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Everything posted by KarmaCruisers

  1. I often wondered that myself; being their video poker is set to the lowest it can be; so 80% slots probably are true. even still I’m losing a known value to (probably) continue to get free balconies… And $700 is a helluva lot better then losing the $7000-$10000 I’m used to.
  2. I am also HAMMERED now just had a long hang out with some meta group friends I just met. had many many drinks now going to Cucina for dinner but might drink more later to tell the wife leaving my story
  3. Expect them to be 90% as most dragon/lightning link are set there; but I think the MINIMUM they can be is 80%
  4. Vincent is HUSTLING..I wonder what he’d do it I slipped him a hunnad.
  5. Also I shouldn’t be drinking this hooch because it’s just empty calories that my fat stomach doesn’t need..but I’ve done almost no elevators this cruise so I think I can have a drink or two.
  6. Also believe me; it’s taking everything I’ve got in me to not go into the casino and start ripping hundreds to try to “win” that $700 back. this is why I’m debating getting another $2000 worth of gift cards; to help me quell the urge; while doing it at an “advantage” (in quotes because I THINK this will keep me getting free balconies)
  7. It’s not gambling if you pretty much know the expected outcome. (As well as have the advantage)
  8. Just had a nice long chat with an older couple from Long Island (who’ve lived in Florida for 20 years) we talked about cruising mostly; they love it as much as I do. also Vincent made me another drink..I asked him to make me his choice…he makes me a Surfer on Acid; hahaha
  9. So I decided to post up at Bar-820 Started with a Mango305 (been wanting to try it) Forgot pic till it was mostly drank
  10. Hi! so the best vp on board is 6/5 bonus poker for dimes. (I mean they have it higher too but dimes is a good low roller option) also, I haven’t been on Sonya’s board for a while; I realized I was an addict (after 20 years!) and talked to a Therapist. what you’re seeing me do here; is not “gambling”, it’s AP. (Or I hope it is; I guess time will tell)
  11. Lunch. I wanted to sample it all the shrimp burrito bowl was REALLY good; but the Steak StirFry and Chicken Bowl with Broth were good too. Now at the $20 slot pull.
  12. Also, yes I’m definitely enjoying this cruise! I feel good exercising in the mornings and it almost make me have a more positive self-image. (I’m still not close to the weight I want to be to have a “positive” self-image..but making “smart” choices helps)
  13. Thanks! no; I didn’t see her…but then again there was almost no one in the casino that early. i have to go back at 1 for another $20 slot pull, and also wash out my freeplay. So, we’ll see
  14. Yeah, PURE rack for a balcony is $784 (I just looked); so..realistically I don’t think the “juice is worth the squeeze” and in the future will just wash the gift cards to collect the profit of $1000 and just use THAT to actually PAY for whatever a balcony costs. It was a fun math experiment though
  15. EDIT: I forgot about my $200 freeplay that I have coming later today (I expect on video poker I can wash that out to $150) I also earned a $60 emerils Comp; so that adds in
  16. To add, now I need to see if $758 actual cost is potentially worth a “free” cruise. (I don’t think so; unless they continue to give me free balconies..which JUUUST might swing it over to “worth it”)
  17. So out of $10,000 coin-in, my return was $8242; which makes actual return percentage really easy, 82.42%. However it only cost me $9000, so my actual loss is only $758. Im debating buying another $2000 worth just to “suck out” for the free $200 boost. ahh; however then I think I may get weird looks as I’d be over $10,000 carrying limit (without declaring and *****) through TSA. My next action is lunch at ChiBang in an hour
  18. Yeah that was actual class. most people have never even been to Reno; let alone ventured down to the river area (back in the day) Only us dregs of society. Haha
  19. Wrong Cal Neva..not the one on north shore Lake Tahoe that Frankie once owned. im talking the poop hole in downtown Reno. (MOST people never even heard of it haha) it’s the only casino that I know of; where you could die at a slot machine and no one would notice for a week!
  20. No luck. $1745 today im REALLY inclined to think they have these machines EV set to 80%. (Which is like bottttttom of the absolute lowest return these games can go)
  21. Final $2000 worth of gift cards loaded..let’s go see if we can get lucky!
  22. She wasn’t in to fancy things (and neither am I, tbh) We(I) live(d) super plain.
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