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Posts posted by aggie182

  1. Manhattan Room for dinner tonight. We also have to change clocks again tonight, which means losing an hour of sleep. With a 7am call in Costa Maya, that’s going to come early!  

    I’m not terribly confident we’ll dock in Costa Maya after seeing no ships docking there today (per CruiseMapper) but I sure hope we’re able to. 

    I’m hoping for some dinner then some cards tonight. Mix some drinks in there and we’ll be good!

  2. All of our ducks have NCL cruise cards with individual names. We have around 200-250 duck pun names. 

    Swimmy Buffett (RIP!), Quacky Chan, Duck Norris, LuDUCKris, Feather Locklear, Andrew Quackson, Quack Nicholas, Duck Prescott, Bryson DuckChambeau, and so forth. I enjoyed brainstorming these names. I created the tags in AutoCAD and printed them. My family thinks the whole duck thing is weird but I enjoy it!  Truth is, they do too because they’re constantly asking for the ducks to hide. 

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    • Haha 1
  3. Breaking news!


    As I was catching up on work emails, they announced that we’re cancelling our call to Harvest Caye. I guess they knew my family didn’t really want to go to the beach and wanted a ship day. If the aggie family wants it, it must be best for all!!


    It was either that, or the winds. 


    Wife just texted from the Starbucks line saying the lady in front of her was just joined by her husband, their kids and kids’ spouses in line. Line cutting is bad people! Oh well, no rush to get off the ship and we’re on vacation. If that’s the worst that happens to her today, she’s good!

    • Like 1
  4. Minimal excitement ahead!!

    I was in bed by 8pm last night. The early mornings and late nights added to the fun, sun, and boozin’ officially caught up with me. I had a beer in Honduras, but mainly to say I did, and then a few fruity drinks on the ship between when we got back on and bed time. Of course since I went to bed so early, I was wide awake by 5am but laid around a bit before getting up, taking care of business and showering. We don’t have anything planned but it sounds like the family doesn’t really want a beach day today, so we may just shop a little and have a quiet day in the ship. We’ll see. I could go to the beach every day, but for them once or twice a trip is plenty. Tomorrow we have Maya Chan booked. 

    It seems like every cruise, we have a “ship day” when we’re in port. We’ve been to Cozumel so many times that usually it’s Cozumel. Even though this is our first time to Harvest Caye, it may be today. Time will tell. It’s still lights out in the room!


    im getting hungry so I may go graze for a bit at the buffet. A dude my size can’t ever walk past a pile of bacon so good times are to be had!

    • Like 3
  5. I mentioned in an earlier post that me

    booking this cruise was a story for another time. The wife is in the shower so I’ll run through it quickly. No worries, I’ll go in there soon for a seaweed check!


    This past summer, my dad was in the hospital for about a week, unexpectedly. My sister had plans to go to Nashville for George Strait with her better half and my parents were going to keep her kids. Obviously, they couldn’t. It was the member-guest golf tournament weekend for me at one of the courses we’re a member of and my buddy (guest) was already on the road for his 5 hour drive to come play so my wife said she’d go…and take the kids…so that she could watch my sister’s kids. My wife puts up with a lot just dealing with me but she came in clutch here. Side note - my

    dad is all good now!

    If you’ve ever played a member-guest event, you probably know the booze fest they become. We were at the Calcutta having a good time and I was talking with a buddy about a cruise he just went on in Europe and how I enjoyed his Facebook posts on it. He told me how great the Breakaway was. The food, the entertainment, and so on.  He went on forever.  I was about 2.5 sheets to the wind, and came home and booked it for spring break out of New Orleans. It was fully refundable until my wife’s birthday. If that’s not a sign, I don’t know what is!! 

    So I had to tell my wife about this before she saw the credit card bill. It was like midnight by now and I knew I couldn’t call her. We drew the afternoon match on day 1 so I had time to call her the next morning. I was scared she’d rip me a new one and that I’d play like crap in the member-guest after she tore me apart.  I found the bravery to call and break the news to her and it went better than expected. She wasn’t happy, but I convinced her to let it roll, that we could cancel with no penalties up until her birthday, and that was surely a sign!


    Fast forward many months and here we are. She was excited about it as is approached and though she’s having a hard time

    finding the groove like we have with Carnival, I think she’s enjoying herself. 


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    • Thanks 1
  6. Though I am here to get away from work, I check my email and Teams messages throughout the day. I’d rather forward emails as they come in, when needed, than be met with 700 when I get back. 

    Yesterday, they cut off my access. I didn’t know if I had been fired or if it was because I logged in from Mexico. Maybe my boss just wants me to disconnected from work fully!  Naahhh.

    I texted a co-worker and he confirmed it was because I logged in from Mexico, though I’ve never had an issue in the past. I’m reconnected now and thankfully I didn’t miss much. I skimmed the 68 emails from yesterday afternoon and it appears my team is handling most of my stuff!  That’s exciting.

    • Like 4
  7. Our neighbors are apparently having a bit of drama that has led to several cursing and door slamming instances in a short amount of time this morning. 

    It unfolded in the hallway right outside of the pair of doors so we had front row seats to hearing it all. Hopefully they start to have a good time soon! I know the kids hear those kinds of words all the time at school (and sometimes from me!) in their every day lives but it’s nice to avoid it on vacation. Hoping for the best for them!

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  8. I fell asleep easily last night but around 5am (new time) I woke up and I haven’t been able to fall back asleep. I’ll probably get up, do my morning ritual, then shower and go walk around the ship. Not sure when the rest of the crew will come alive. 


    Today’s excursion is the sloths and monkeys through NCL. The kids are really looking forward to it. I have a feeling I’ll need a nap when we get back!  I’m pretty tired this morning but that’s a common theme with work and kids activities these days so it’s business as usual!

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  9. We got beat down at pai gow and lost $200 and change. Overall tally is -$100 overall. We’ve put in a lot of hours, so I’m not mad about it.

    Dinner was at savor and was good. The dessert was amazing!  It was s’mores something or other. Sorry, I’m 2.9 sheets to the wind and can’t remember the full name. The kids remember everything so I’ll ask them in the AM.

    I wanted to throw dice after pai gow but my wife said noooooo, bed time. I asked for osheehans and she said noooooo, bed time. I’m in bed now. We’ve already established that I’m a pushover. 

    Captain said we have a time change tonight. If I am being honest, that’s both annoying and dumb. Lets stick with Nola time capt….come on man!

    • Haha 4
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