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Everything posted by tupper10

  1. Hello all and thanks for the daily. Yes to C sections and no to dressing up your pets except to protect them from the cold/heat. I was lucky to never need a C section nor did my daughter and DIL but so glad they are available. This winter has been horrible in Florida rainy and cold with very few warm and sunny days. Still we have nothing to complain about give the weather this year in other parts of the country and even Northern Fl. I do feel bad for those who have to fly here to get on their cruises from FLL - the northern Caribbean has also not had great weather. We are so glad that this year for our local cruise out of FLL we chose to go to the ABC islands. We don't even bother getting off the ship at HAL's private island the water is way too cold for us to swim in. My mother is having a lot of issues - and she gets so angry with me when I try to explain what is going on. My mother still likes to be right 100% of the time even though her memory is going. I now just try to indulge her and I don't argue I just take care of the issue(s) since I am the one pretty much doing everything. She just bounced all the checks she wrote these past 2 weeks by using a closed checking account - none of us knew she even had a check book from this account since it was my Dad's and he passed away over 10 years ago. Just another thing on my plate to deal with. And yes I am a joint account holder with her and I am supposed to write the checks. I do them all on line. Oh well. Any suggestions as to how to address these issues is welcome. Today is another rainy cool Florida day. I am off to visit a friend who just moved to assisted living. She has issues with walking and decided it was getting too hard to live in our community. I am looking forward to seeing her. I hope that Tana is okay, that everyone gets their heat working, and that those who aren't feeling so great feel better soon. Safe travels to all.
  2. Just know in May in Norway some of the roads to the mountains may still be closed in May. Also quite cold in Iceland.
  3. We finally are seeing a yellow orb in the sky. It should finally be a nice day here in South Florida. So for all of you coming here for cruises the weather will be in the low 80's today with chance of rain coming for the weekend. I never minded the cold weather where we lived before we moved to FL but my DH cannot tolerate anymore. The heat of our summers bothers us both so this summer we planned a long cruise to be away most of late June and July. We are doing a short cruise to Norway and then a long one that takes us back to Boston that @StLouisCruisers is also going on. My husband said he would only do one long flight. Our DS and DIL and GKs live in New Hampshire so we will head there from Boston and spend some time visiting all of our children and grandchildren, in NH, NJ and NY. I woke up today to a text from my brother telling me that my 94+ mother has been writing checks on a closed account so that every check has bounced. None of us realized that she even had checks for a closed account and must have put them in her check book when she lost some of other checks for her actual checking account. I guess I will have to now take over writing all of her checks which are just to a few to family members and some activities where she lives since I do most of her banking online. What a mess. My mother has 24/7 in home care but her memory and cognitive abilities are quickly deteriorating. It is becoming a full time job for me on top of all the other things I have to do. It is very sad to see. We have had major issues with her caregivers since her regular one got injured. If the new ones don't work out I don't know what will happen since she refuses to move out of her home to assisted living. Even if she went to assisted living she would need an aide during the day. My motto now is one day at a time. @seagarsmoker good luck on your 2nd interview. For all those waiting for big storms - please be safe and I hope the grocery stores are not too crazy today. @aliaschief your cruise sounds wonderful. Enjoy your time in Panama. Have a good Friday everyone.
  4. @StLouisCruisers Happy Birthday to Ren. He is quite the athlete and so handsome. @Cruzin Terri so sorry to hear about your husband. It is so hard to be the caregiver and you must remember to take care of yourself. I am glad you both can still travel and cruising makes it easier to see loads of different places. I haven't been to the port but my son lived in this area for awhile after college. He motorcycled up to the border as well. He managed to support himself by teaching kite surfing. When he was visiting this past weekend one of his friends who he met there came over for dinner with her lovely baby. She said they had a very nice community of expats and have all kept in touch. I so enjoy reading the daily and hearing about everyone's day, their weather, planned vacations and those on them already. It is a nice break in my day which for the last couple of weeks has been very hectic.
