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Posts posted by ILoveScotland

  1. I decided yesterday that I needed an ocean fix. So today I drove the 45-50 minutes over to Emerald Isle which is a small community near the end of one of the barrier islands. There was no one on the beach. So, I just stood at the top of the stairs and filled my eyes with the Atlantic.

    Then I drove up the island and could sometimes see the sound on one side and the ocean on the other. I stopped at Atlantic Beach which is near the other end of the island. That was a better place, because there were benches where I could sit without going out onto the sand.

    After a while I crossed back to the mainland and found a waterfront restaurant where I had lunch.

    A good day and being near the ocean was a major reason for moving last summer.


  2. Truth is I am enjoying being alone these days after being a caretaker of an aging husband for several years and pastor of a church which meant lots of caretaking at times as well. I have my women solo cruising friends now which means I may technically cruise as a solo passenger but will have a friend on the ship. There were three of us on the Brilliance. There will be two of us on the Norway cruise, and there will be two and possibly three on the Brilliance transatlantic in April.

    That said I miss male companionship, and as my DH declined I really didn't have it even though I was married. That's no disrespect to him, just a reality. So, I would be happy to find a companion with shared interests.


  3. Several people on the repositioning cruise I just took on the Brilliance were doing B2B. I don't know all the reasons, but I do know that it was partly because they had the 8 nights from NJ with some Caribbean stops and then another Caribbean itinerary.

    I would love to do one some day. But it will be 2014 at this point since 2013 is all booked up.

    That is...unless I will the big lottery tomorrow night. And, yes, I bought a ticket - just one, but I had to jump into it all. One never knows.

    Meanwhile the first six months of this year were long and very difficult. However, the five months since late June have flown by. It seems I just moved yesterday.


  4. Ilovescotland, I'm curious. When/if you meet this man, I would like to know how it went?


    The reason I ask, my s-i-l has met about 3 men through different websites, and they seemed very good, but then after a while, it did not work out.:( She is working on another one, but "taking her time."


    I agree, if you are going to meet him and it does not turn out, it is good you don't live close to each other.


    I'll let you all know. We're not meeting until December 21st, so it will be a while. My husband died in May 2011, and he was 18 years older than I am and in declining health for several years. We'd been married 17 1/2 years. I waited a year and also waited until I had moved to my new home and decided that even if I am 70+ I might meet someone. I really don't want to get married again, but it would be nice to have a good friend who would enjoy doing the kinds of things I do.


    I have some other single women friends here on CC, and they've given me lots of advice and pointers. I think the key, as your SIL is doing, is taking my time. If someone comes along that I really like, that's great. If not, that's okay, too.



  5. Carol, I've put your sailaway on my calendar and will watch on the port webcam. I usually watch the Freedom leave Pt. Canaveral, so I can watch both.

    The only thing going on here is that at my ripe age I joined a dating website a couple of months ago. I have been having e-mails with a guy for over a month. He lives about 100 miles from me, and I use an e-mail address which doesn't identify me entirely.

    Anyway, he's suggested we meet! I will be going near his home in about three weeks when I go see my daughter, so we're going to meet at a Barnes and Noble. I'm not expecting sparks, and I'm not sure I want sparks, but it will be a new experience nonetheless.

    I like that he doesn't live nearby, because if I really don't like him or he really doesn't like me, then I won't have to worry about running into him about town.


  6. Hi, Beth,


    Yes, I'm a writer. Two of my books are cruise romances. Anyone who knows me understands my passion for cruising. I write under my own name, Lynn Byer. I'm a court reporter by day...but writing and cruising are my true loves :)


    Thanks. I'll look up your books.



  7. Hi, Carol,


    Thank you for your wonderful comments. I'm so happy you enjoyed my books :)


    I'm also happy you have the Kindle app on your iPad now. It isn't the same as having a regular Kindle, but it's great for certain things...like cookbooks where you want color and size. I have quite a few cookbooks on my iPad now. Yes, I'm quite obsessed about books:)


    I definitely recommend the Paperwhite. I love, love, love mine!!!


    Did I miss something? Are you a writer?



  8. I just found this thread this morning. I am enjoying reading it, so much so that I almost forgot to eat breakfast (which rarely happens). I love cruising, started back when I was 25 years old (over 30 years cruising). My first cruise was a 14 day carribbean, which I did solo as none of my friends could afford to come. Since then I have cruised every 2 or 3 years, sometimes alone, sometimes with friends or husband. I have a 15 day cruise planned for April 2013 from Long beach, CA to Hawaii and back to Vancouver, Canada (where I live). It will be my BF's first cruise. Somehow it seems even more exciting to share it with a newbie!


