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Posts posted by Annie3468

  1. Hey Jean!!!! It's me, Annie!


    Here I come with my tail between my legs:rolleyes:


    I just thought I would lurk around here for a couple of days and I saw that you remembered me in your post! Thanks!

    I am skidrow now:( I have been a bad girl. I am going back on Atkins next week, thought I would get some inspiration from the threads and her you are!

    I guess you have reached your goal by now? How is your pup? Do you still walk every day?

    Not only have I NOT reached my 10% goal, I am up 20lbs!

    I spent the afternoon going thru old pics (good & bad) and hoping to get inspired. I have GOT to get back in the game.


    Lisa, Tom, Donna, how are ya'll?



  2. Just checking in on you guys! I have just fallen completly off the wagon and due to some medical issues I have just ballooned out of control. I even canceled our cruise for Feb:eek:

    I am trying to get rid of the carbs and hopefuly I will feel more like myself soon.

    I am so impressed with you all for staying faithful to the program!

    Jean, Lisa, jbrambach, thanks for remembering me. I will do better this time.

    Please keep posting your stories:)


  3. [COLOR=magenta]Good Mornig All![/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#ff00ff]Welcome to all the new buddies. I have been on a "mini vacay" and I feel soooo bloated! We were in East TN and oh that mountain air and all the food! I'm afraid I just fell completly off the wagon:rolleyes: I am up 5lbs all together, but I have been to the grocery and bought my eggs and cheese and salads. I forget about the shakes:eek: I will make a quick stop after church today.[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#ff00ff]Ya'll have a good week and I will report back next Sunday.[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#ff00ff]Annie:) [/COLOR]
  4. Good Morning Ya'll! "Party Queen" just checking in to say hi.


    Welcome to jbrambach and barns46, congrats to ya'll!


    Gooselace- I am in AWE! Ditto what Lisa said!


    I have no Atkins news to report:( I have been a little sideways the last couple of weeks, but, I have a plan:cool:


    SFS, you will LOVE the Jewel! She was my first! I think she will allways be my favy:p Have a great trip and I know you will post the pics on your site.


    I am off to prepare a wedding cake...ect....:confused:


    Have a great week-end ya'll.



  5. Hi Guys! i am just now checking in! I have been sooooo busy lately. Since the BIG party for our "Grand Princess" I have been working on a 50th Anniversary party for my folks. Combine this with the worst TOM this year... color me 4lbs heavier:eek: I know, I know "this too shall pass", but, I feel like a balloon at Macy's parade! I do try to eat good during the day, but, I have to "wine" down at the end of the day. Do you suppose the days will get easier as the holidays near?....LOL.


    Congrats to all those who have had success! I know this is the best way to go.


    Thanks for not forgetting about me:D



  6. Good Evening Ya'll,

    Welcome to all the new Atkins buddies! This is a wonderful place to find support and good ideas for your new WOE.

    Just consider me the poster child of how NOT to do Atkins:p I have been sooooo bad the last two weeks. I have found more excuses for falling off the "Atkins Wagon" and here I am the night before weigh in feeling soooo bloated:( All I can say is"Tomorrow's another day" I did buy eggs, cheese and meats for the week:p Ya'll wish me luck. I have just got to get back to may WOE, I know I will feel so much better.


    To those of you who are weighing every day and getting discouraged; just ask yourself if you are feeling better and thinnner and I am sure you will answer, yes. That is what matters.


    Thanks for the recipes that you guys posted, I will try some this week.


    Jean, Lisa and Tom, glad ya'll are doing good, I hope to be right in there with ya'll next week.



  7. Hey there ya'll- Today was tough (Monday) but I did OK. I had two beef hotdogs and slaw with mayo and mustard for lunch. I had a terrible headache about 3ish this afternoon, but DH grilled chicken and DD made the fixins tonight (she made french stlye green beans for me) so I just had a little dinner and we are watching the Titans play the Saints and I feel better already. I didn't get to walk today, but, I hope to feel better tomorrow.


    Everyone is doing so well, you all inspire me!