  5. @kazu and @smitty34877 Glad to hear nothing was broken on your falls but those soft tissue injuries can be just as bad. We had a wild day and night of winds and then some thunderstorms late at night. You could feel the wind blowing through our house, first time that has happened. Not much on the agenda for today, I have already been busy with work though since I work from home I haven't managed to get out of my PJ's yet. That will come soon. I hope to get an outside walk in later today. I haven't done one in awhile between the weather and being sick. I think I walked miles back and forth in my house cleaning up from everyone. It looks like those on cruises are having a fabulous time. We leave at the end of January for a short cruise to the Caribbean. I think we will be joining @sailingdutchyon their 2nd cruise. We are trying a room on deck 4 aft area (not all the way aft) to get the larger balcony since the retreat was fully booked. We have only 2 short excursions booked and plan to stay on the ship for the majority of our cruise. We have been to almost all of the ports except Bonaire and we are not sure if we even want to head to the beach in Aruba. We still have not gotten our boarding time. Thank you all for your contributions. This is such a nice place to visit on a daily basis.
  6. Wow on the weather everyone is having. So far we have just had high winds but no power outages and no rain. Roy glad to hear that your radiation went well and you anticipate no bad side effects. It is incredible how medicine has advanced in this area. @marshhawk It sounds like your life is never easy, with caring for your husband, your pets and animals and having all your doctor appointments become major hassles. I think everyone is having issues with medical appointments now- it is getting worse rather than better. There was a very good article in the newspaper about the impact of private equity buying out doctors/hospitals and only caring about the bottom line vs actual patient care. I think we will see more and more of this. I had one doctor visit where he spent the entire time looking at his computer and never even examined me - that was the last time I saw him. I don't know how he could even know what was wrong w/o ever looking at me. My husband (who is a retired MD) said that the patient's appearance and really listening to the patient tells you a lot about what is wrong and is critical to an accurate diagnosis. Now you just get sent for tests vs care. Enough of my rant. Glad to hear that so many are enjoying their various cruises. Please everyone stay safe and if it is horrible weather stay home, if at all possible. There are too many crazies driving now who think that their 4 wheel drive cars can handle everything including icy roads which of course they can't.
  7. I haven't been on for days since my DS, DIL and GK were here. An exhausting but fun filled few days. I still have a pile of laundry to do and the house looks like a tornado hit it. I was back to work this afternoon but thank heavens I work remotely. Our next guest is my DSIL - that should be a fun and relaxing visit. The only requirement we have for her stay is to make us her home made fabulous chicken pot pies for dinner. I wait all year for this. @Crazy For Cats so sorry to hear about your beautiful fur baby. It is so hard to lose a beloved pet. I am glad that your other fur babies are taking care of you and Juan. Sorry to hear that so many are still not feeling well. My cold finally went away over this past weekend. I did have to start an antibiotic as it went to my sinuses as per usual for me when I get a cold. @Cruzin Terrisafe travels tomorrow. It is hard to be the only driver on long trips. I wish there was good public transportation in the south. I do miss the trains that I used to ride in the NE corridor. It looks like those on cruises are having a wonderful time. We leave at the end of January for our cruise and for once don't have to worry about flying to the port. It will be nice to just head out in the morning though we will have to deal with the awful I 95 traffic jam on the way to the port. It doesn't seem to matter now what time you leave there is always traffic.
  8. I had this happen on one of our flights and I asked for a supervisor who then booked the one flight. So IMHO I would call back - get a supervisor and get your fight home booked. Also just a FYI your FLL flight home it is often cheaper to book on your own so I would compare the fare. I heard you can do a 'fake' booking on Princess which also uses flightease to see the fare.