    Noticed you have cats. BF has a cat and we are struggling with arrangement for his care while away. A friend from out of town is going to stay with him for a week. Wondering what others do with their pets. Our family does not live close enough. We are looking at a cat hotel. What are your thoughts on this?


    I moved in June. Before I moved I had a friend come to my house to feed the cats, etc. They've never been boarded, so I wasn't sure what I would do in my new hometown.


    So, I did an Internet search and found a local pet sitting service owned by a young woman just out of college. She has two or three college students who work for her. I hired the service when I was away earlier this month. One of the "sitters" came to my home each day, fed the cats and changed the litter, brought in my mail and paper and played with any of the cats that would let her. All of this for $10 a visit. I couldn't board one cat for that



  9. ilovescotland, you caught my attention, when you mentioned about making pies, or "pie crust"


    I like to make pies, and have always made them with Crisco. I have "changed" to save time, and no one knows the difference. I now use Jiffy pie mix and roll out the dough, and it is just as good.


    Actually, I remember as a young girl when my grandmother used to use "pure lard", and those pie crust were the BEST!



    My grandmothers and my mother used "pure lard" as well back in West Tennessee where I grew up. Often, in the case of one grandmother, it was from a hog they had killed. Lard also made the best biscuits. Can we say cholesterol??:eek::D


    On another note, last night I booked the Brilliance's TA for mid April next year. It's a 10 night cruise out of San Juan with stops in St. Thomas and St. Maarten and then 7 lovely, wonderful sea days to Lisbon. I'll plan to stay in Lisbon a few nights before coming home.


    Meanwhile...Happy Thanksgiving.



  10. This certainly does NOT sound like fun to me.

    Thank you for posting. Guess we'll count him out.


    I would never tell someone not to count someone out, but I would encourage you to read other reviews, perhaps go to tripadvisor.com as well as here. Our roll call group chose Royston because of the good reviews.


    That is not to discount Canucks4 experience, just to say there are other experiences as well. Of course, we all have different views of similar experiences, and our views are neither right nor wrong, just ours and, therefore, valid.

  11. That reminds me of a funny story that happened on the last cruise we took on the Liberty. My DH had a shirt that he has taken on the last few cruises, and he complained about how it fit everytime he wore it. Finally, i threw it in the garbage on the ship and told him to quit his complaining. When we came back to our room later that evening, the shirt was nicely folded and laying on the dresser. So, we threw it away again. Next day, it was folded on the dresser again.

    I suppose our Steward thought we would never throw away a shirt in such good condition, so he took it out. The next time we threw it away, we put it in a plastic bag and then in the trash.

    Finally got rid of it.



    Sometimes I take old underwear to wear and throw away. This very same thing happened to me several years ago when I threw away a pair of undies. The next day they were on the dresser. Threw them away again. On the dresser again. I used your idea and put them in a plastic bag and then in the trash, and they were never seen again - at least not by me.

  12. My experience with Royston was not favorable. His van was old, rusty, had a wood block for a brake, cracked windshield and took out the windows to get air. Further, he drove his suspect tour van "off road" into fields, barely a path to be found. I thought his knowledge of the island was excellent and we did indeed circle the island and went from top to bottom, however, his driving methods were very daredevilish. When I expressed dismay with his risk taking driving, he further exacerbated the situation by doing even more stunts thinking he was funny, i.e. driving to the unfenced ledge of a cliff. I was so embarrassed and frightened, I thought I was going to be ill. The excursion was to be 4-4-1/2 hours - It ended up being a 7 hour long, uncomfortable experience.


    I would not recommend him, his "van" or his risk-taking driving (especially given the shape of his van)!!


    Oh that is too bad. We actually had two groups, and Royston drove the other group while his associate drove ours. The van we were in was relatively new and in good condition. Our driver stayed on the roads and never scared me which is saying something as I can be an anxious passenger. I don't know what the others experienced with Royston himself. I just know my experience which really was great.

  13. Carol, when is your Allure cruise? I know it's soon. Are you on the same cruise as Cruise Wizard (Gary)? He's very active on our Freedom roll call even though we're over a year away.

