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Everything posted by Riddoch

  1. The olive tree seemed to book up really quickly, I was able to book via the app but that was on the Saturday pretty much straight after boarding. I never saw it appear as available again when I did searches for options. we had a minor issue with the app that when logging back in it wouldn’t work unless you removed “landing” from the end of the web address. Think that is probably our android browser saving the page you get to after log in rather than the login page itself. As mentioned above adding a shortcut/widget would have resolved that.
  2. There is one of the YouTubers that have been on Iona recently had an entire suitcase of cans to facilitate their diet coke addiction.
  3. It's surprising how long you have connectivity even in the channel. It's really on the sea days that you'll have no phone signal and if you go down the Sonderfjord to flam. The only irritation is that you have to be a bit more organised to meet up with people as you can't just ring someone to find them.
  4. You missed Pandora, watches and technology (think small version of airport Dixsons). Another thing was that each store had a sale at some point, 10-25%, so don't rush to buy. Given the onboard laundry I expected to be able to buy detergent somewhere but couldn't find it.
  5. There did seem to be people booking in on the Saturday who hadn't pre-registered.
  6. Almost, we were on board last week and decided against the thermal suite. When we had been before you got much more access for the money. Even with the nice weather we had there didn't seem to be an issue finding space around the pools. Though they were much quieter first thing.
  7. I had that when I added the card to my booking at check in. Oddly it's still showing as pending but all the others from last week have now disappeared.
  8. Hi, I had various pending amounts but the actual charge was the total on the final statement. There was still a pending amount showing but some that i had seen earlier have disappeared. there is another thread about credit card charges but I get the impression they put a pending amount each day, not sure if it’s the total up to that point or just that days spend.
  9. But seem to work this time Reef timetable.pdf
  10. We have just go yet off Iona so should be similar arrangements for your 7 year old but not sure for the 4 year old as our daughter is 10. Her age group is split into two cohorts, on sea days you either got a morning or afternoon (3 hours) and on port days you either got an early or late afternoon slot (1.5 hours). Then in the evenings both groups could go between 6pm and 10:30 though suggested collection was 15 minutes earlier. They said this was to allow more children to actually use the reef and certainly our impression was that there were way more on board than on our last cruise. Our daughter really enjoyed it and much rathered going there than spending time with us (to be fair the first night in the theatre we had Monroe (musical act) to replace the expected theatre show and that may have coloured her opinion). There was also a kinds science show in the main theatre and in the clubhouse as well as a kid’s magician, if during the holidays I wonder if they’ll be running that too. I tried to upload the timetable but it’s failing.
  11. It's sounds like the declaration you do to get into the US, the moral turpitude one, which you will always respond no. We've already paid for our proper cert to fly test so will use them up anyway.
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