  9. Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit. @Cat in my lap Happy Anniversary. I did my usual last night - in bed by around 11 and this time I didn't bother with turning on the TV and trying to make it to midnight. I still have the cold courtesy of my GK's and it looks like DH is now going to be sick with it as well. My brother and SIL and nieces and DH and grandnieces and nephew are all visiting but they are all staying at my mother's house. So far we haven't been able to see them. I will try and visit tomorrow with a mask on and outside. I know they don't want to get sick and given that my mother is 94 we have to be very careful around her. @St Louis Cruiser Love the pictures and your daughter is so creative. It sounds like everyone is having a good time on their cruises and so many are getting ready to cruise soon. I can't wait to follow the blogs of the people on the Grand Australia cruise - and the world cruise. It is so much fun to travel along with you. Sending healing thoughts to all who are hurting. @kazu Thank you for doing the daily and to all others who post every day. It makes this place so special.
  10. Happy New Year to all and thank you to all who post here.
  11. Thinking of everyone today. Love the picture of baby Murphy and everyone’s Xmas photos. Debbie glad to hear surgery went well. @seagarsmoker sorry you have the flu. Hope you feel better soon. @kazuplease be careful with ice and your hilly driveway. Safe travels to all. I think I caught Gks cold I was up coughing most of the night so just taking it easy today. I hope it is just a cold. I read you can’t test early for Covid since test will come out negative. If I get fever etc I will test but for now just staying home. Sandy again love those pictures brings back such great memories. Thank you to everyone who keeps this thread going.
  12. Hello to everyone. Another cold rainy day in South Florida. For those planning on coming here soon please bring a jacket and some rain gear. Our weather report says we will have the iguanas dropping from the trees. GKs and DD left last night. Our local airports are having major delays due to too much air traffic. It is a mess so be sure to check your flights vs sitting at the airport for hours and hours. DD had an early evening flight which didn't take off until 9 PM so not home until midnight. An exhausting day. I am doing multiple loads of laundry and my house looks like a tornado hit it. My next set of GKs comes next weekend (not for New Years) so I have a bit of a break. I do need it. Debbie good luck on your surgery tomorrow. I think it is outrageous how we are not notified of the surgical time until the day before. I hope you are scheduled for a decent early morning hour and home to rest and recuperate quickly. I thought the quote was very apt today as so many in the daily are having sad memories. Please know that we are all thinking of you and sending you healing thoughts. Sandy I love your pictures of Antarctica - we did this trip on a Silversea expedition ship. We had such great weather that we were able to go south of the Antarctic circle. Our captain said we were one of the only ships that got that far south and even our expedition leaders had never crossed the circle. It was the trip of a lifetime for us. Our pictures are like yours but my husband is the photographer so I have very few on my Ipad or phone. We have been to Dubrovnik. In fact on a cruise in the very early 2000's we were one of the first ships to dock there due to a port change. We were supposed to go to Turkey but all the ports were cancelled due to unrest there so we ended up in a totally different location. Walking into town the walls were still full of bullet holes and the squares also showed significant signs of damage from the war in the 90's. We visited the synagogue there, but almost the entire Jewish population was killed during the Holocaust including many of my family who lived not far from this area. Sadly it was not only the *** who did most of the killing, the right wing government that took over this entire area were happy to participate in the extermination. My ancestors had lived there since the Spanish Inquisition. It was a very sobering experience for me. I have no desire to go back. On a lighter note, I hope everyone enjoys the day and has safe travels.
  13. @SusieKIslandGirl Happy Anniversary today. Terry: I hope you are feeling a bit better today and that you reached your doctor so you could know what to do with your medication. I loved all the pictures everyone posted of their families. It looks like so many had a great holiday. Sandy - hope you are having an easy ride home. @RMLincoln Glad you are enjoying your new home and you are closing on your condo shortly. I am sure it will be nice being closer to your family and not having to cook if you don't want to. I just hope your DH eye issues get resolved soon. @kazu I hope the weather is not too awful when you go out today, but glad you don't have to drive in ice or rain. My DD and GK are leaving later today. I am facing a mountain of laundry to do before the next group comes to visit. We had a very large gremlin appliance attack. The kids take baths and when one finished the other had no hot water. The plumber came yesterday and the water heater coils and thermostat needed replacing - it is an 8 year old unit with a life span of about 10 years- so instead of a hefty repair bill to fix it we bit the bullet are getting an even more expensive new water heater. Knowing my luck we would pay to fix it and the water heat would flood. Luckily yesterday we had enough hot water so everyone could shower. Vanessa glad you slept more and had a nice holiday. I am glad your BFF is with you. I wish you felt better. I do hope you can schedule the recommended procedure quickly so you can be pain free. Graham I can't believe the beautiful meals you have. Sorry about the rain. It looks like quite the storm is hitting your area. I hope everyone on a cruise is having a great time and those who are coming home today have safe travels.