    I'm going to a community Thanksgiving Dinner. I'm taking cornbread dressing like my mother and first MIL (actually only one I knew) made. I did my grocery shopping today. The store was a madhouse.


  14. I was on St. Kitts a week and a half ago and went with a group from our roll call on Royston. We had 10 in the van. Our driver was not Royston himself, but I have never had a better tour. We circled the island with lots of commentary and conversation along the way, stops for photos, visits to Caribelle Batik Factory and the fortress and then lunch on one of the beaches. By then we were tired, so no one went in the water, but we could have.

  15. My cats are Lili - age 9 and Angus - age 3. I also have Bengal who is about 6. I adopted him a couple of years ago, and the person I got him from thought he was 4. Lili is a wee gray tabby; Bengal is a big orange tabby and Angus is a mid size long gray haired cat with beautiful white markings.

    Carol, I'd forgotten about your cruise on the Allure. I'll be interested in what you think about it.

    Several years ago I got pretty good at making pie crusts, but I haven't had any practice in a long time. Now I just buy the frozen crusts if and when I make a pie which is rare.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend.


  16. Hi everyone. Yes, I am home, and yes, today I am a year older. I've done absolutely nothing which is quite okay.

    Carol, in the midst of being at sea, I missed your birthday. Happy Belated Birthday. Sounds like you had a great day.

    Some brief notes about the cruise:

    • Cape Liberty's port had sustained some damage during Sandy, but the port folks managed to set up temporary quarters for check-in which worked just fine. Passengers from previous cruise were able to disembark, we embarked and sailed away right on time.
    • Seas were a bit choppy still as we headed south. The rocking and rolling lulled me to sleep.
    • Our Meet 'n Mingle had 147, and the staff did a good job. Our roll call sponsored several events on the three sea days - slot pull, cabin crawl, group lunch in the dining room, poker run. Mostly the same 20-30 people participated.
    • Quite a few people on board from NJ, NY and New England. Some of them still had no power when we left, so they headed to their cabins and showered as soon as they got on the ship.
    • Then four islands in four days: St. Kitts, St. Maarten, Tortola and St. Thomas. I took a private tour on St. Kitts that was excellent and a ship's tour on Tortola that was good. Stayed on board at St. Maarten and just walked around the port on St. Thomas.
    • Disembarked in San Juan, and I stayed 2 nights in a small, older hotel in the middle of Old San Juan. Not the best hotel but incredibly good staff and excellent location.

    I still love the Brilliance, but she is showing her age. She goes into dry dock next spring for refurbishment and enhancements which will help.

    There were also a few issues with crew members' attitudes. I was totally surprised. Didn't keep me from enjoying myself at all though.

    Cruised with two of the women who have booked the Presidential Suite on the Freedom OTS next year. Fun to meet them in person and to see how well we got along.

    Arrived home last night and am ready to go again, but it will be March before I do. I'm also glad to be home with my three kitty babies.


  17. Good morning. Up and about to shower and do final packing. I want to be on my way in two hours.

    Some of us are beginning to be frustrated that Royal Caribbean hasn't kept us up to date with our cruise. There are daily updates on the website, but we've learned more from people on the Brilliance right now who are relaying what the captain is telling them. Nothing to be done now, but a letter to RCCL might be in order once I'm home.


  18. Carol, good news about your friends in NJ. One of my friends who is to be on the Brilliance Friday is okay, but she left her home on Monday afternoon, and she only checks in occasionally. She lives on a hilltop with absolutely no danger of flooding, but she could have wind damage. I think she's going home today to find out for sure. Another friend who lives right on the ocean in a condo is safe in a hotel, but she doesn't know yet about her home.

    The devastation continues to astound me.

    Meanwhile, the Brilliance is in Portland, ME and looking good!


  19. Anxiety still reigns! Flights from across the country to Newark are cancelled for tomorrow, but it would appear that we can fly in on Thursday. That's a change for several on our roll call, but if the flights really are going in then we can all get there.

    Now the issue is whether the Cape Liberty port has sustained any damage and if the Brilliance can get into port and get us out on Friday as planned.

    In the grand scheme of things this really is a minor issue even though it does produced anxiety at a certain level. However, the news seems to get worse instead of better as one story after another on TV reports some horrific tale with horrific videos as well. I watch for a while and then have to turn off the TV completely or watch one of the shopping networks or something else that requires no thinking.

    Hope you're all doing well.


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