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Posts posted by Njkrewzer

  1. 4 hours ago, mjkacmom said:


    I don’t think it’s just for handicapped parking, I think some on other ships were allowed to park there so it’s pretty full right now, so on your sailing they are only offering handicapped parking in the garage. If there no room, there’s no room.

    Gotcha, makes perfect sense now, I thought it was all reserved for just handicapped just for this sailing lol

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  2. 7 hours ago, markf said:

    Curious as to how crowded the Bliss was for the cruise that ended March 15.

    did it seem less crowded at buffet or at pool area?




    Didnt seem any different than any other cruise. We got screwed by NCL and weren't allowed a FCC or any sort of compromise, so most people sailed instead of losing out on thousands of dollars. The only thing was that in the Bahamas on thursday, any Europeans aboard were allowed off the ship to fly home from there, as they wouldnt have been able to fly back to Europe from NY on sunday. But even after those passengers disembarked the next 2 days seemed the same from a passenger perspective. The crew was really great with the disinfecting procedures. The ship was entirely hands off. No self service at the buffet, no books in the library, no grabbing your own towel from the rack at the spa, etc.. it was great and very efficient. Every single chip in the casino was sanitized multiple times every single night.

  3. 18 minutes ago, Chesneygirl said:

    I can only imagine what they must be going through. On a side note, I am FB friends with a certain crew member who was our butler in the Haven on the Bliss. I read this morning on her FB wall from others posting that she passed away very unexpectedly during this sailing. I'm still in disbelief. 

    I can't PM you for some reason, but yes

  4. On 3/11/2020 at 11:24 AM, RHilla619 said:

    At the end of the day I am thankful for Norwegian's leniency, and a F.C.C. is way better than them just saying either sail or eat the cost of your cruise.

    Yea, meanwhile they screwed thousands of us and told us this exactly. It was either lose thousands of dollars or take a risk for those of us who sailed on the 7th, 8th and 9th. Such a bad move of NCL's part, I could now care less what happens to them through all of this. That aside, I can say with 99% certainty that whatever you were offered from CAS this time around, you will be offered again when you re-book. I just got off the Bliss today (booked through CAS)

  5. Just now, Chesneygirl said:

    Do you know where the Bliss will go for the next 30 days?

    No clue. It's all just speculation at this point. Being friends with a couple of crew members, I can tell you they are all very stressed out over the uncertainty

  6. 1 hour ago, abualsamid said:

    I booked a cruise for my family, including two children with disabilities, for our Spring Break vacation.
    My child has a history of severe asthma reactions to upper respiratory infections. 
    When the corona virus epidemic started, I got worried about him getting severely sick while at sea. In the past he ended up in the ICU three times.
    I called them to ask for a refund for a future trip. They flat out refused. I called the following week, and the lady explicitly told me to "cancel the reservation and write to our customer care team" as the only option.
    I did so, and was flat out denied by the customer care team. I wrote them back, I was flat out denied. I called again, I was flat out denied. Every time with zero empathy.

    Today, they announced "peace of mind, cancel your reservation if you are worried about corona virus." I called and they said "you already canceled, this does not apply to you". When I lost my temper the customer service HUNG UP THE PHONE.

    I would not travel on Norweigian if they paid me my weight in gold to do it. 

    Screw NCL, they've lost my business for good. I'm so turned off

  7. 46 minutes ago, JamieLogical said:

    I think the vast majority of people wanting to cancel their bookings are far more afraid of being quarantined than they are of getting sick. Not everyone can afford to be away from home/work for 2-4 weeks longer than planned.

    You are 100% correct Jamie. I know that I most likely won't contract the virus, and if I do, I probably won't die from it. My worries is that in the ship of 5000 people, all it takes is one person to exhibit symptoms and your 1 week vacation just turned into a 4 week nightmare. Of course you will always have the usual NCL cheerleaders where NCL could go #2 on their heads and they would say thanks for the hat. We aren't asking for a refund, just the ability to rebook at a later date. And bbixler, youre all over every thread comparing coronavirus to norovirus and telling everyone to get a grip, but I don't think you get how ridiculous that sounds. Get a grip because there are 15000 of us who want the same courtesy that was extended to the other 100000? When you go to a restaurant, the waiter comes over to the table and takes everyones order no? same concept here, its not that difficult.