    Jean- we do a big blow out every year. She is only 8yrs old, but my son-in-law's family always do a big party for everyone- so we just got in the habit when she turned 1 and it seems to grow every year. I think it is just an excuse for everyone to get together. We do enjoy it.


    Lisa- sorry if we disturbed you. Are you sure it was us, or the Air Show in town this week-end? I have seen the Blue Angels so many times and I am still in awe when they perform. We didn't go out to the base for the show this year (DH had to work this week-end) but, I can see everything from my backyard. If you haven't been out for an airshow, try to make it next year, the kids will love it. DH is like a kid at Christmas watching all the planes and the monster trucks.


    Ya'll have a good week.



  8. Lisa- great pics!!! I love the dress!!! I can't wait to eat guac on the beach in Feb:D I will go check out your review in a little while.


    I haven't been keeping up with ya'll cause I have been soooo busy the past two weeks helping my daughter get ready for my grandaughter's birthday blow-out. We have a BIG cook out with bon-fire and a hayride every year. It was last night and I am pooped! We did a High School Musical theme this year with a karaoke stage built on the pool deck. I lost track of how many people were here, but, we had 150 hotdogs, a bar-b-que sholder, big pot of chili, crockpot full of cheese dip and I don't know how many bags of chips and they are all gone! Someone counted 38 kids on the hayride with several staying back to play on the jumpy-thingy that we rented. So, figure 45 kids plus parents and family, maybe 100+ people.

    My job today is to finish the cleanup and go low carb shopping for next week. I haven't weighed today, but, I am sure I didn't do good last week. I made some bad fast food choices. I have been working by myself and I just depend on someone to bring me whatever back for lunch. Now, I have all day to plan and prepare my lunches for next week.

    I plan to get into my SFS cookbook for ideas.


    Welcome to all the new posters! It's interesting to hear everyone's stories. I guess we all know what to do to get the weight off and keep it off;why can't we just stick to what we KNOW works? As someone posted," you wouldn't eat something you are allergic to, why eat what you know will make you feel bad" We have just got to keep encouraging each other.


    Ya'll have a good week!



  9. Thanks Jean, as you know, pink IS my signature color:D

    Congrats on your loss for the week. I didn't weight this morning since I am having the biggest bloat week of the century:rolleyes: I do plan to get my head in the game this week though. We took my neighbor (69) out tonight for her Birthday, "she is a widow this year" we went to the local mexican joint for dinner. i was a bad girl:( I plan to do better the rest of the week.

    You guys do inspire me:D


  10. Hey Ya'll, It has been such a busy week!

    Thanks Jean for checking in on me, I didn't realize it had been that long;)

    I am OK, just "back-sliding" a little. I was all jazzed and ready for a full "detox" this week and wouldn't you know, Mr. Monthly visitor came with a vengance! I have slipped a little this week:( I lost 2lbs, but found them. I am still the same as the last two weeks. I hope to be back in the saddle by Monday.

    Welcome to all the new Atkins buddies:D I love hearing all about your experiences. Thanks to who posted the pumpkin soup recipe! I plan on using that one soon.

    Tom, your pic looks wonderful! Glad you had a good time on your cruise.

    Lisa, you back yet? How was your cruise? Please let us know!


  11. Sheila- thanks for checking in. I always feel more motivated after one of your visits. I will have to try the Ken's ranch dressing. I usualy make the Hidden Valley ranch from the packet,not sure how many carbs but it is real good.


    Tom- sounds like you are having a better day, good for you. By the way; you looked soooo good in both pics! I think losing 10 more pounds would be too much...JMHO:o :o I keep telling my DH that 180lbs and 6'2" is just right, but he wants to lose 5 more.


    I haven't been very good this past week and I didn't have a loss to report:( But, I didn't have a gain either:p I am planning a full induction week to kind of detox and get back on track. I know I will feel better anyway.


    Lisa- please let us know how you liked your cruise! I am sure you looked soooo good in your size10! I don't blame you for wanting to get the 3/4 just to say you could. I used to be a size 3/4, but I wouldn't want to be that small again.


    Jean, how you doin' girl? Are you back on track yet?


