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Posts posted by Swanseasailor

  1. 1 hour ago, Megabear2 said:

    We've just enjoyed the carol concert in the atrium so on a happy note I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and good health for 2022.



    Going on any holiday during COVID was always going to be different and for many the risks associated with travelling during a pandemic are not worth the potential rewards. But the reality for myself and my husband who tested positive for COVID on Tuesday has surpassed our worst nightmares.
    Travelling on P&O’s newest ship Iona for their Christmas and New Year cruise 18th December through to 3rd January we were assured that the necessary COVID protocols were in place and felt as loyal P&O customers that they would look after their guests should anything happen.
    All passengers aboard, aged over 12 were given an antigen test regardless of symptoms during our 4th day aboard. We were tested deck by deck during the day and went to bed assuming that all was well.
    We were woken in the middle of the night with a call from the medical team to say that my husband had tested positive and would need a follow up PCR to confirm, which they were on their way to complete. Once that confirmed his positive COVID status we were given about an hour to pack and were moved to an isolation cabin up on deck 15 in the early hours.
    Life aboard in isolation was ok, if a bit frustrating as we were given little or no information about what was going to be happening next, other than that we would be removed from the ship and transferred to an isolation hotel in Tenerife on Thursday. But I do question the logic of both my husband and I being in the same cabin with no access to cleaning materials so that I could at least attempt to stay safe.
    We spent the next day that the ship docked in Madeira watching the world go by from our balcony, chatting to the other guests also in quarantine following a positive COVID test and started the process of contacting our insurers. If only this could have been how we spent the rest of the cruise!
    We were contacted by the medical team on arrival in Tenerife to say that they would start to transfer us by taxi to our quarantine hotel from 1pm, but still no details on the actual hotel. I think it was the lack of information that was frustrating and worried me the most.
    We were told to order an early lunch so that we would be ready to leave at short notice. By the time lunch arrived, although I was concerned that this might be the last decent meal, I was too anxious to eat.
    Still no detail on where we were going, but eventually some of the guests were asked to put their luggage outside and one of our fellow quarantiners who had said he wasn’t leaving the ship until he knew where he was being taken was told that the hotel would be the Occidental Santa Cruz Contempraneo – depending on where you room was in the hotel, potentially not too shabby from a quick Google.
    Eventually we started to move, with the understandably humiliating accompanying crew in hazmat suits spraying us as we walked. Followed by the rather comical automated ‘Goodbye’ as they scanned our cruise card as we left the ship.
    This is where the nightmare began, we obviously had low expectations, but we did hope that we would be able to have some decent ventilation, be treated like human beings and be provided with adequate food and something to drink.
    But the quarantine hotel is more like a prison camp than a hotel. And again, we are both in the same room with no access to cleaning materials which makes the prospect of me contracting COVID inevitable and then enduring a further period of quarantine while I ‘serve’ my 10 days. Whilst the goody bag of sweets and crisps appeared a nice touch as we left the ship, perhaps basic COVID supplies like paracetamol, a thermometer, cough drops, edible soup, hot drinks, disinfectant spray, wipes and hand soap would have been more useful.
    I understand that I don’t speak Spanish and our ‘captures’ speak little English, but we are already being constantly shouted at when we open our doors, which we are only doing to pick up our food left outside or put the trays back out.
    We are fit and well, and I must admit we are finding this a bit of an ordeal, but for one elderly couple who left the ship at the same time as us, I genuinely believe their treatment could lead to something far more serious. The couple, both in their late 80s, were left to carry their own belongings and had to walk at speed half the length of the ship. As a group we are trying to look out for them while they are in our hotel, but that is so difficult because they don’t have a Smartphone and therefore haven’t been able to join our WhatsApp ‘support group’.
    We were really pleased to hear that the two families with children had been taken to a fantastic hotel where at least they are comfortable in their room and can get some fresh air on a balcony and seem so far at least to have adequate food and drink supplied. Also, with a better approach of having two connecting rooms so that the person with COVID can be isolated from the rest of the family.
    We have been in regular contact with P&O’s care team in Southampton to try to at least arrange some edible food and access to hot water so that we can make a cup of tea, doesn’t seem too much to ask. But today we face the very real prospect of Christmas here unless we stage a mass walk out. We wonder what P&O would do then!
    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  2. 7 hours ago, molecrochip said:

    Do remember, that this is likely to be the Omicron variant. Therefore anticipated milder illness not leading to the serious outcomes noted previously. We are not in a Diamond Princess scenario. Covid is understood, additional medical staff are on board, quarantine arrangements are in place. Enjoy your holiday, be sensible, but carry on.


    Hi Molecrochip while we still await confirmation on Omicron leading to milder illness it has been established that it is highly transmissible.

           what would be the protocol should a mass breakout occur. If as anticipated it proves to be milder would passengers be able to remain onboard rather than be removed at next port.

        And is there a set number of Omicron/delta cases on any cruise before the cruise would be declared unsafe and abandoned. 