    • Like 2
  8. 15 minutes ago, Cruising since 3 said:

    For your March 8th sailing, you would have been less than 48 hours before departure day when this policy was announced on March 6th, so it wouldn't have applied to your cruise anyway.

    No the cruise starts on sail away time so 10am on march 6th is 55 hours

  9. 29 minutes ago, yankees111 said:

    The exact reason why you should have brought trip insurance! Would you be saying NCL is heartless if you had a death in the family and NCL would not refund you? Bottom line is you rolled the dice. That being said there is no reason not to cruise. You cannot live life in a bubble....

    You're right, but to be fair I'm not looking for a refund, just the option to reschedule that was afforded to almost everyone, regardless of trip insurance.

  10. 7 minutes ago, katec6873 said:

    We are scheduled to be on the bliss Tomorrow. Have spent a few hours on the phone and totally don’t understand how they can do this. I’m very upset and thinking we might not go even though it was going to be a big trip for us. I’m so sorry you are in the same situation

    I agree, I thought that I was missing something  because my thought was theres no way NCL would do something great for most, and sell the rest of us up the river  It just didnt seem like something they would do and it's such bad business. But they did

  11. 11 minutes ago, yankees111 said:

    The cruise is still sailing.  OP could stay home and pick up the virus at the local supermarket. you cant live life in a bubble!

    To be very clear, I realize the chances of contracting the virus are slim, and let's say worst case scenario I did, I'm young and healthy and most likely wont die. My concern is that one of the 5000 passengers aboard starts showing symptoms and we get quarantined. That is probably the most likely scenario. New York just declared a state of emergency. The numbers have doubled in 24 hours, so those that are saying fear mongering, no it's just simple facts. This is how viruses spread, think of it like the old chain mail, 1 person  gives to 2, 2 give to 4, and so on. Yes you could get it anywhere, but it's about playing the odds here

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  12. Just now, put me on a ship said:

    We feel your pain. We leave tomorrow, also. We would have rebooked if we had been given that option.

    Same here, I simply would've liked to rebook. Yet the NCL cheerleaders on here will jump all over us as though we're asking for something crazy. Are you on the bliss?

  13. 1 hour ago, bbixler18 said:

    Fearmongering at its best!  Turn off MSM and go outside, enjoy life!  You could get hit by a bus or have a heart attack tomorrow.....people need to chill out...

    This is all true, (minus the fearmongering), but I'm not sitting inside with a hazmat suit and a tinfoil hat, I just would've like the option the rebook like everyone else. I dont want a refund, just want to reschedule to a safer time. My greater concern would be getting stuck in a quarantine. Theres 5000 people aboard, all you need is that ONE person to start showing symptoms during the week and now you're on board for 6 weeks. Look what happened in the news, the quarantines are a real thing 

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, bbixler18 said:

    LOL...guess you and your child are immune to norovirus?  Get a grip....fearmongering 

    Comparing norovirus to coronavirus? Why dont you get a grip and do some research. No "fearmongering", I just would've liked the same option that everyone else had to err on the side of caution. The idea of getting stuck in the quarantine doesnt seem too appealing. The people who sail on the 10th can reschedule but those on the 9th can't. Yea that makes sense. 

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  15. 13 minutes ago, egcruise said:

    I've been on many a cruise, and always forgot to pack some high end TP.


    Does the cruise line offer more premium TP than what's standard / normally available in the rooms (I'm in a balcony). 

    I sincerely doubt people paying 40k for the the haven suites are subject to the sandpaper currently provided in the the cheaper rooms, but are their other options?


    Many thanks.

    Very interesting question. The TP in the Haven is the same as what's on the rest of the ship. I think the answer to your question is no, they don't have premium tp available

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  16. 1 minute ago, Pattyd227 said:

    I wonder what happens to the people sailing on the 8th if you show up to the terminal with the sniffles, they won’t let you board for sure, do you still lose everything or get a credit?