  14. @ger_77 Happy Birthday. A very Merry Christmas to all who celebrate. In our tradition we are having Chinese food tonight but no movie today we are going tomorrow instead. The GC have a birthday party today to attend this afternoon. @Cruzin Terri I hope you are feeling better today.
  15. @Cruzin Terri Hope you feel better soon. Wishing everyone a very happy and peaceful holiday.
  16. @StLouisCruisersSo sorry to hear about your granddaughter. What an awful experience. So glad she is leaving tomorrow morning to be with family. Loved all the cross stitch they look so intricate I doubt I could ever do them. I used to do needle point but now my hand swells if I do fine needle work for more than a few minutes. Hats off to all of those traveling. I hope all of those who are feeling poorly feel better soon. Busy with grandkids. So not much time to post. My house looks like a tornado was here.
  17. Greetings to everyone. @grapau27 what a beautiful table and I love the crackers with gifts inside. I am sending healing thoughts to all and Bon Voyage for all who are traveling either cruising or visiting family. I am off to pick up my grandchildren and DD in 10 minutes at the airport. Their flight is 30 minutes early as opposed to last year when they were delayed a few hours and came in around 11 PM. We are looking forward to a fun holiday, though the weather here leaves much to be desired. We are wearing our coats!! @Haljo1935 wow glad you made it - what a mess.
  18. So sad to hear about the crash outside of Philadelphia. @JazzyV I hope you can get approval from your insurance company to see the only doctor that does this procedure. @Cruzin Terri - I am glad to hear you are feeling better and have an earlier appointment. I hope all your DH's procedures go well. @ger_77 safe travels tomorrow. It sounds like everyone is busy baking and writing Christmas cards. We don't do the latter, and I will be baking when my grandkids come to visit. They love to help and it is one of the fun activities we do together. We make quite the mess and so far I haven't gotten them to participate in the clean up part of baking. We are hoping they will arrive tomorrow night but both were sick with fever yesterday. Today so far no fever and the antibiotics seem to be working. Our weather this winter has been back to the more normal Florida winter- not the heat we have had in the last winter. I like the cooler weather much better but not the awful rain and wind storm we had over the past weekend. I don't have much on the agenda, except work and some errands. Bon Voyage to all of those enjoying cruises or heading to cruises.
  19. @grapau27Sorry to hear about Pauline's friend. Glad she can be there for her family. @JazzyV I hope you get some answers soon. I wouldn't worry about Xmas dinner I am sure your friend will understand. I wonder if you can get meals on wheels - my friend did that before she moved into assisted living because she couldn't stand up to cook. The weather yesterday was on and off rain squalls but not as bad as we thought it would be. It is very windy today, it seems worse than yesterday for the wind, but the sun it out so that is a +. Not much on the agenda - my DH will be watching football shortly and I will play online mahjong with some friends. We have played together online since Covid and continue our game online since we all live in different places now. I hope the rocking and rolling on those cruising out of FLL isn't too bad. I hope everyone's luggage makes in on time to San Diego - what a great trip you will all have.
