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Posts posted by patwell

  1. A search on Google suggests http://www.freepatentsonline.com/6336656.html who say "A seat restraint system whose torso belt includes an inflatable structure that inflates upon impact to protect the occupants of a vehicle such as an automobile". If you are really interested they write quite a lot more about it on the site:)


    I like my kinky (OK, risque, is that better?) image of what it might be better....:D


    Somehow the idea of my seat belt exploding in my face does not make me feel secure!!!


    Cheers, Penny

    Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



    November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....

  2. David,


    That is extremely interesting. However, and I do not wish to pour cold water on the theory, I fear that there is little if any chance of a direct familial connection, and even less of deportation.


    It seems that, unable to bear the pain and injustice of his disgraceful treatment at the hands of the Board of Admiralty, Lacker sought a solitary life of obscurity and reclusion somewhere deep in the wilds of darkest Perthshire. All that is known with any degree of certainty of his subsequent history is that he took heavily to drinking and indulging in substances that, even in those comparatively under-legislated times, were regarded as illegal.


    He died a broken-hearted pauper, crushed by the forces of the establishment of the ungrateful country to which, for so long, he had devoted his life and his energies. Curiously, though, when the night is dark and cold and the wind whistles through the thatch, tales are still told in rural Perthshire of this strange English incomer and his drunken babblings about his fantastic invention. He is rumoured to have struck up a relationship with a local girl who moved into his hovel as a live-in-lover (or "bidie-in" to use the local vernacular). Perthshire folklore has it that their union, strange as it was and unlikely as it sounds, was blessed by progeny.


    Of the unfortunate Petty Officer little trace now remains, but, amidst all the rumour, innuendo, local gossip, half-truths, and downright lies, one salient and incontrovertible fact stands out. Recorded in the parish records of a small Perthshire town (the name of which, for reasons that will become clear, I cannot reveal), and accessible e’en now to anyone who cares to make the effort to look, is a note written in immaculate copper-plate handwriting, enshrining for all time the fact that before finally departing this life, our hero (for hero he must be to anyone who has sampled his incomparable drink) changed his surname.


    His adoptive name, in common with almost every other aspect of his strange and unfortunate life, was bizarre and, if it can be said to have any substantive meaning whatsoever, it can only be as an ironic (some would say sarcastic) aside on the contrast between his life in the Highlands of Scotland and that which he had formerly eked out in the service of His Britannic Majesty’s Royal Navy.


    The surname he chose? Well now, that was Happyscot - but, around the village, he was always known as "Big Malkie"





    Now THIS is the greatest example of RUN-ON sentences that I have ever seen, bar none!! My awe knows no bounds that the end of the sentences actually bears a passing resemplance to the beginning!!:eek:


    Cheers, Penny

    Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



    November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....

  3. Again I stand in awe....fine historical data from Jimmy....excellent work sir...commendations shall be sent forthwith...or is that henceforth...I do get confused by those forths sometimes.


    And then to have HS verify the accuracy of this historical data...well...I am just speechless with admiration.;)


    And to cap it all off with geneological references...how much more authentic can we get.


    And not only that, but Jimmy seems to have solved our never ending problem of Sir maritn and why he is such an albatross around our necks.....it's in his genes!!!


    You cousins over there have been mightily busy this morning...do any of you have real jobs that you get paid for???;)


    Cheers, Penny

    Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



    November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....

  4. I think it is a frenchman's idea of a joke. Really, with all the word games going on in the various threads I started thinking of the Acker. Maybe it is really P.O. Lacker, which really means lacquer-a clear varnish consisting of

    shellac or gum resins dissolved in alcohol.




    WOW Paul...I believe you have answered the question about what Pol really is. Varnish....who knew?:rolleyes:


    Cheers, Penny

    Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review


    November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....

  5. Happyscot

    "Not money,

    Pattywell honey,

    I refer to alcohol.

