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Everything posted by LobsterStalker

  1. Do you have a question? I think this is a question
  2. Not that i'm all excited about another tip thread , but , If you went to a restaurant and they told you the 'Recommended amount' was now 45% ... would you just pay it and go about your business?... Or question it ? Maybe not for you , but For most people there is a limit reached in most cases to where if they feel they are being treated unfairly they will decide to question it , and are fully within their rights to know where their money is going. Cheers
  3. Wow. If this is yet another tactic to 'encourage' people to spend more money , that is disappointing . Anyone who has been by the Oasis lagoon pool in the early afternoon can tell you the party has clearly been a HUGE hit ! If their intent is to now make you have to go to another venue and have to pay to get that same experience if thats what you are looking for ....They have reached another low. Cheers
  4. Are you certain there was no DJ for the entire day . My experience , He usually shows up maybe a bit before lunch and starts ramping up the vibe. Hard to believe that this would just be eliminated as many people (myself included ) have com to expect this as part of the experience . We have booked hideaway to check it out but this would be disappointing to show up at the main pool to no DJ Cheers
  5. I'm guessing ( For the Revenue ) they will cram as many in as possible and it will be as crowded as anywhere else on the island ... just not crowded with kids Cheers
  6. You mean RC time dining yes? And was RC time dining chaotic or did it run smoothly ?
  7. Awesome , "First to sign the board"... That really is a cool accomplishment ! , Especially for a kid his age ... He'll definitely remember this trip for awhile for sure . Cheers
  8. Something many may not think of in this situation... Along with the hastle and 8 days waiting to find out how it would work out ,As A Canadian I would also get charged with currency exchange fees on both the debit and then the credit , and still be out a few bucks from something clearly their fault . Another annoyance from something that never should have happened in the first place Cheers
  9. Seems curious that right as it opens that we are seeing price drops . Would have thought that with all the hype surrounding a new venue such as this it would be the opposite , (At least for a while ) . First impressions not being reviewed as highly as hoped ? Cheers
  10. I am confused at your response to my post , as I was merely responding to your apparent dislike for the seating offered you as your 'Tier Benefit'.....Agreed , Royal should do better ! ReneeFLL Rare 9.3k February 15, 2011 Ft. Lauderdale #753 Posted 16 hours ago "Star and Pinnacle seating in the Royal Theater. No thanks. They are the white chairs with no drink holders. They aren't that comfortable either" My point would be that as a pinnacle benefit Royal should absolutely provide a preferred Seat and not just a token area , that by your observation is less comfortable and less functional seating . Hope you enjoy the rest of your week Cheers
  11. Noone said that was a pre-requisite 😏 Cheers
  12. Things such as this are just horribly thought out ...Or , maybe it's brilliant ? Are there that many "Star and Pinnacle" that simply want their own space to feel special , to the point that they can be given the least comfortable and functional chairs , and that is irrelevant ? ... ?
  13. Does anyone have any experience with getting a day pass to a hotel (preferably with a Pool bar/Restaurant) , for post cruise . We usually stay a day or 2 after cruise but this time I have a flight booked leaving at around 10 PM same day . Last trip we were at a Miami hotel where folks we met were using this option but looking preferably in the Fort Lauderdale area . Cheers
  14. Also 1 free day (24 hour period) of Voom. IIRC, $28.99 THIS ^^ + you have not factored in 18% gratuities and X 2 assuming the diamond benefits will be shared by two ! Cheers
  15. Considering the pictures taken of a recent 'older' ship , they are not necessarily kept in the "best condition possible" . Some who have sailed her recently will certainly better answer the question Cheers
  16. This video is a great way to learn about this amazing ship. Very cool to see it in a mostly empty state. Also cool to see some of the crew only areas that we rarely ever consider . Looks like they are treated quite well in what little down time they manage to have ! Cheers
  17. Add to that the number of times when they decide to suddenly start writing everyones room number instead of scanning . That's when I lose all faith that they are doing an accurate job . Who's actually gonna sit there at the end of the day/week and visually cross match towels out VS towels in on a handwritten paper notebook ? Cheers
  18. Your condescending sarcasm throughout this thread is a bit much
  19. On board and using this for 3 days and it's the most civilized elevator service I've seen on a ship. I agree , and good to hear it is as good as it sounds
  20. I strongly disagree Maybe you only run into the best of people when you travel ... I have also seen the worst ! The masses are ready to exit the ship at Cococay , someone walks around the corner and sees people standing with their towels ready to go ... It's not hard at all to figure out they are going the same place as you
  21. I am also seeing the inevitable UGLY side to the human element , where in busy times they will do as they do now and just jump ahead of people even if they were last to the party. I've witnessed some classless people for sure. Very intriguing though , and anxious to see this in action in the near future . It definitely sounds like it will more often than not be a notable improvement.
  22. Wasn't overthinking anything . The video gave me my answer . Looks like a very interesting concept that should work well in most cases . I can't see that it would eliminate the chaos in situations where the vast majority are heading to deck 2 for Example to exit on a port day . Am I mistaken ?
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