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Posts posted by Rappersmom

  1. 1 hour ago, sinsonte said:

    I also went to the CDC website and, while not clear, the CDC implies that older folk should not cruise.  In the page on crusing, there is a link for those at risk of severe illness.  If you click on that link it takes you to https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/need-extra-precautions/index.html

    This page lists older adults as being at risk.  I must emphasize that the CDC is being vague on this.

    Yes that's exactly what I did and read. It is extremely vague. And it also says that the at risk because of age increases with age. Not definitive enough to make a strong statement. Still allows for jugment.

  2. 1 hour ago, OldCrustyGuy said:

    Latest CDC recommendation is for seniors, regardless of vaccination status, not to cruise.

    I just went to the CDC site for COVID-19 and cruise ship travel, which was updated Aug. 20. I couldn't find that. If the senior is at increased risk in the case of infection, yes. But it doesn't make that blanket statement. Could you provide your source? Because CDC considers anyone over the age of 50 a senior and that would effectively shut down the cruise industry again. 

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  3. 6 hours ago, Peregrina651 said:

    We paid for Iceland with vouchers issued when Viking cancelled a cruise. The cruise fare was less than the amount of the voucher and we had until the start of the trip to spend the balance. I used it to pre-pay the gratuities and to pay for shore excursions when they finally opened. With the cost of the excursions, I had spent it all.



    Thank you.  That's helpful information as a starting point. They do seem to have different policies for customer cancellation under the no risk guarantee, but the way you were able to do it sounds best for Viking and the customer.

  4. 17 minutes ago, Azulann said:

    Your link  is from  2020. 

    Did you cancel an Iceland cruise?

     Come join us on the Western Med  Oct 12 -Oct 18 from Malta to Barcelona. Or go on  one of the Bermuda cruises in Sept.. I was on the Orion in July.

    It was a fabulous cruise  after going through hoops to get to Bermuda. That is the price one pays in curies doing the time of COVID. 

    When I am on board  the Viking Venus, I will be booking a Viking cruise for 2023. I am not  worried about Viking Cruise line.

    Look at the big guy  RRC and NCL and Carnival.... they are sailing with tons of empty  staterooms or not at all... See Regent,Oceania, Azamara and Princess 

    Yes, the link is 2020. That's sort of the point, that they have been a little weaker for a while because of the rapid expansion and then COVID hit. I'm sure that resumption of cruising was a relief but the cancellations because of the Delta Variant are hurting. Iceland should have been a huge moneymaker but Iceland going from Level 1 to Level 4 so rapidly with the ensuing quarantines required by Iceland and subsequent cancellations are a real setback. It has to be hard. 

    Yes we canceled Iceland. Unlike other people who said they wouldn't mind quarantine or missing ports on this Iceland trip, this is probably THE Iceland trip for us and we don't want to take those risks. Besides, I don't drink, so quarantine has nothing to redeem it.

    Thanks for the invitation but we have been to Bermuda (actually, in North Carolina we aren't that far from Bermuda). We're not looking for an ocean cruise. The attraction of the Iceland cruise was that it had the amenities of an ocean cruise with the feel of a river cruise. We will probably rebook on a river cruise.

    Yep, they are all struggling, as I mentioned--the cruise industry is fighting its way back. I hope it all goes well. 


  5. 1 hour ago, hodges97 said:

    Quite honestly my worry right now is that we have a company who is becoming desperate.  Why else would they pull this.  I'm a retired banker.  When people get their backs to the wall, they begin to make poor decisions.  This is a poor decision.


    https://finance.yahoo.com/news/viking-ocean-cruises-ltd-moodys-221806488.html.  Downgraded by Moody's with outlook poor for the next couple of years. Articles found in Google search reference cash strapped; too-rapid expansion of fleet; founder losing 2/3 of wealth last year (although still worth a couple of billion). They are definitely going to be trying to improve cash reserves. But I'm sure the entire industry is suffering. 

  6. 4 minutes ago, hodges97 said:

    Your questions are exactly what I'm thinking.  I am on hold till my TA tells me something.  Then????

    Let us know. Unfortunately our TA was on vacation when we canceled and I am waiting for her to return. Someone else handled our cancelation. I had wanted to cancel the excursions first (we had a week left on risk-free) and wait to cancel the cruise but she said it wouldn't matter; it was two separate systems. So we ended up with everything in FCC. I want to be very cautious before rebooking although it appears the Viking reps don't know what's going on either.

  7. 10 minutes ago, hodges97 said:

    Below is the first email answer I got today:

    As your reservation was cancelled accepting our Risk-Free Guarantee, standard cancellation penalties were waived, all monies paid to Viking retained will be refunded in the form of a Future Cruise Voucher.