    Kreeb, Pinkbikini, Donnerpumpkin....ya'll still out there?


    kiraryker- you put down that beer and muncies!


    Let's all have a good low carb week!



  12. Chill Donna!!!!! Some sneaky salad dressing shouldn't do you in. The worst that could happen is it may slow your weight loss just a bit. If you are exersising; it shouldn't matter. It's not like you went out to eat and had spinch dip w/chips and eggrolls:eek: Oh wait, that was me:p Hey, girls just wanta have fun! I will compensate tomorrow by staying so close to induction and an extra mile in the AM.

    You will do fine.


    Tom- what can I say; being from TN I can tell you the "trailor park cusine" will get you EVERY time:p You will feel soooo much better when you go back a level or two. Taking a little walk on the other side sure does help you to appreciate what you have at home, so to speak:D

    By the way....WOW I think you look marvelous before and after!


    Lisa- awesome deals on the cruise clothes. Please post some pics when you get back.....have a GREAT cruise.


    Jean-getting kinda worried about you my friend. I hope you are ok.


    Congrats to all who had a loss this week, I was just happy to stay the same.


    All for now.


  13. Steirisch-welcome to the Atkins thread. Nice to know the stats at the doctor confirm what we always knew; that Atkins IS the healthy way to eat. Like I've said so many times; God put meat, veggies and fruit in the Garden of Eden, not Baskin Robbins (I wish!). You go girl!

    Tom- what can I say. It seems the closest to us expect soooo much! But don't appreciate or respect what it takes to get there:confused: I wonder if we are the same way with those that are close to us? Funny, just tonight we were looking thru some old photos from 20+ yrs ago for a 50th anniversary party,(Not for us, my parents). Anyway, I look at how hard I tried to look and be the best and no matter what, I was never satisfied with myself. It seems we are always trying to please someone else and not being happy with who we are. Maybe I am off track? I think you are pretty special and not at all "spoiled" just knocking yourself OUT! It would be soooo much easier to just order the "darn wopper" with everything! You just do what makes you feel good. You are always an ispiration to the rest of us:p No preasure there?

    P.S. Don't forget to post your pics!

    Lisa!!!! Did you find some good bargains???? I can't wait to hear about your new stuff!!!!

    Kreeb- Sometimes you go for a week or so with no big loss and then all of the sudden (BAM!) you get a BIG loss! It just happens that way:confused: You are loosing inches (and that's what matters) you keep hanging in there!

    I hope everyone has a good week:D

  14. Welcome Donna, In answer to your caffine question; I wouldn't dream of NOT having my coffee:eek: I do switch to real cream instead of the powder stuff though. I don't know if it makes a diff, but you should be able to lose 10% by Feb. Have you been over to the 10% thread? It is just commiting to lose 10% in 3 months, seems doable.


    Schill38, I agree. The best way to detox is to go right back to induction, I should know, I go there at least twice a month:p Really though, you will feel sooo much better. Congrats on your progress so far.


    Tom- welcome back! You did so good not eating the lobster pasta! I know I wouldn't have been so disciplined. You make sure to get two tails the next cruise:p I can't wait to see your pics.


    Karen- you did soooo good too. How were the ports? I think you did the same ports that are on my next cruise. Congrats on the pound lost!


    Lisa- just 3 more days!!!!! I hope you found some good deals today.


    Jean- how are you doing?


    All for now.



  15. kiraryker- you sound just like me, except instead of beer with me it is wine:D My hubby calls at least once a week to ask if I want to stop and have a couple of drinks. I love to wind down at the end of the day with a couple of drinks and an appetizer. It does make the loss soooo slow; but, we gotta live right? All we can do is keep hanging in there.

    Ya'll have a good week.


