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Everything posted by Jan10

  1. Sorry to disappoint! We are young 60’s , appreciate good dressing but do not get hung up if guests choose to be more casual! Just not too casual and definitely no short shorts in the dining rooms!
  2. We were on QE I September in Grills and there were people wearing short sleeved shorts. I don’t believe it makes a difference, people should be able to wear what shirts they are comfortable in. We like to dress up and DH always wore a shirt and jacket. I always wore a cocktail dress except for Gala night when we both followed the theme.
  3. I have just received the survey and it was very much based on the number of ports visited during a cruise. Some of them were 14 day cruises with 5 ports. Very restrictive! There was no opportunity to give one’s own comments at the end of the survey. Most of the cruise itineraries seemed geared towards someone living in America or Canada
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