    The screen begins to blur now

    And I can't find anything to rhyme with alcohol."


    Might I humbly suggest ethanol? cholesterol?


    And might I say how flattered I am to be immortalzied in an original HS creation? ;) I believe there is a group who need some new song lyrics that have requested your poetic Assistance but I'll be hanged if I remember which drifting thread that was on!!:rolleyes:


    Roll on HS...your audience awaits...By the by...I loved your Princess review...almost spit my tea all over my computer screen when I read it!! Truly well thought out...


    Cheers, Penny

    Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



    November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....

  6. Passenger to Steward - "Steward please tell the captain that the ship is drifting aimlessly about and he needs to bring it back on course


    Steward to Captain - "Captain a passenger has complained about our repeated drifiting off course"


    Captain to Steward - "Steward please inform the passenger that we are not drifting but are simply using creative navigational tools to confuse the enemy so as to safely arrive at our destination"


    Steward to Passenger - "Dear Madam I have spoken to the Captain and he assures me that we are on course but using clever tactics to confuse the enemy"


    Passenger to Steward - Thank you so much for the information. For a while there I was afraid all had simply lost their minds but now that iIknow it is just a ploy to confuse the enemy I can relax and enjoy the drift"



    AMEN...the definitive tome on DRIFT...both Fred and Thread. I feel so much better now...thank you Song....

    Cheers, Penny

    Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



    November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....

  7. Yes. If worn by a lady at the front, it would be a tit-tie.


    When worn by a Tuscan on the face, it would be an eye-tie. When worn by one hundred Tuscan darts players, it would be 100 and eye-tie.


    Estate agents of course wear real-ties. Except British ones, who wear Bligh-tie.





    OMG...he's back!! And in full good form I see....hi there HS...:D


    Cheers, Penny

    Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



    November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....

  8. :rolleyes:


    Hey - its from the QE2 & she is retiring - there has got to be a market surely ;) - by the time they find out what it really is, money would have changed hands ;)





    Then I wouldn't use the close up of the label...some folks might actually be able to read it and know what's in it. Use something that shows the QE2 if you're going for a collector's item :rolleyes:


    Cheers, Penny

    Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



    November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....

  9. No happyscot...Dante would have moved away in disgust....that is simply revolting!! No wonder people go overboard...they don't fall, they jump!:eek:


    Thanks Casshew...so glad I saw this before lunch...think I"ll postpone that for a bit.


    People really LIKE this stuff???


    Cheers, Penny

    Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



    November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....

  10. And when ARE you going back to the Murrrdurrr...does it have a happy ending? Does it even have an ending?


    Episode 3 is in the Thread drift thread...


    Isn't that where I am???:confused: I do get so confused sometimes...we drift so much here I think I drifted to the wrong thread...or is this the right one:p


    Oh who cares...just don't drink the PA without the antidote, a closely guarded secret held in the safe of Cunard's home office:eek:


    Cheers, Penny

    Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



    November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....

  11. Wow Trock!!!


    you've just taken "thread drift" into a completely new dimension. This is "thread quantum leap" of the highest order. :p:):D




    I concur!! Where did this come from?? Did I miss something?? I got all caught up in the "Murrrdurrr":eek: :rolleyes:


    Cheers, Penny

    Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



    November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....

  12. Wow you guys sure know a lot of stuff. So do I. I know a lot about..


    Wow you guys sure know a lot of stuff.


    I like this board. Thank you for taking me in. Tell me if you get fed up of me. Obviously, that will make it even better. :p




    Don't you dare leave Happyscot...we haven't had this much fun around here since QM2 lost that pod in that silly little mishap that caused all those formerly nice people to act like raving maniacs....:rolleyes: Ahhh, but I digress....


    And when ARE you going back to the Murrrdurrr...does it have a happy ending? Does it even have an ending?


    Are you from the same planet as the rest of us??Just asking mind you....;)


    Cheers, Penny

    Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



    November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....

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