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Everything posted by NextOne

  1. Off the NS after a wonderful cruise. As Debbie said, disembarkation was a breeze and we were able to get a taxi right away. THAT'S where the efficiency ended -- Budget Rental at the airport has not improved since last year. Lots of customers & only 2 agents. It's going to take a while!! So while we wait I'll pretend I'm back on the ship. It was SO nice to meet the other Daily-ites and all of the other CCers! The turnout for the M&G was terrific - thanks to everyone that participated! Edi
  2. It's late in the day but... Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit!
  3. Up very early this morning to watch Queen Elizabeth's funeral. I wanted to make sure I was early enough to see the procession from Westminster Hall to the Abbey. The service was sad, but beautiful. My condolences to all who mourn her. Now I'm watching the procession to Windsor Castle. The bagpipes are haunting. Graham @grapau27 , do I remember correctly that you and Pauline attended one of the Queen's tea parties at Buckingham Palace? What a nice memory to have!
  4. One more 9-11 memory. I was working in Washington, DC in a building close to the State Department. We had just started a meeting when someone dashed into the room and told us all to evacuate the building. Rumors abounded that car bombs were all over the city and the State Dept. was a prime target. When we were allowed to re-enter the building, there were tv sets going so we could see what was happening. The plane had already hit the Pentagon. From our rooftop cafeteria, we could see the smoke rising from the Pentagon for several days. I have a good friend who was on her way to her job at the Pentagon, but got delayed on the Metro. That saved her life because her office was in the area where the plane hit. Many of her coworkers were lost. We'll never forget.
  5. I plan to watch. I have always had great respect for her dedication to her country, her faith, and her family. And she & my sister share the same birthday, April 21 - gotta love her!
  6. Thank you for sharing your adventures once again! i'm looking forward to your excellent reports.
  7. The test kits that our library hands out are also expired, but they have a sign on the table that the CDC has extended the expiration dates by 6 months. Even so, I'm not sure an online testing company would allow one with an expired date..... Guess I'll have to buy some. Sigh!
  8. Has anyone been to a Cellar Master's dinner lately? My late DH & I enjoyed them before covid changed the world. I got an email from HAL the other day offering a "Cellar Master package" that included wine tastings, special bottles of wine, and 1-2 special dinners. Is it possible to sign up for just the CM dinner when we get on board? That's the way it USED to work. Thanks!
  9. This is when I really wish that CC had a "WOW" reaction icon!
  10. Thank you! I'll hold off on the fertilizer for now and just water it a bit, but not too much. It really has a nice scent, so I can pretend it's Spring!
  11. Happy Friday everyone and Happy Labor Day weekend to those who observe it! This will be the last weekend for our neighborhood pool (one block away) and then things will be quiet again until next year! I have a question for the Garden Club -- I have a 35-year-old lilac bush by my front porch that heretofore has thrived on neglect (my kind of bush). It gets full western exposure so has gotten the hotter-than-normal sunshine all summer. Watered and fertilized only occasionally because it's always done so well in the past. A few weeks ago, it started dropping its leaves - I thought it had finally given up. But Wait! After the torrential rain on Tuesday, it has started sprouting new leaves! And blooming! I have NEVER had lilacs and chrysanthemums blooming at the same time! Anyway, since it seems to want to survive, what should I do? Is it too late in the season to fertilize? Prune? Although every branch seems to be sprouting at least one new leafbud. Advice would be appreciated! Edi
  12. Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit! Happy Birthday @Cruzin Terri! I had a big, fluffy ginger cat named Macafferty. Great cat!
  13. Thank you, Rich, for today's Daily. My Tooth Fairy would leave me 25 cents per tooth and I thought I had a fortune! I kid you not, I recently heard a boy say that the Tooth Fairy left him $50 per tooth! Now THAT's inflation!! I was supposed to be in Cartagena, Spain in the fall of 2020 -- I had a nice walking tour all mapped out and everything. Well, we all know how THAT turned out! I hope to get there one day, but until then, I enjoyed all the pictures. Thank you for the lists, Roy. Congratulations for all who are celebrating -- Graham, I hope you and Pauline have a lovely dinner with Sarah tomorrow. Prayers for all who need them. Speaking of dining, there were customers at the Dogwood Diner yesterday -- table for a party of 5, please!
  14. My PCC was kind enough to tell me about his departure, but I STILL get emails from HAL with his info. REALLY??
  15. I like today's selection of days and the contributions from the food & beverage department. Today's quote reminds me of the old saying - "Absence makes the heart grow fonder." Not sure I agree with that. Wishing everyone a beautiful day. Prayers raised for all who need them, and especially that Shadow has been found!
  16. Hi friends! I've had a few busy days because my son is moving the remainder of his stuff into my house on Saturday, so there's been a flurry of activity trying to make space for it! I like the days - the only time I ate smores was on Girl Scout camping trips, and they were delicious ! we also made dinner packets that we cooked in the campfires. Good times! Prayers for everyone in harm's way around the world. Wouldn't it be lovely if we all could live in peace? A little sad today because I got word that a member of my church -- a 99-year-old veteran of WWII -- died this morning. We just sang Happy Birthday for him a few weeks ago and he said he hoped to make it to 100. RIP Loren! I've started getting some surprising emails lately connected to my long-since-cancelled cruise on the Volendam that would have happened later this month. I've gotten notices from the airlines (Icelandic and Delta) reminding me of the reservations and protocols! I made the arrangements through Flight Ease, so shouldn't they have notified the airlines that the trip was cancelled? Do I have any liability if they didn't? I wouldn't think so, but...? Stay well & safe everyone!
  17. Interesting days! I prefer wine to beer, underwear -- don't leave home without it! lol! and I love oysters - the grilled version in New Orleans are my favorite! Had an interesting experience with HAL customer service today. First I called the PCC number & put in my late, great agent's extension. Got the message that he was no longer was with HAL (sniff!) & I would be tranferred to another PCC. Well after a short 10-minute wait, I was connected to a Princess agent!! She was as confused as I was & gave me the number for HAL customer service. Nope, she couldn't connect me, so I had to call back in. Another 10 minute wait to get an agent who ended up telling me that no, I couldn't rebook my 2023 VoV under the "Book Early" promo. When I asked to speak to a supervisor, I was disconnected. Decided to eat my lunch & cool down a bit. Called back Customer Service & an agent picked up the line after 15 minutes. She actually said I could do it, but it would cost me more. I knew that and asked for a quote, which the previous agent never provided, even though I asked her twice. Quote provided & with the inclusion of the HIA & the Book Early, it doesn't seem that outrageous. Texted my traveling companion (Sis) and waiting for her response. We'll see! On a more peaceful note, here's a visitor that came to the bufferfly buffet yesterday, before the storms hit.
  18. I'm sure this is covered in an earlier thread, but I wasn't able to find it. What are the current crew appreciation rates? I'm trying to decide if the Book Early & Save offer is worthwhile. Thank you!
  19. @MISTER 67 I've actually been in St. Petersburg, Russia more than the FL location!! LOL!
  20. Another meme I can relate to! Wishing everyone a good day.
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