  16. Good Evening Atkins Buddies!


    Where to start? First of all, congrats to Kreeb for the 2lb loss! And thanks to all for the welcome back. I did shed 2lbs last week with a couple of little cheats:o


    kiraryker- I hear ya girl, leeeme tell ya, I am the "queen of cheats" so you aint sayin nothin I aint heard of or invented myself:p If I would have stayed with the program all this time, I would be a size -8 by now! But, you know how to get back up in the saddle and do what you KNOW works for you. I have been back for a week now and I can really tell how much better I feel. I know how hard it is when everytime you turn around there is something to celebrate or lunch with friends or....you get the idea. I have lost 25lbs on Atkins in the past, but it sure took a while because of the cheats. Like someone once said," You have the rest of your life to get this right", so you just hang in there.


    LISA! 10 days!!! I am getting excited for you! I saw some nice swim suites in Dillards over the week-end; they were 50% off! I didn't feel like trying on clothes, so I will go back in the next couple of weeks. I know what you mean about the high waist pants of the past. They are soooo low in the waist these days:eek: It really takes some getting used to now. I haven't bought jeans in years, but I wear some that my 27yo daughter gave me and they are lowwww in the waist. I do wear a belt for security though:cool: I can't wear very many of my old tops with them though. You gotta treat yourself to some new stuff.


    Lover of H20, I love that name! Welcome to our little group. Like Lisa said, if you have been a size 6 in the past (as a normal size) then you should be able to accomplish that again. I think we all eventualy settle at the weight and size we are meant to be and as we get older....our size may not be what we were when we were 18. If you go to the Atkins website and sugarfreesheila.com, you will get some good recipes for low carb stuff. Someone on this thread suggested that we try one new recipe per week. I have been slacking with that lately, but I plan to try again next week. There is a low carb shake that is wonderful!

    Here goes:


    3oz cream cheese

    1/4 cup cream

    1/2 cup egg beaters

    1tbs sugar free syrup and flavor

    4 ice cubes

    mix tog in blender 30 seconds and enjoy:D


    Ya'll have a good week!



  17. ........AND THERE GOES KAREN.....:D


    Wow, almost everyone has a cruise! Lisa, I guess you are next? We go in Feb. Jean, you got anything in the works? Alaska was the biggy, don't know if anything else could compare:p but, I'm sure you will think of something!


    Jean- I spit my coffee when I read about the toe on the scale, serves him right for brining that deamon in the house. I snuck a peek this morning and it looks like a 2lb loss for me. I don't know if I am in ketosis because I don't have any sticks, I will pick some up when I go out later today. I just had a couple of slipps last week, the tiny margarita and I had to taste the frosting for the wedding cake yesterday. I didn't want to taste the frosting, but I was home alone and I couldn't put it on the cake with out testing it first.


    I am off to the grocery to get more eggs;)



  18. Wow-pinkbikini, What is "jicama"? Being from the south, if you can hunt it you can cook it....sorry I don't know about the jicama.


    Lisa-happy shopping! Should be some good bargains out there now. I will go in later this week to shop for another swimsuit. I agree about the women's sizing! I can wear clothes from size 10-14 and some very small 16s, but I don't like to admit that:eek:


    Peri-have a great time girl! Congrats on the size 8! I would look too sick if I were a size 6 again, I know what you mean....hey we are real people, not Paris Hilton! When you get back from your cruise you can find the "swimsuit story" on a thread called "the most embarrasing thing to happen on a cruise" or something like that. And please let me know what you did at your ports because that is where we are going in Feb:D



    Kreeb-sounds like you did ab outstanding job sticking to the plan on your family visit. I don't know if I could have been that strong:confused:

    I had a small slipp yesterday at the Viva Las Vegas party at the retirement center, I had a VERY SMALL margarita...it was soooo good. We were so hot from setting up the tables and decorations, the bartender was making some for the residents and offered me one and I just exersized NO self control...except that I did stop at one;)


    Jean- are you making friends with that new scale? How are you doing with the plan? Don't you weigh on Monday? I will weigh on Monday, but it will be late when I report......"arge those nasty corporate filters @#*^#"


    I have got to get in the kitchen now and finish that wedding cake for today....and I won't have any ya'll!


    Ya'll have a great week-end.