  20. Hello everyone. Sorry to hear that some are still not feeling well. I hope upcoming doctor appointments resolve the issues. @JazzyV sorry the epidural didn't work for you. I hope the neurosurgeon has some solutions for you. @57redbird I hope you are feeling a bit better. Post op I also had pain - it was from the nerve being manipulated and the PT and doctor, swore to me it would get better as long as I did the PT. I used ice packs to address the pain, especially at night and that helped. The PT was correct, it did get better over time but it took awhile for me to be totally pain free. I was not expecting that reaction at all to the surgery as my DH had it a couple of years before and had no pain the day after the surgery. The one thing I can tell you is you must walk and do the stretches that you get from the PT - even though you may not want to, in the long run it does work. Yesterday was not so bad for rain but very windy. I managed to get a walk in before it started drizzling on and off for the rest of the day. Today has been rain squalls with wind on and off again - with a heavier rain. For some reason where we live we don't get as much rain as other areas of Florida, it goes south of us and north of us. It looks like Fort Lauderdale is getting hammered with the winds and rain. I am glad I am not on a ship today as I do get sea sick. I was sea sick on our September trip to Alaska when we were in the Gulf of Alaska with a huge storm which caused us to divert our path. Luckily the Dramamine worked for me but it was not a fun time. Going outside did help a bit but it was too cold to stay on our balcony or on the outside decks. Not much on the agenda today. My DH is happily watching multiple football games and plans to do the same tomorrow, which should be another rainy day. My DD and grandkids come later this week and the weather should be better. We are looking forward to having them for the holidays. We have a full house for the remainder of the month and into January with various family coming. It is a fun time but exhausting. My DH and I have a cruise planned at the end of January to recover - it will be nice to be served and get a break from cooking, cleaning and laundry. Love the quote, no on the meal, drink and wine. We have been to Sydney on a cruise but no digital pictures. It would be a place I would love to go back to but the flight was so long I don't think we will be going again. I know we could cruise there but right now we can't do that long a cruise- I can only take long vacations in our summer and the cruises all go in the winter. I still work and have no plans to retire anytime soon.
  21. Please a hold on the cabin and then call Hal on Monday they can take the hold to a booking and then you can transfer to your travel agent.
  22. @seagarsmoker Sorry you can't leave today- I hope that the trip down tomorrow is fine for you. It looks like the weather is going to be wild here tomorrow. I know FLL is always worse than us and they are predicting terrible flooding there. We are already getting weather alerts.
  23. I would consider leaving today vs tomorrow. The weather is supposed to be awful with torrential rains and wind - today it is only very windy with drizzle. We also have a flooding alert for tomorrow. Just be safe whatever you decide to do.
  24. @Sharon in AZ Have a wonderful anniversary today. Awful weather in Florida today and for the weekend. I hope everyone who is coming to this area to cruise makes it in - Saturday is scheduled to be the worst day. My son was supposed to be visiting today from the NY area but we told him to re schedule since there really is not much to do in the pouring rain and wind. @StLouisCruiserssorry about the passing of your cousin. It is hard to lose family members even if we didn't see them often. @RMLincoln Glad that you made it to Texas have a wonderful time at all the celebrations. @Cruzin Terri Sorry to hear about your medical issues. One of my closest friends has the temporal arteritis and the treatment is the steroid you are on. She is much better now and was weaned down from the steroid and is now totally off - she was put on a new medicine which has been controlling everything for her. I hope that you don't have to go this route but I did want you to know that there is a treatment for it that works. I have PT on the agenda for today and not much else. Work has been slow - given what I do which centers around the school calendar. I imagine most people are busy planning for the holidays. Sending healing thoughts to all and a Bon Voyage to those with cruises. How exciting for those with long cruises coming up.
  25. The turnpike should be fine since it is west of the areas that usually flood. I wouldn’t park in the lot though as torrential rains are predicted for Saturday and the area around the airport floods. I think the cruise port lot has high levels for parking so I would do that. My only worry would be if it is full. Another suggestion is to stay west of the port and take an Uber to the port. You can even stay in palm beach there is a nice Hampton inn on military road and gateway Blvd and across the street from loads of restaurants. Then Uber to the port, it is about 45 minutes away. I think there are also some holiday inns as well but we haven’t had guests stay there. I hope this helps.
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