday  was one of those days. I had to make my mouth guard that will keep me from grinding my teeth at night, and I have a TERRIBLE gag reflex. Like…it’s pitiful. He laughs and makes fun of me brushing my teeth because of it. So needless to say, this guard forming was guaranteed to be an…uh…let’s call it an episode. A 30 minute comedy show. 

    I follow the directions, warming to the mold, and head to the bathroom mirror. Crazy sounds come out of me as I’m trying to bite down on the mold (I have to bite down for 3 minutes on this thing!!!) and Chris comes running, to “make sure I’m ok.” In all reality, he just wanted to laugh. Obviously, round #1 was an epic failure.

    Being the “sweet husband that he is” (his words, not mine!), he offers to help with the second go round. We rewarm the mold, and I mentally try and prepare myself. I bite down, and do good for the first minute and a half, then feel myself starting to gag. Chris is cheering me on “it’s ok, you’ve got this, don’t let go! But if you need to throw up, remember to take that thing out first or else it’ll taste like throw up every time you put it in.” Needless to say, that last line made me gag (but not throw up) and round #2 was a failure. 


    We proceed back to step 1, and I mentally prepare myself to make round 3 work. I tell Chris is this round doesn’t work I will suck it up and pay the $800 to the dentist for a custom mold. He proceeds to tell me $800 is a cruise, which ticks me off, and now I’m DETERMINED this will work. We head to the bathroom, and I pop the mold in and chomp down HARD. And Chris proceeds to pull out his phone. What the heck? He’s VIDEOING ME? I make crazy gestures while trying not to let up on the pressure, and he goes, “if this goes down like the others, I want a video to show everyone. It’s too funny!” I grab his phone and delete the video, and “ding!” The timer on my phone goes off. Chris says “see, you just needed a distraction! You didn’t gag!” We test the mold,

    and it passes the fit test! Yay! Thank you honey, you did good helping me with this!


    But…wait for it…the turd ruins it all when I go to bed. I put the mold in, and then start to be me and wig myself out. Chris goes “what’s wrong?” and I tell him “I don’t trust it! What if it falls out while I’m sleeping and I swallow it? What if I choke on it? What if I DIE from it?” His reply, “We will sue the heck out of the company and be rich. You won’t have to work anymore, we can just cruise all the time. Go to sleep.” Uh no, that’s not what will happen! “Chris, if I swallow it and DIE, I won’t be rich, YOU will! I’ll be DEAD! I won’t have to work because I’ll be DEAD! And never able to cruise again!” His reply, “And these kind of conversations will never happen again. It’ll be QUIET. Just put the damn thing in and go to sleep.” 

    Needless to say…he wanted quiet, he got quiet. The guard worked, I think, I didn’t die obviously. 

    He didn't die either, but I'm betting he came closer than you. 😆😆

    Anyways, try wiggling your toes to keep from gagging in the future.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 4
  8. It's official, they finally signed the sale agreement for my current employer. So it begins. Will it be good or bad, who knows?

    I did get an invite for a follow up meeting for the ERP situation going forward. I'm a bit disturbed that it's a follow up meeting that, as far as I know only my boss has attended. My boss, who doesn't actually use the software.

    So, I'm still looking for greener pastures. Some problems aren't going away with the changeover I guess.

    • Like 13
  9. 11 minutes ago, graphicguy said:

    Need opinions from the peanut gallery.


    While I may be getting ahead of myself, I do think my car will be totaled out from the wreck.


    Around these parts, the Accord Hybrids are in short supply.  And, there are no guarantees even if they total it out, they will give me new car value for it given it was only a few months old. I'll fight with them to give me new car value, but they have the luxury of time that I don't have.


    Anyway, bunch of "ifs" here


    ....if I can't get another Accord Hybrid...

    ...if I can't get something like Camry Hybrid (which would be the only other one I'd consider)



    How about an electric?  I'm open to that.


    Teslas have dropped in price, by a lot, but I hear they are poorly made.  Saw an ad for big discounts on Chevy Blazer EVs.  Had 2 Blazers and a Tahoe in the past.  All were excellent.  I know the current gens are quite different, but hoping some here would have some experiences they could share? 

    If they total it, I'd go back to your dealership and ask them to source a new one for you. They'll get them shipped in from other areas. 

    I do know all electric cars have a nice tax rebate going for them. So that's something to consider as well.


    • Like 2
  10. 1 hour ago, princess76021 said:

    in that respect,  i am extremely lucky,  i am on the hospital grid, and rarely loose electric.

    watch,  i'm jinxing myself!!



