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Everything posted by AlaskaGoer

  1. https://www.ncl.com/cruise-ship/Epic?cid=PS_DIG_NA_BRP_GOO_NA_NA_NA_NA_NA_NAM&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwmYCzBhA6EiwAxFwfgOwuYzBC56iWmSV72kws8h7z74jRRFFJAr_9nFuowS8_rEqpXeXvixoCHNkQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds 4k? Not sure how booked the Epic is tho.
  2. Might be official, but it's about 2k to 3k short on passenger numbers for the Epic.
  3. Epic and in a week. There was a 2pm ship that is no longer listed.
  4. Interesting enough, I checked cruise mapper to see if there were any changes to the amount of ships docking. For our day it's now 1 less.
  5. " Controlled Disembarkation in Fira Bay: Implementing controlled disembarkation procedures to prevent overcrowding." Curious on what that will mean.
  6. I have a ton from one of my previous Euro trips I'll bring. Thanks
  7. Thank you. I didn't know if it was that packed that we would have to stand in line just to get close to the boat vendor. WC?
  8. When getting off the ship waiting on the dock, did you just get b line it for the boat ticket or did you wait a bit in line for the cable cars? Just curious after getting off the tender, how crowded is it to go straight to the boat ticket booth. Or is there room to get around the lines...
  9. Interesting. They estimate the passengers for my ship at around 3k. But it can hold between 4228 - 5074.
  10. We will be in Canne next month, and its the one port that I am struggling to find something to do. Can you recommend anything in Canne? Resturants? Places to check out?
  11. I assume your group went through the main entrance, correct? We're at the beginning of June, and during a weekday. Hope to lesser crowds lol
  12. I grabbed 10:00a ticket (meaning we can go in at 9:45a). What time was yours?
  13. If I could impose on someone to help guide me. I copy and pasted this rough guide on where to go at the Acropolis. However, I'm not sure if I am following it correctly? " -- After the Acropolis, walk back down the slope (making sure to see the Theatre of Dionysus) and then along the short path to the Greek Agora. It's not as visited but is well worth it. There is a Greek temple there (you can see it from the top of the Acropolis) that is far more complete than the Parthenon and is well worth seeing up close. Also there is a small museum inside the reconstructed stoa (Stoa of Attalos) that's fascinating. It includes actual ostraka (broken pottery pieces) that Athenians used to vote out or "ostracize" citizens who they felt were abusing power -- you'll see actual written names of famous "classical" Greeks such as Themistocles and Xanthippus. -- After this, you can continue on foot to the nearby Monastiraki area and have a gyro platter or some souvlaki for a quick lunch. (This area is known for its casual restaurants, easy to find one. They range from basic hole-in-the-wall takeout with tables on the sidewalk to real cafes.) -- Now you're close to the Roman Forum, which includes an actual paced space (forum) as well as remains of several Roman buildings, including a library built by Hadrian. At the bottom of the Roman Forum is the wonderful Tower of the Winds, a beautiful but rather enigmatic octagonal building built entirely of marble. -- From here it's up to you. You could walk back through the Plaka, with a quick stop to look at the Arch of Hadrian and the Temple of Olympian Zeus (unless really interested, a quick outside view is fine). End at the Acropolis Museum, where you can learn more about the current and previous buildings on the acropolis, as well as see bits of sculpture from excavations there. You should be able to catch a taxi from here or, slightly backtrack to the area in front of Hadrian's arch where the X80 express bus stops. -- Alternatively you could walk to Syntagma Square from the Roman Forum to see the old Royal Palace and Changing of the Guard. The X80 bus also has a stop here, and there are always taxis in this area. " I took a screen shot of Acropolis. I know here the side entrance is (bottom right) and the Theater of Dionysus. The description sounds like it has you go down to the Theater but take a short path to a more complete Greek Temple? Which one is that? Lastly, is the yellow circled also open to Acropolis goers? If so, do you just follow directions on the nothern end of the hill? I'm very much a visual thinker, and need to see ***** to figure it out.
  14. I'm about 10 to 12 points shy after this cruise from Gold level. Something to look forward to I guess.
  15. Interesting. Might have been that specific ship / port thing? I browsed through a few threads on here to find other FS dailies, and none had that either. All stated to get a ticket. I guess I'll be the chosen one to get in line for tickets 😉
  16. I assume there are plenty of taxis once we get off the ship? I know the entrance you're talking about. I read that's the better entrance to go through if you already purchased the tickets (I have). What would I tell the taxi driver to ensure I go to that entrance vs the main?
  17. Thank you much. As I have never been on a cruise that I needed to tender for the port, does the Freestyle give the location on the ship to meet for the Early Bird drop off in addition to the time?
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