    We get screwed, that's what happens. I called this morning 53 hours before my sailing to be told that their offer isn't available to those sailing on the 8th and the 9th, as though we are somehow magically immune. My child isn't as important as the children sailing on the 10th I suppose. Way to go NCL! Great PR you bunch of nickel and diming scum

  17. 1 minute ago, BirdTravels said:

    You can still cancel and file an insurance claim. 

    Are you referring to the optional trip insurance or something else? I didn't purchase the trip insurance. I live very close to the port, so no travel logistics to worry about and short of a global pandemic there wouldn't be a reason for me not to go on the cruise. I can promise you I've never been one to complain, never sent a meal back at a restaurant, written a bad review, and certainly don't have any entitlement issues, I just think it would've been nice (and good business practice) to be extended the same option that everyone else was. There are thousands of people in the same boat as me (a little pun intended) I surely can't be the only one who feels this way. Again, I'm not stamping my feet demanding a refund, just would like to rebook at a later and safer time.

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  18. 2 hours ago, joreey85 said:

    Is anyone else having this problem?  I called NCL to cancel my cruise after reading on USA Today that they changed their final payment policy for June/July cruises to due 90 days out.  I am currently 93 days out and just tried to cancel my June cruise sailing out of Rome.  The "supervisor" told me that there was a freeze on cancellations and there was nothing she could do for me, and to call back on Tuesday... this puts me at 89 days out from the cruise.  So basically, they are holding my money and will not cancel my cruise before the 90 days because they want to keep part of my money since they're telling me they will not cancel my cruise at all until 89 days out.  This is ridiculous!  I should be able to cancel my cruise any time I want... refunds aside.  I was going to rebook this cruise in a year or two, but now... there is ZERO chance of me EVER using NCL again.  

    Don't feel so bad, I called this morning around 53 hours before sailing and they wouldn't let me move my cruise to a later date. I am absolutely disgusted with NCL and their nickel and diming BS. I have always been loyal to NCL, but this is the last straw for me.

  19. 8 minutes ago, BirdTravels said:

    So, the new policy is effective March 10. Tens of thousands of people on hundreds of cruise ships sail every week. Two ships have had an issue. Thousands of people fly daily. Enjoy your cruise. 




    Have peace of mind when booking with Norwegian Cruise Line. Beginning March 10, 2020, guests who book a voyage through September 30, 2020 may cancel up to 48 hours from embarkation and receive a 100% future cruise credit to be used for sailings that embark through December 31, 2022. This offer also applies to guests who are currently booked through this timeframe.

    Freedom and flexibility are core to our brand, and we expect this philosophy to provide you with Peace of Mind for your upcoming cruise vacation. We look forward to welcoming you on board soon!


     If the situation is urgent enough to extend the option to those travelling on the 10th, why not those on the 9th? I'm not asking for a refund, but it would be decent of them to extend the same accommodation to ALL passengers. I would gladly re-book at a later date when all this settles down. I have young children to think about. You're saying its only been two ships that have had an issue, but this is all so fresh. If there were two ships in say a six month time span then I would agree with you, but as of right now you have a virus that has rapidly become a global crisis and is spreading at an exponential rate. All you need is one carrier to get on that ship of 5000 people, and your one week vacation now becomes a 6 week quarantine.

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  20. I understand that, but it doesnt make me or the thousands of other passengers any less susceptible to the virus than the people who sail on the 10th. Also, when I called this morning I was told the same thing and it was more than 48 hours until sailing .This is a global crisis at the moment, and they cant guarantee the safety or the health of their passengers. It's just bad business to offer an exclusionary compromise. I'm not asking for a refund, but at least give me the option to rebook at a later (safer) date

  21. 23 minutes ago, micheluvscorgis said:

    For what it's worth, we are scheduled to cruise on the Encore on 4/12.  I called this afternoon to find out our options, and I was told 100% FCC after 3/10.

    That's a step in the right direction, but there are thousands of us cruising on the 8th and 9th that are being forced to take a bite of a $*** sandwich here. Lose thousands of dollars or put our families at risk

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