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Everything posted by teenieleek

  1. Hi, I’m glad to hear you don’t think my moan unjustified. I love Lisbon, spent ten days there a few years back in an apartment in Bairro Alto and was really looking forward to a day there. Mainly I’m angry and now, having been excited about this trip, really don’t want to go. I’m fairly sure that dropping a port is not sufficient grounds for a refund however, so we’ll just have to make the most of it. I intend to phone them though and explain why they have lost a future customer. They won’t care but they should as we’re now in almost the best cabin on the boat. A very expensive mistake on my part.
  2. I am booked on Borealis for the 18 day Cape Verde and Morocco trip in February 2023. Final payment date was 5th November. On Friday 18th I got a letter telling me that Lisbon had been dropped from the itinerary in order to “make the return to Liverpool more comfortable for our passengers”. What a load of rubbish. They are saving the port fees and then fuel costs by creeping back to Liverpool at 2mph. I feel cheated and conned. I am not one of those who are “wed to Fred”. It is not coincidence that they waited until after final payment date to announce this. I feel doubly cheated as a few days before final payment I got a phone call offering me a reduced price upgrade which I took. They will now have a shipload of passengers who are disgruntled before they even board and in my case will never book with the company again. I’m 71 so hopefully have a few more cruises in me. Why would they deliberately sacrifice future passengers like me for a short term saving?
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