    Reading the guarantee conditions regarding "all monies paid to Viking" it does seem to give them the right to apply the excursion money to FCC. However, I'm not an attorney and I hope I'm wrong. 


    The next thing of real concern is using the credit on a rebooking. I assumed the voucher could be applied to a future cruise as well as shore excursions. But the conditions also say: "Once voucher is redeemed, it cannot be re‐issued or used towards another cruise, and any unused balance of the voucher is lost and has no cash value."  Since the excursions aren't available at time of booking, I wonder if technically any surplus would be lost--unless they apply the surplus as a credit on the cruise, available for excursion booking. It may be a moot point because most of the cruises I'm looking at are higher priced, but something to think about.


  8. 3 hours ago, BamaT said:

    Looks like we're going to cancel our Sep 7 Iceland cruise.  Should we cancel excursions prior to cancelling the cruise?  We know we will get a voucher for the cruise dollars, but not sure how we are reimbursed for the paid-for excursions.  TIA 

    I just canceled that same cruise yesterday. I canceled the excursions first but Viking said the money wouldn't process that fast and it was rolled into the future cruise credit. They also said the refund for excursions takes about a week so it wouldn't have mattered if we had waited closer to the final cancellation date. So it's a waste of time to cancel the excursions. I think we have lost a lot of trust in Viking.

  9. 1 hour ago, KarNog said:

    The overarching point is that Viking doesn't have to be more transparent with its customers. Repeatedly, it's been stated that they have the sole discretion to do as they please. 

    Many of their customers apparently are satisfied with their decisions. If the majority become dissatisfied, Viking will change its policies or sail off into the sunset alone.


    I agree with what you are saying. They don't have to be. I'm sure they have a room full of risk analysts (as does every major company) assessing the cost benefit of every decision, particularly the risk of loyalty loss over customer-facing issues. If the analysts make a mistake, then Viking will have to change its policies. 

    • Like 2
  10. 8 minutes ago, KarNog said:

    I'd think their sole discretion is partly based on what's allowable by the host and partly based on their liability to their customers among other factors. Viking cannot override Iceland's requirements and expect to be welcomed into port.

    I don't think anyone expects that or is anyone arguing that. Of course Iceland has ultimate authority. Asking for a little transparency in communications is not questioning anyone's authority to make the decisions they do. Nor are we saying anyone in particular should not go to Iceland or shouldn't take a bus ride. That's an individual decision, preferably made with accurate information. Enjoy your trip

  11. Just now, KarNog said:

    The rules are very specific in that Viking will decide if and when passengers are to be quarantined. They cannot list every incident in which quarantine may be required because they simply don't know yet. That's why the phrase, in our sole discretion, is in place.

    It's not in their sole discretion. Iceland overrules that. And they can list what they do know for sure with a caveat that things change. No one expects them to list what they don't know yet. Of course.

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  12. 1 minute ago, KarNog said:

    It's a moot point. When you agreed to the Passenger Ticket Contract, you agreed to quarantine if and when Viking felt it was in the best interest of everyone. "in our sole discretion"

    ; (10) confinement of Passengers to cabins (both Passenger’s own Cabin and cabins specially used for isolation), quarantine or emergency disembarkation of Passenger if, in our sole discretion, such steps are necessary to prevent or slow the spread of COVID-19;

    No. It's not a moot point. If you know the specifics of the rules you have some control over whether you want to put yourself in that situation. If you know that bus rides present an additional risk of quarantine you can choose not to take a bus ride. If you feel that overall there is too much risk, you can choose to cancel the trip. If you decide to chance it, then yes, Viking is in charge.


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  13. 6 minutes ago, KarNog said:

    Being quarantined unnecessarily is a concern. But I hardly expect Viking to send emails to all her passengers with a warning any more than I'd expect United to send emails warning of the possibility of a plane crash. I honestly don't mean this to come off as snark.  We simply cannot be forewarned of every possible incident. Again, we knew the possibility of cancellations and interruptions and infection when we booked our trips. 

    I don't think anyone expects emails. But since it's Iceland policy that anyone on a bus with a positive person is automatically quarantined, that should be noted somewhere on myvikingjourney so that people can make up their own minds whether that's a risk they are willing to take. There are alternatives.

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  14. 3 minutes ago, rbslos18 said:

    The daily testing, even if medically unnecessary, doesn't concern me. That is Viking's call. I'm happy to comply. Wearing masks in public doesn't bother me. I already do. It is my being quarantined unexpectedly by Iceland because I just so happen to be masked on a Viking excursion bus with a person who tests positive that concerns me. My guess is the vast majority of Viking Iceland passengers are unaware of this possibility. Aside from the transparency in this area which would rankle most of us, Viking is doing a superb job, JMHO

    I agree. That is the one situation where the only control you have is to avoid bus rides entirely. And it seems like an overreaction on Iceland's part. But it is a risk that passengers should know about.