  3. 3 hours ago, molecrochip said:
    • A full outbreak plan is in place. This has certain levels depending upon the severity of outbreak.
    • Actions taken depend upon the relevant location of the ship, next port, number of days back to Southampton/Barbados.
    • Planning has been done and actions now in place for handling Omicron/new variance outbreak. This scenario was well expected.

    I Have a cruise on IONA in February and looking forward to going, fully vaccinated and in fair health.

    While we have been made aware of protocols that mean infected passengers are removed at next port (which P and O claim is port authority decision) and close contacts isolated onboard. These protocols came as a surprise to many and the problems regarding insurance were highlighted by Megabear2.


    A full outbreak plan? depending on severity. Is P and O or relevant port authority in control of such plan are there any implications for passengers regarding insurance?


    Actions taken depend on relevant location does this confirm that P and O will not be the decision maker, again are there any implications regarding passenger insurance that you can foresee.


    Planning has been done and actions now in place regarding Omicron/new variant this scenario well expected? Please could you elaborate on what P and O are going to do given the medical reports of the high transability of the Omicron or any future variant we could see. 

    While passengers are reassured of their safety. By being asked to participate in locating their lifeboat/fire muster points.

    There are many reports/tweets and complaints on social media claiming that onboard protocols are not being enforced regarding lift capacity/ hand washing/self service in buffet social distancing in entertainment venues not being adhered to.

       Such reports may or may not be true they do however give cause to question whether P and O are actually able to implement any safety plans regarding any any covid variants.

    So my final Questions are you, or P and O prepared to release what plans and what actions they are going  implement and how are they to be enforced on board.


    Releasing a statement saying we have a plan, but not giving information regarding what/how such a plan is leaves it open to wild speculation. In order for a passenger to CRUISE WITH CONFIDENCE I for one would have such confidence  if I were aware of what I was getting into. I for one certainly respect the quality of your posts molecrochip and I look forward in hope that you will be able to shine a light on my questions. Thank you and stay safe



    • Like 2
  4. 8 hours ago, Hysteria247 said:

    Hi Megabear2, 

    thank you so much for your response, it’s really put my mind at ease, I was on the verge of rebooking to a later date I was so concerned.

    My first cruise will be in July on Iona to the Norwegian Fjords, I’ve not been abroad in 15 years so I am more than excited! I’ve also booked the following July to do the Baltic on Britannia, all setting out from Southampton. I just hope I’m not sea sick lol, I’ve booked midship so fingers crossed. 

    Hi Winkle we are on Iona Feb first time cruise for the wife, after Megabear2 has doggedly pursued answers about negative offload we are in a much happier place and looking forward to cruise. providing covid doesn't change things. Take Care   

    • Like 2
  5. 22 minutes ago, Megabear2 said:

    "Any guests who have tested positive for COVID-19 will travel by personal vehicle to their personal residence or self-isolate in accommodations provided by the company."


    The company providing accommodations is new, they've had other cases and it didn't happem

    Hi Megabear2 if I remember you mentioned a PR disaster waiting in the wings, it may or may not be that Omicron is highly transmittable so it may only be a matter of time before much bigger outbreaks occur. While I have a fully paid P and O cruise in Feb which may or may not sail. Any Media attention will help to focus Cruise companies in assisting passengers in need of help.   

  6. 11 minutes ago, Megabear2 said:

    After MSC with the Virtuosa fiasco?!!!


    There are indeed people quarantined onboard Iona at present - I'm uncertain how many. There were also 4 passengers taken off in Palma unwell. 


    I'm interested in which part of the protocols she thinks Princess and MSC did better.  I was on Princess myself in August and their protocols were more or less mirrors of the ones I experienced on Britannia in July, all very good. I am a little worried about the table sharing creeping in as this has caused problems on Fred and Marella and is something I had not expected.


    All information is gladly received as I am still liaising on these issues. Many thanks.



    Just Reading a report in a Daily paper about an outbreak on The Norwegian Breakaway in New Orleans.

    the headlines are a bit over the top. But it seems reports of outbreaks are beginning to get some media attention,

  7. 3 hours ago, Host Sharon said:


    While having a new variant of covid is frightening, what I find alarming is a plane load of passenger who I would hope were tested before leaving Africa (would that be PCR or LFT) when they land in Schiphol Airport 61 test positive for covid (not Known if its the new strain yet). When joining a ship we do an LFT test. If it comes to light that the new strain is somehow harder to detect possibly testing at departure would need to improved somehow.

    • Like 1
  8. 4 hours ago, Swanseasailor said:

    I have also noted your concerns with some of the comments that you have seen on social media regarding close contacts of a guest who has a positive COVID-19 test result on board. I would like to reassure you that this would be reviewed on an individual basis as we understand that whilst insurance companies will cover the positive testing guest, it may not in all circumstances cover the close contact.  I do appreciate how concerning this must be for you and I would reassure you that we are constantly reviewing our policies on a regular basis as the global situation continues to evolve.