    I thought that was rule #1 for buying a house in Texas, Make sure it's on the hospital grid!

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  11. 16 minutes ago, Funsince1983 said:

    Sorry to hear about your accident. We are newly a two Kia family. We have a '22 Telluride and a '24 Sorento. Probably the only people in the world who went from a two luxury vehicle household to a two Kia household but here we are. 🤣


    Once the kids got older and the constant sports and other messy activities I just couldn't justify pouring all this money into cars for them to be caked in mud. Anyway, the point I was getting at is that Kia's have really come a long way, we truly enjoy both of ours. Lots of fun features and fun to drive. We jokingly call mine "Club Kia" 

    IMG_6822.mov 7.61 MB · 2 downloads  


    I have been converted from a Ford person to a Hyundai. Part because I can't believe how nice my Santa Cruz is for the price pint and part because the service department at the local ford dealership is nothing short of a train wreck. 


    KIA/Hyundai have come a long way.

    • Like 6
  12. 1 hour ago, graphicguy said:

    Have to blow off some steam....so, excuse my rant in advance....


    Driving to my Sister's house yesterday for a cookout.  Beautiful weather, had my driver's window down, sunroof open, listening to Little Feat on the car stereo, in a great mood.


    Stopped at a red light.  Turns green.  I go into the intersection and out of the corner of my eye, see someone in a pickup coming from my left, and he doesn't look like he's going to stop.  


    Quick decision time....freeze and stop dead in my. tracks, or floor it and try to make it through the intersection unscathed.  I chose the latter.  Problem there, I didn't make it through without him smashing my rear ¼ panel.  My car did a 360º.  Side airbag went off blasting me on my left side.


    Was telling the police who responded with 3 cruisers (must have been a slow day in my sleepy burg) that I thought about stopping dead in my tracks.  They said I would probably have absorbed the brunt of the wreck on my driver's door, which would have been much worse.


    Not hurt, but sore.  Ummmmm...my NEW Accord did its job and protected me, but the rear door is smashed in.  My guess is the rear part of the unibody will have to be replaced, at least, along with the glass, the trunk lid, the airbag(s).  The rear left wheel is pushed in almost perpendicular to the ground.  I'm sure the under carriage has significant damage to the suspension. On top of all that, IT'S A NEW CAR....had it a couple of months....not even 2K on the odometer.  They had to "DRAG" it onto a flat bed to take it away.


    Person that hit me....and I'm trying not to be insensitive...but he was a stupid red neck.  Crappy truck.  Tried to tell the cop he had the green light.  Fortunately, I had 2 witnesses who stopped and refuted his story and affirmed what actually happened.


    Missed the cookout.  But, one of the policeman gave me a ride home, which I thought was a nice thing to do given I was going to call an UBER.  Called my sister, she brought over a sampling of the cookout goodies to me later last night and listened to this rant (which was much worse than this post).  I love my family.


    Fortunately, he did have insurance (my heart skipped a beat when I saw him get out of his truck as my profiling instinct was based on the way he looked and acted, which told me he might not).


    Anyway, wish I took pictures, but the cop did.


    Talked to his insurance company just now.  They wanted to know if my car was drivable.  Uhhhhh...not even remotely.  Told them I needed a car.  They said they had to review the police report to see if they would cover it.  That just hit me the wrong way.  I'm sure the agent I spoke to  is just following protocol.  But, the person they decided to cover, is an idiot, and to have her tell me they had to "review the police report" just hit me the wrong way given I'm sore, car-less and not much in the mood for their garbage.  I told her I have a copy of the report and will scan it and email it to her.  And, that their "insured" has a copy, too.  She said that wasn't necessary, but they also had not heard from him, yet.


    I still had to give the tow company a credit card to get a receipt that they towed (dragged) my car to my dealership.  I'll see if they fight me to reimburse that cost.


    Called my insurance company.  I have rental coverage ($30/day) and that they will get reimbursed from his insurance company for the rental and the tow if they don't pay it.  Enterprise is bringing me a car later today (told them I wasn't in a hurry).


    Also called my local Honda dealer, where it was towed.  Their body shop manager said no one was there yesterday, but he saw my car first thing this morning.  I asked him his thoughts.  He only said "not good".  He went on to say even without looking underneath it looked totaled.


    Now, I'm in limbo.  


    Good thing I've got a cruise coming up in few weeks.

    Geez. I'm going to guess you'll be investing in a dash cam for the next new car?

    Anyway, hope you aren't too sore this morning.

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