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Dr. Pam

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Posts posted by Dr. Pam

  1. why employ just a regular butler for all those services, i mean that is so old hat. Instead i take all my staff from home with me as their services are specifically tailored to my tastes and requirements.


    With my entourage, i bring along my head of domestic services to ensure my cabin, sorry i mean "stateroom" is suitable, airy and to my tastes. She arranges all the storage spaces and unpacks my clothes. She even arranges those toiletries in particular order for me and puts the toilet roll back on the holder when i leave it on the more accessible shelf.


    My therapist, comes with to listen to me complain about the rain at home and the heat on holiday and the bar prices. She engages in discussions and often presents alternative opinions to my own, often insisting hers are right.


    My personal chef and nutritionist accompanies me to advise me on what food i like and dislike. Even if i insist i like a particular ingredient, she will reconfirm my standing. She also keeps count of all those "cruise calories" and reminds me about our dining plans with suggestions like "a hot dog now? We have dinner in an hour".


    My cleaner is here to, inspecting the cleanliness of the room, checking for dust in the bedroom and mold in the bathroom. She will also adjust my pillows and set the air con to the opposite temperature i enjoy.


    My secretary tells me where i would like to tour, shop and site see. She will then book all my excursions. She also accompanies me to the evening shows, selecting the seats she thinks i will be most comfortable in, often providing accurate critiques of each act and re-enacting the once funny jokes that may have been freshly discovered hours earlier.


    My fashion guru advises me that my neon orange t-shirt is not appropriate for casual wear in front of anyone without a welders mask, and that tonight i should wear the dark gray shirt with my smart new trousers (pants) as very dark gray is the new black, despite my having excellent experience of dressed myself for many many years.


    My personal massage and well being therapy expert is there to relax me at the end of a tiresome day basking in the sun sipping cool drinks. Quite often she will adopt anger management techniques and diffuse tense situations where i may spot large charges by surprise on our room account for spa treatments that are a load of old cobblers and don't actually do anything except drain ones finances.


    My financial adviser is there to keep track of what she ummmm we spend and to examine and asses the super deals that celebrity put in front of us. All those things we can't do without.


    Lastly i bring my chauffeur to drive me from the port, back home. Often giving commentaries such as, "this time last week it was 89 degrees" or "no mdr with a sexy maitrade tonight".


    (i wonder how many people will realise i'm just joking and never treat mrs 2010 with such disrespect).



  2. Dr Pam, I had plenty of time this past November to get my sailaway party stocked with booze and snacks; to get bowls for the snacks folks were bringing to the party; to have adequate ice and glasses set up; and even to get our banner hung for the sailaway group wave. Oh yes, asked for a little help putting the luggage in the closets, out of the way of the 100 or so folks that were expected (and showed up!!)


    I boarded at about 1:30, and immediately met with my butler. Then, and only then, did I grab a little lunch and prep for the lifeboat drill.


    When I returned from the drill, with about 25 folks in tow, the cabin was ready, and the party began....[/quote


    Bellybutton.....I can hardly wait!!!

  3. Just returned yesterday.... have tons of laundry and errands to tackle, but will be back in a few days with a review and some butler service reflections... If you have any specific questions in the meantime, I will try to answer if I can. I know I appreciated any help or suggestions I received prior to our cruise in a Royal Suite...


    I hope to get to the review within the week... :)


    I am hoping to hear about all the details... Thanks. Good luck with the laundry!!!

  4. One other question for previous suite guests.....has anyone contacted Celebrity prior to cruise to arrange a sailaway party. Is one able to contact the ship and let the butler know our wishes for departure? Thank you for any information.



  5. Hi Siinging Mom! Have an absolutely wonderful vacation and remember to post....how great the mimosas were at say.....9 Am....really the potatoes are boiling somewhere in the world! :)

  6. One other question for previous suite guests.....has anyone contacted Celebrity prior to cruise to arrange a sailaway party. Is one able to contact the ship and let the butler know our wishes for departure? Thank you for any information.

  7. Thanks for the e-mail bb530. You are a great source of information and a very enjoyable read!


    I am hoping that in the Bose system that they may allow for auxillary inputs so that we may bring our ipod (with all of our music) and plug in.


    Thank you diligaf51n for the tip on croissants......certainly a strong coffee, some berries and some fresh croissants will be enjoyed at our dining table on the verandah in the AM. :)

  8. Dr. Pam,


    Just don't forget CD's you want to play! One great thing about bring in a Royal Suite is you'll have a nice little nook that has a vanity (Right by the second sliding door to the balcony! I used it a LOT on our last cruise.


    As I mentioned before, talk to Customer Service and also try to figure out the time of your party well in advance. Your butler will be made aware of it and you can go over the fine details when you meet him.




    Do they have docking stations......Ipod takes up less room than CD's.......but I definitely like the idea of a little Nora Jones pre-dinner music. :)

  9. If you sign up for gratuities to be added to your onboard account, the butler will get at least $3.50 per day that you are on your cruise.


    When I present my list to my butler and we discuss it, I always give him some money in advance, and indicate that there is more where that came from, depending upon how well he completes my list. And at the end of the cruise he always gets that extra amount, as he almost always exceeds my expectations.


    Sometimes, during the cruise, I may hand certain folks who are doing an exceptional job some lucky bucks to spend in ports along the way. Normally, by the end of the second day, I know who is cutting the mustard, and who isn't.


    Everyone has his or her own system. If this is your first time having a butler, determine how much or little you want him to do for you, and then decide if he is earning the minimum amount or if more is in order. I sent you my list; I always expect to pay more.




    I agree with a little change upfront. Some may believe that this is not the time nor place. However, my experience has been the same as yours.....it is mutually beneficial to all parties involved.


    I do have a tentative list of requests, the first being that I wish to organize a sailaway party. Have you ever requested this....and how much is too much? (I realize that the staff has just had a tremendously busy morning getting ready for their new group of passengers.)


    Also, are there any special things, events, hidden gems that we should request or be made aware of while staying in a Royal Suite.......




  10. WE will be cruising abaord the Equinox in a Royal Suite this summer. Questions???? If we request, will the butler bring us a breakfast every morning? Could he prearrange a sailaway

    party? I do not want to ever abuse his/her services, but rather what what deem a normal request? ALso, please what the guidelines for gratuities/day for a family of 4 in a RoYal Suite.

  11. i haven't had a run in with a pushy porter yet, but i also always have some small bills ready almost as soon as the plane touches down to signal the vacation's start.


    As for $100 and $150 tips: If you ever cruise at the same time as me, i will personally carry your luggage on board, wait by the room until you are given the okay to go in, and unpack for you for that kind of money. I may even smuggle a bottle of adult beverage for you too.:d


    too funny :)

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