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Posts posted by MajorDad

  1. 25 minutes ago, Biker19 said:

    Not only are these kinds of posts sorta the norm on CC, but many other sites where anonymity lets keyboard warriors have at it. 



    Thanks for your response.  Agreed, at YouTube it's insane. Trolls everywhere.


    But then these are individuals claiming to be former military acting like this and no one saying a thing to them. They then seem to think their behavior is dandy when it's immature at best and I am not allowed to type the words that describe it at it's worst. They appear to think they are big men, but big men don't bully anyone either male or female for fun on some silly trumped up issue. Good God but I can't imagine them sitting around with their brothers whining about that someone said their bunks were demeaning. Geezus H seriously. 🤣


    The only way to combat bullies is to say something to them, to not let it stand. I hope there will be a few more here and there willing to stand up.

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  2. I only recently joined Cruise Critic and it is not overstating one iota to say that I am shocked by this bully frenzy you have going here. This is how you learned to behave in the service? Picking apart people over the most minor thing and then the rest of you “fine gentleman” swarming like sharks with chum in the water? This woman did nothing to you and nothing wrong, but apparently you needed to hit a tree today and didn’t have one.  It is like you just needed to try to hurt someone or to get out built up anger and this is where you found to lay it. I do note that it started out very nice, @Dat Cruisin Couple starting post was nice and all the others after - until we got to the military guys and then suddenly the nastiness ensued.  Pitiful! She didn’t even return it seems and you are still gnashing with your teeth like some crazed dogs.


    I know you have no shame, that is quite clear, but you should feel ashamed.  I feel embarrassed and shame for you. I hope that this is not an example of what my wife and I can expect here at Cruise Critic, where the smallest thing sends people into a frenzy of ignorance and bullying.  Bad enough if these were just posted by anyone, but that these posts are by men who served and that they are going after the wife of a military member is far, far worse.  One seems to even suggest she is lying. To what end Mr. Know It All?  Next time it will be your wife, karma bites, so remember your words as they come back to you.

    This is embarrassing behavior from brothers, even if there isn’t anyone else with the guts to tell you that.

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