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Mango Mike

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Posts posted by Mango Mike

  1. I downloaded the "Fly Delta" app onto my smartphone to keep track of our upcoming flight for our cruise (really doesn't do much in my opinion, but oh well).

    Anyway, whenever I open the app, it loads the flight reservation information then asks if I would like to upgrade to first class for $xxx.xx (per passenger/entire trip, includes taxes and fees).

    This amount changes continually. At one point it was up to $575/person, 2 days ago it was down to $294/person, yesterday, $339.50/person and today $418/person.

    Has anyone had any experience with this app and am curious as to how low the cost might go?

    I called Delta to ask them - they didn't even know about the app (go figure), but the price they quoted me for an upgrade was quite a bit higher than what the app was offering. Confused???

  2. My wife and I have never used the vouchers that are pre-loaded onto our Sea Pass cards. We usually head up to the Diamond Lounge and enjoy a drink or three there before dinner.


    We are going on a cruise in a year with another couple who have never cruised before (ugh, a whole year). Obviously they won't be allowed in the Diamond Lounge so the missus and I will want to be sociable and enjoy our drinks with them in the Viking Crown or some other venue before dinner.


    Since we've never used the voucher system, we're not familiar with how it works. I know we're only allowed the 3 drinks during the set hours (5:00 - 8:00 or whatever) and I'm pretty sure, we're only allowed to have the same drinks as what's served in the Diamond Lounge. Please correct me on these 2 items if I'm wrong.


    My main question is, if we're in the Viking Crown or the Schooner Bar and we order a drink (my wife and I - the other couple are on their own), do they automatically know it is "no charge" or do I need to tell them?

  3. If conditions have remained basically unchanged since the early 1970's, the person in the article was correct, you DO NOT want to go on the other side of the fence, believe me.


    My first cruise was in 1970 and one of our ports of call was Cap Haitian (approx. 20 - 25 miles East of Labadee). At the time, I was quite young, but still remember the extreme poor conditions and cruelty to the residents at the time. We were told that the average income for the people of Cap Haitian was $65 per year (yes, year). I would've considered this to be a fourth world country.

    Law and order was maintained by the military. I witnessed people on the streets being whipped with short sections of rubber hoses for not abiding by their commands. Needless to say, quite a sight to see for a young person.


    My second cruise was in 1973 where we docked in Port au Prince (the capital of Haiti). conditions weren't a whole lot better then.


    The president of Haiti at this time was François Duvalier (aka Papa Doc). He was known for being the reason for Haiti's condition. I pray that things have improved for the people of this beautiful island.

  4. Please don't tell me they set up AND BLOCK the entrance(s) to the dining room. One of my biggest pet peeves on Royal. There's already a limited amount of space at the dining room entrance. The photographers don't need to set up their backdrops here and cut this space down even more. (just my opinion)

  5. Bed is by the balcony. Reason: Cabins on either side are for three/four, and the couch and upper in those are always by the balcony with bed by bath. EM


    Darn - but thanks for the reply anyway.


    We prefer bed by bath configuration (actually never had bed by balcony so really can't judge). Thinking having the couch next to the balcony would be better but then again, who knows.


    Now we just need to decide if we should change from 9294 to 9215. (decisions, decisions - maybe a couple shots of rum will help).

  6. It boggles my mind that you would build a footstool and then pack it in a suitcase. The beach ball idea, the garbage can idea all seem to make more sense to me. We used the small coffee table on our balcony as a footstool and brought the glass coffee table out to serve as a table.


    I've also used my carry-on suitcase with a pillow and then a towel on top. Worked fine.


    PS hoping to see pics of what you build


    Granted, all the other ideas would work but designing and building one, well - it's more of a challenge to see if I can do it. If when it's done (if I get it done - weather may hinder my progress), if it's to bulky/heavy/cumbersome/ridiculous looking to pack (take), then I'll scrap the whole idea.

    More than anything, it gives me something to do instead of sitting on my butt watching TV.

  7. When are you planning on making it? I'd love to see your plans. We are going on the Silhouette a week from today and my husband is a woodworking tinkerer as well :)


    Plans??? - You overestimate me. I'm the type the designs/engineers as I go.

    I was planning on making it out of tubular aluminum (hopefully strong enough and light weight) and fold-able so it can be packed in our luggage. Never really though of making it out of wood, but now that you referenced it, might not be a bad idea - design it to somewhat replicate a TV tray. Might be a little heavier, but would be sturdier.

    Doubt I'll get it done before you leave (sorry) but I'll try to post a picture if/when I get it done (starting to get cold - don't like "tinkering" in frigid temps).

  8. DSC01745.jpg


    This picture really helps in answering my question. From a visual perspective, I'm guessing if I made mine 12"-14" high, I wouldn't be too far off. Looks easy enough that I might make 2 so I can enjoy 1 as well.

  9. If you are going to take the DIY approach, you have the advantage of setting the height to whatever suits you best. :)


    Understood, but I assume the ones that are provided by the ship, match the chairs and since I don't know the height of the chairs, I don't know how high to make the stool. If I get real ambitious, I'll attempt to make it with an adjustable height.


    As for the inflatable ones, I read about them and did consider them, but I have a little time and as mentioned, I like to tinker around. Besides, I think I would prefer something a little more stable and not as susceptible to blowing away.

  10. I have a request. How tall are the footstools on the balcony.


    For anyone taking a cruise in the very near future, could you measure the height of the footstool for me?


    I know that if you're in a standard verandah stateroom, footstools aren't "standard issue" on the balcony.


    Being someone who likes to "tinker" in the workshop and with access to oodles of various materials (pvc, aluminum tubing, etc), I thought I might try to make a simple footstool that would be "packable" for our upcoming cruise.



  11. According to the article, construction would begin this coming January and be completed by the end of 2017 (but as we all know, what the officials say and do are always 2 different things :eek:)


    I have a sweet/sour view on this one. While I think an additional pier would mean more cruise passengers on any given day which in return results in more revenue for the island and its people, I really enjoy the very limited number of cruise passengers that can be ashore with the current setup.

    Another pier = possibly twice as many ships = twice as many tourists = crowded.

  12. It would be interesting to know what (if any) connections Conde Nast has with the higher rated lines.


    I've always been skeptical when it comes to a lot of these polls/ratings. In my opinion, the ranking is directly proportionate to the amount of advertising the cruise line does with that magazine or if the executives of both companies are in cahoots with each other.

  13. I notice this is your first posting on cruise critic. As others have said, I hope you had travel insurance. Many people think insurance is only for illness but unpredictable complications from mother nature are also covered. Those of us who have been on this board for a while can share the mother nature horror stories that have appeared on here in the past: in addition to the perennial missing flights due to snow, hurricanes, typhoons, etc.; there was volcanic ash spreading over Europe one year; and a devastating earthquake in Chile that closed the Santiago airport.


    On a more personal note - I used to travel to Charleston frequently and it was especially heartbreaking to see the pictures of the flooding. I hope you and your fellow citizens throughout South Carolina make a speedy recovery from the devastation.


    So far, the most crucial statement made.

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