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Everything posted by KarmaCruisers

  1. LOL whaaat the? happy Cole’s show JUST LET OUT and the next show in 30 minutes the line is alresdy mobbed deep. forrrrrget that, ain’t NO comedian on CARNIVAL that funny (but I mean, lolz at the line) SO, to bed I go..at least to watch TV/youtubez for an hour
  2. So here’s my other plates at Emeril’s (there was no way I could touch my phone while eating those saucy crab claws, haha) I ate all the claws and all the BBQ shrimp. I’d say I ate a quarter of the Jambalaya and a quarter of the red beans & rice (really didn’t expect the portions to be so big!) still gotta put in the steps again in the morning..but to help; I’ve been walking the stairs up and down. (Just walked five flights up after this feast; had to come back and brush my teeth and wash my hands real good) Heading out in just a few; to go see Happy Cole do an 18+ comedy show at 9:45. After that, it’s bedtime!
  3. Hooray! I get to try Stone Crab! (It was on special for $28 at Emeril’s) I also ordered the BBQ Shrimp, Jambalaya, and Red Beans & Rice. PROBABLY too much food but it all sounded good and I definitely wanted to try the Stone Crab, and my server recommended the Jambalaya. (And I knew I wanted the BBQ shrimp, which I’ve had before)
  4. Shyeah! so on tomorrow’s wash-out; I need to end up to 4000 points; at $2486 (I figure on my $200 freeplay I can play video poker and squeeze that out as $150 cash) Here’s to having some luck! Although if I do shitty; then I don’t think the juice is worth the squeeze and in the future I’ll just PURE wash it and collect the money and just use it to pay for the cruise (because all the “free” portion does is knock down the ACTUAL fare; which if I’d of pay cash probably wouldn’t have been more than $500 per person anyway (ie: the $1000 of my own money I will have lost) But we’ll see..it’s crazy how LITTLE 800 points per day is..even playing SLOW I think I did it in SIXTY MINUTES. (So quite literally 800 spins per hour rate)
  5. JFC! Absolutely BRUTALIZED in the casino! my $2000 wash only returned $1477, my lowest result yet! so after 3200 spins; the machines that are supposed to be around 90% return; are returning 81%! I need a REAL good night on this next (last) play session! Not even just break-even I need to WIN! in other news; I stopped by the host desk and asked for some money for Emerils’, no problem, $60. (Which is more than enough for me!)
  6. Worked for a while in my cabin Then at 5; came down and hade a Con Lechon sammich from the Deli
  7. Lunch protein acquired i totally overlooked they were carving roast pork in the Lido Marketplace (it has an apple relish with it) also got some salsa because I didn’t know how the Apple relish would taste ohh and a couple more pieces of that tofu
  8. We’re parked along side the Enchanted princess today; who will also follow us to Nassau. Im looking at my next few cruise cabins (Royal class princess ships; penthouse suites) From that I can tell a good size balcony
  9. First round of lunch..still need to locate a “healthy” protein..
  10. 10000% book the HSH excursion if you don’t have anyone under 18 (or maybe it’s 21?) I booked blue lagoon based on multiple positive trips from @LifeWithFavor BUT if you’ve never been to Nassau; I’d recommend just spending the money to experience Atlantis, it’s literally like Disney-level themed craziness.
  11. Haha I probably sweat off that big plate of chili lobster!
  12. So I got off the ship to just walk around the port here at AmberCove..bad idea! its so humid and hot it’s stupid! I’ll make sure to NEVER come south of Grand Turk again in the summer! I literally will have to change clothes for tonight I sweat THAT much! (And all I did was walk through the little carnival port area!) I guess it’ll give me a chance to take advantage of that Platinum Laundry perk; as I’ll need this shirt and shorts again in the cruise. A photo of my sweat-ridden self in La Republica Dominicana, to prove I was here, haha.
  13. Yup; they’re 200% automatons; they only move when their computer (ie: corporate) tells (read: allows) them to. i guess it’s better than living in a mud hut? EDIT: Sorry, modern day indentured servitude is a sore subject for me.
  14. Success! They have cut up oranges and grapefruits. I’ll take it! I also got four eggs, instead of my usual three; because these are tiny eggs.
  15. Sweet. I was able to upgrade my Blue Lagoon excursion..I originally booked the “family” side because it was cheaper ($85) but then I realized I’d rather do the “Adults” side (which is $125) after doing the “Adults only” place in Grand Turk. Also got my next $2000 batch of gift card loaded. Headed up to Lido MarketPlace now
  16. Gooood morning Amber Cove! Got up and put my morning mile in. Going to get cleaned up and peruse the breakfast buffet today..see if maybe they have any better selection of fruit. (Also I want to cut down on my breakfast size..I usually eat three boiled eggs [two just the whites], and half an orange) so maybe if I find the fried eggs; I can just eat the whites of two then all of the third, and MAYBE also find an orange (that was the one good thing about princess Royal class..their buffet had soooo many different types of fresh fruits!)
  17. I tried that once before and they looked like they had no idea what the words “comps” was…
  18. I just realized it was only one “extra” bowl of rice..but I truthfully didn’t need the first bowl! (I should have just ate the lobster meat)
  19. Thanks for the photos. i actually posted a little too soon; I caught them coming out of ChiBang.
  20. But that sauce was like crack! I know I did a lot of walking and moving today; so I can only hope it balances it out for eating such a glut. On another note; the WiFi has been pretty good..but as we get closer to the DR..it’s just went to doodoo (like not even 1Mbps) EDIT: Nevermind it’s back to 25Mbps
  21. Damnit! I said I wouldn’t do this..I literally ate myself into a food coma! I am so full it’s actually painful, lol. I DEFINITELY have to get up to exercise in the morning and ALSO really watch what I eat for the next few days, because I blew it way out of the water today. (But man everything today was just so good!) Im going to futz around on the internets for about an hour (to hopefully allow my painfully full stomach to settle a bit) then take rest. Morning comes early so I can get out there and put my laps in.
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