  19. Plough, you have a great time on your cruise! Where are you cruising to? If you have shared that I must have missed it. To be at goal must be wonderful:p I agree that not everyone will or should be a size 2. I look back at my pictures when we got married almost 27yrs ago, I was a size 4 and boy did I look sick:eek: I am in a 12-14 now and I think a size 8-10 would be good for me. I have read somewhere that a normal size for women should be a 10-14. If you are a size 2-6 and have been most of your life then it could be that is where you should be. We are all made different for a reason.


    Jean, I will try the wings with the sauce on the side next week and I will "of course" report my findings:D I have been on my low carb for three days and boy do I feel better! I am not even worried about the wedding on Saturday:cool: I am going to a "Viva Las Vegas" party at a retirement center with a group from my bank where I work tomorrow. I am not worried about that either! I am having lunch with my hubby and I will have a salad w/grilled chicken and that will be fine until I get home. I will have to make a SFS shake then. Ya'll wish me luck.


    I hope Tom has a trip of a lifetime next week.


    Lisa, are you ready for your cruise? Have you shopped for your formal yet? The "tax free week-end" would have been a good time, huh?


    Swansonia- where is your cruise? I hope Cost Maya is not on your port list. You stick with what works for you. You can eat plenty of good Atkins friendly foods on the ship and you will feel better too. I can tast those omlets and bacon now:D Please check in when you get back.


    Those of us that are stuck here in the real world for the week-end, hang in there!



  20. Hey there Guys, I am just now getting a couple of minutes to check in. They blocked CC at work so I have wait until I get home, cook diner, do laundry, do the shopping and everything else that matters in life. Boy, the next thing you know they will block Amazon.com:eek: I do get more work done since they stopped my CC life though...hehehehehe.


    Tom, you get out there! Have fun and report when you get back:p


    Karen, like you said, Atkins is just better for me. I am feeling better and I got back into my new/better decade. Yup, the low fat/calorie was the pitts! I have been doing better this week.


    Lisa, I can appreciate what you are going thru. You seem to be the strongest in our little group, so you have every right to get bummeed about the scale not moving, but, size 8s & 10s is nothing to sneeze about! I'll bet you look marvelous!

    Go and have a blast on your cruise. You wear that swim suite! I'll bet you will look better than any other woman in your hubby's eyes, and really that is all that matters:cool: Like my hubby says; there are two thousand people who you will never see again so who cares! You do remember my swim suite story...huh? You get out there girl!


    Jean, I see you are doing pretty good for yourself. Did you throw that scale at your hubby? I did get a kick out of that! I put mine in the guest bathroom and didn't look back:D


    PS. I didn't forget about those wonderful shakes! I have all the stuff in the fridge to make some when I get time. Oh yea, I checked at Chili's in our hometown for the wings, I didn't see them on the menu. The next time you order them please ask if they have them in all areas. They had some boneless buffalo wings and some kind of wings with special hot sauce; could that be the item? I am sure you have told me in the past, but I have slept since then.


    Well, ya'll have a good week and I will check in later.



  21. Hey ya'll, just checking in to let you know that my low fat/calorie is not working so good for me. I have been soooo hungry and craving the bad stuff, so ofcourse I gave in too and had several cheats this week. I have gained a couple of pounds and I feel so bloated! I am going back to induction in the AM. I feel like a runaway for the past week. Obviously I am not disciplined enough to do the low fat stuff.


    Swansonia/Karen, I posted on the 10% thread about the bloating thing, I know what you mean about the feet swelling. I am watching the hurricane too because all the ports on my next cruise are in the path of this "Bad Boy" storm. It looks like Jamaica didn't suffer too much damage, but, we will be able to know more in the AM. Here's hoping everyone is ok.


    Jean.Lisa and Tom, how are ya'll doing out there?



  22. Awwweee, Plough, you are soooo sweet! I think you are right! That really helps keep me up to this challange:D I do know that I have had success with this WOE, it does take patience. I am still wishy-washy about switching to WW, but I met Hubby at Chilis tonight and I had the Nachos with beef and I didn't eat the tortilias! I had the beef, cheese, lettuce and sour cream:) it was good! I did have a couple of glasses of wine though. I know the rule on alcohol:o

    Thanks to all of you guys who give me a booster talk:p it really helps.



    Good night,


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