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Posts posted by Fincherson

  1. I have zip lined several times and even did it in Roatan. I have never felt unsafe doing it anywhere. Word of mouth is the best thing these places have going. While it is unfortunate, obviously the husband was at fault. PERIOD!!! If you are not going to zip line because of this accident, why cruise then? People "accidentally" fall overboard and die. Same logic is not applied to that situation.


    The lack of transparency is inexcusable. You have no idea who was responsible... PERIOD. You weren't there and the company hasn't released a statement. I'm not going to put my life in the hands of people who seem to not value the life of their customers, if they did, we'd have heard something by now.

  2. I keep looking for WHICH zip line company was the one where this accident occurred. NOWHERE can I find that answer. I've looked at dozens of media reports and none of them will say what the name of the zip line business is or anything specific about it. I find that to be unconscionable reporting and likely a concerted obfuscation of the facts by those in charge in Honduras.


    I am headed to Roatan in a couple of months and was planning to book a zip line tour this week. I had been researching but just hadn't booked yet. Now I am not sure what I'm going to do. I really wanted to do a jungle zip.


    AGREED. I'm heading there in August and feel the same.

  3. Perhaps you missed the paragraph in my post which said - this is all speculation and we may never know exactly what happened.


    I am not blaming anyone.


    Perhaps you missed the part in my post where I said I was speaking of a previous poster. Their name is Wordell1 and that is who I asked what happened to. Did you read their post, or no?

  4. Zip lines are a series of slides from elevated platforms. From what I understand the person on the zip line has to complete their run and get on the next platform before the next person goes, this is to avoid crashes between people. It is possible that the wife was on the zip line, had not completed her run, had not gotten on the platform and the husband went. This means now that there's two people on the zip line. What we don't know is did the husband lose his footing on the platform he was supposed to stay on? did one of the canopy people tell him to go? did he get so excited about it he just went? Was there some other reason that he was on the zip line before the wife had completed her run?


    this is all speculation and we may never know exactly what happened.


    I'm so very sorry for the families.



    Right. I know what zip lines are. I was confused by the person I responded to saying the husband "made a decision" when I haven't read that anywhere. As far as I know none of us knows how he ended up going down the line too soon. I thought perhaps the person I responded to had some insight that we don't. If not, I don't think it's fair to blame the husband when we have no idea what happened.

  5. I zip lined with my son and a guide in Roatan (Victor Bodden Tour). The guide went first and my son second. I was clearly instructed not to go until he directed, from the other side, and was specifically warned about this issue.


    He had some concerns about my son getting stuck as he was low on the weight scale and told me how he would go out to get him if this happened.


    Having just done this, I really don't see how someone would make a decision to do what the husband did - how did he think he was going to stop? How did he think he was going to get her moving again?. I feel bad for everyone involved.


    I would go again in a heartbeat and at no time felt unsafe for me or my son.



    What did the husband do?

  6. Unfortunately, this is not unique to other countries. We have a mountain resort nearby. One teen was goofing off and stopped midway. His friend thought it would be hilarious to go early and run into him. Between them, they had 2 broken legs, sprained back, broken ribs and punctured lung. Could have easily been fatal.


    I doubt anyone thinks it's unique to Roatan but I would think twice about it after seeing their hospital.

  7. This is important for us non-smokers to remember. Our sensitivity is enhanced because we are not used to smoke any longer.


    I'm also convinced a lot of people are drama queens about smoking and have a form of hysteria that they say makes them "allergic" to the smell of cigarette smoke 150' away. Where were all those people when I was a kid and every public place had hundreds of smokers? Like a lot of hysteria, the reaction is real enough to the people experiencing it, and smells are one of the main triggers for hysteria. We had an incident in a hospital decades ago where the smell of MDSO on a patient brought into the ER caused MDs and BSn's to faint and pass out, and it was simply mass hysteria - as the smell mimicked toxic fumes even though the smell was 100% harmless.



    Yes! Thank you for this post. Hysteria at its finest. If someone is sick and put on steroids due to a waft of smoke while outdoors, I suggest they never leave their house and also never live in Los Angeles.

  8. Not true. Just got off the Bliss. They have paper straws. Only good for about 1 drink before falling apart. They suck but its fine.


    Nice to sit there and sip on as you watch the smoke billow out of the top of the gigantic gas guzzling boat you are are on.



    Shh don't burst their bubbles. These are true environmentalists here on CC. Flying and cruising is nothing compared to these evil, selfish straw users!

  9. I believe one of the main issues with plastic straws is that they end up in the ocean/sea. I have seen on EVERY cruise people just leaving their trash/drinks on the open decks. As we all know it can get pretty breezy out there and these light weight items find themselves overboard.


    I was just told Vancouver will be getting rid of them. I also saw that Alaska Airlines will replace non-recyclable plastic straws with sustainable, marine-friendly alternatives on their flights and at their lounges starting Summer 2018.


    Clearly you didn't read the thread. :')

  10. Totally understandable ..these straws hurt the sea life...get over your self people...is it to much trouble to bring a straw you can re use...you people are a disgrace to mankind!


    Just for this I'm buying like 2000 straws instead of 200.:halo:

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