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  15. 21 minutes ago, KarNog said:

    So, I'm almost on my way to sail 8/21 on the beautiful Sky! I almost have a Covid test nailed down, I found my bug net that I ordered weeks ago and lost, I got my nails did.

    I know y'all are all worried and for good reason, but I'm so excited I'm about to pee my pants.

    Is it time to start worrying about plane crashes and missed connections? (aka more crap we cannot control)

    Safe travels, everybody!

    I hope you and everyone on your ship have a perfect voyage. I'm excited for you. Please post from the trip and let us know how it goes.

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  16. 1 minute ago, Milliegirl229 said:

    Everyone knew Viking's testing policy when they signed up for the Welcome Back cruises, good or bad idea it's not new news. Go or not but it is what it is and constant complaining on this site isn't helpful but it is adding to the stress level of all we need to do to go. Perhaps this is an unpopular view but let the posts be helpful.


    I agree completely. There is no help in dealing with "what should be" rather than "what is." 

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  17. 8 minutes ago, TayanaLorna said:

    I hear you.  Although the little port towns were charming, our only reason for going to Iceland was to experience the great outdoors up close and personal.  And Iceland has such different, changing and unique landscapes.  We feel at 70 and 71 our time is quickly running out for having the physical strength and ability to hike for long stretches on uneven, rocky and sometimes steep terraine.  Almost every tour we took we would walk for 45 minutes or more at each of the several stops.  To get to most of this scenery of diverse and unique land, you have to ride in a bus.  So it really does depend on what you want to do and see.

    Exactly. I am 76 (I like to think I'm a young 76) and struggling with sciatica which is in a flareup. I want the full Iceland experience (maybe without the extreme sports). Sadly, with COVID defying all expectations it may be a long time before things settle down. I'm glad that you and others were able to go earlier when it seemed safer and enjoy it so much.

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  18. 7 hours ago, Clay Clayton said:

    His name is Steve Rhodes and the group is “Viking River and Ocean Cruises Friends”. I am getting ready to remove Mike from the group as it really has become even more a cheer leader than some of us on here for Viking as well as a personal photo album for the moderator.  LOL.  (Says the fellow that may post too many pictures on here and for sure does on Instagram!😂)

    Steve Rhodes is an admin on Travelers Who Love Viking Cruises. That facebook page has become, as you said, a personal photo book for Michael Zelhof. I've seen people criticized on that for saying something uncomplimentary about Viking. ("This is supposed to be a site to share our good experiences with Viking.")

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  19. 4 minutes ago, TayanaLorna said:

    Won't happen.  Read the Passenger Ticket Contract and the Covid19 Policies & Procedures.  Its a risk we take.

    You're right; I will read it again. But there seems to have been a real effort to not disclose facts so people won't cancel. I think that's the most upsetting part. Other things are beyond Viking's control. Of course, all the cruise lines probably do that.

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  20. 3 minutes ago, rbslos18 said:

    I'm not convinced this is just Iceland. My guess is this is a collaborative mess-up. Usually a country such as Iceland has people who know the science. But until Viking lets people know we are subject to an end to an expensive vacation. How about being quarantined in Turkey for a vacation? Or what about paying $50,000 for a World Cruise and coming in contact with someone the first week? 

    If it's not just Iceland, then Viking is flat out lying about its quarantine policy. Either way, not impressive the way we are kept in the dark. And yes, some of the other cruise scenarios are even more grim. One thing I have heard is that the particular vaccine used in Iceland (Janssen?) is less effective against Delta than ours. Maybe only 40%. They are faced with a tough decision to keep their lifeblood--tourism--going in the face of escalating infections. 

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  21. 40 minutes ago, schnapperin said:

    Iceland didn‘t change any rules about quarantine/isolation in the last months


    and also all other countries like Spain, Malta, Germany and so on are all having strict rules about isolation and quarantine- and most are not taxpayer funded

    So if this has been the Iceland policy all along, it has been even more disingenuous of Viking to not admit that to its passengers. Even and especially the ones who have called with specific questions. Telling us the Viking policy is worthless when Iceland is far more stringent and makes the final decision.

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  22. 38 minutes ago, bbtondo said:

    No, you're right.  I wrote Viking changes it's current policy, I meant to say Iceland. And if the quarantine rule of Iceland is also the rule of the countries I am cruising too, I probably will cancel.


    Wrote too fast!

    Yes, I understand. I wondered since you went on to name countries. This is such a mess. I keep hearing that the delta variant peaks and decreases quickly, but not seeing that so far here at home. I hope your upcoming cruise is trouble and stress-free. 

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