    I have copied this section to Cherelle and added your suggested questions it may be helpful if as many people as possible do the same. All I want to know is I am not going to be out of pocket should the worse happen. Take care all

    Received this morning. P and O are determined not to commit to covering costs until each case is assessed.

    Also alleging removals are a social media scare mongering.  IMO

    Dear Mr xxxxxx,

    Thank you for taking the time to contact in relation to your forthcoming cruise on Iona.

    Firstly, please accept my sincere apologies for the delay in our response. It is always our intention to respond to guest correspondence in a timely manner and I apologise that I have been unable to do so until now.

    Having reviewed your correspondence, I appreciate you making contact with us regarding the comments you have seen on social media. I understand that some of these comments have made you concerned about some of our procedures surrounding COVID-19 and I welcome the opportunity to respond to these concerns for you. You have specifically mentioned close contacts of a guest who has a positive COVID-19 test result on board.

    I would like to reassure you that this would be reviewed on an individual basis as we understand that whilst insurance companies will cover the positive testing guest, it may not in all circumstances cover the close contact.  I do appreciate how concerning this must be for you and I apologise for any poor impressions that you have gained.

    We are constantly reviewing our policies as the global situation continues to evolve. The protection and safety of our guests and crew is our utmost priority. Our protocols have been developed with guidance from global medical and public health experts and scientists as well as UK Government agencies and are designed to protect everyone on board while we continue to deliver memorable holidays.

    Mr xxxxxxx, I do hope that you will go on to have a wonderful time on Iona and we look forward to welcoming you on board in February.

    Assuring you of our best intentions at all times.

    Kind regards,

    Claire Bailey
    Guest Support Representative
    Office of Simon Palethorpe, President, Carnival UK
    Office of Paul Ludlow, President, P&O Cruises

    Email: executive.correspondence@carnivalukgroup.com
    Web: www.pocruises.com | www.cunard.com
    Carnival House, 100 Harbour Parade, Southampton SO15 1ST

  9. 9 hours ago, Megabear2 said:

    It's interesting because it's the first time I've ever seen them acknowledge the close contact not being covered by insurance apart from in communication with myself.  If you have time perhaps you can reply and ask if their policies are going to be updated and made clear to passengers/travel agents so they form part of your contract. Also ask if this case by case issue would guarantee you and your contacts will not be financially liable for the costs they know are uninsurable.



    I have also noted your concerns with some of the comments that you have seen on social media regarding close contacts of a guest who has a positive COVID-19 test result on board. I would like to reassure you that this would be reviewed on an individual basis as we understand that whilst insurance companies will cover the positive testing guest, it may not in all circumstances cover the close contact.  I do appreciate how concerning this must be for you and I would reassure you that we are constantly reviewing our policies on a regular basis as the global situation continues to evolve.


    I have copied this section to Cherelle and added your suggested questions it may be helpful if as many people as possible do the same. All I want to know is I am not going to be out of pocket should the worse happen. Take care all

  10. 37 minutes ago, Megabear2 said:

    Sorry, I'm only telling you what they tell me.  They could be giving me total rubbish for all I know, but I doubt it as they are assisting me with my own personal bookings and noting them subject to the position with offloading.  I doubt they'd offer to do that if there wasn't something very close.  I am speaking to my contact regularly and she tells me she's frustrated too.

    I copied my original Email to carnival couple of days ago and received a non reply usual statement from Cherelle so again I have highlighted relevant questions and re submitted. Megabear 2 you have done outstanding work bringing the insurance flaws to our attention. P and O will hopefully release a statement of intent soon.  

    • Like 1
  11. I had same reply from Emily, stall and delay letter but within 28 day limit.

    Further to our recent acknowledgement, please be assured that given the concerns raised your correspondence is currently being reviewed and investigated with the relevant management. Please accept our sincere apologies for the delay in issuing a reply and you have our assurances that a response will be sent in due course.

    Kind regards


    Email: executive.correspondence@carnivalukgroup.com
    Web: www.pocruises.com | www.cunard.com
    Carnival House, 100 Harbour Parade, Southampton SO15 1ST


  12. On 10/30/2021 at 3:23 PM, Megabear2 said:

    Surely in the UK they have always insisted on insurance?  They must know what cover these policies offer?  I was directed to Holiday Extras as offering all the cover I required.  This is the "recommended" insurer. It is, as most who have taken quotes from them, extremely expensive compared with others in the market.  It is not in any way different from other cruise policies and does not offer cover for any form of quarantine. P&O etc may not be aware but Holiday Extras until July this year were underwritten by TIF group, a company with a very chequered history on paying claims. Any policies bought under this underwriter were enormously expensive and many bought the annual one as it was recommended.  In July this year TIF pulled out of the market and Holiday Extras changed underwriter to Great Lakes, this different policy is cheaper, probably providing better cover but still not the scenario that has occurred. Not much use to those who had already paid upfront.


    Today I had notification from RCI as follows:


    "One more extension is for Royal Caribbean's COVID-19 Assistance program, which covers passengers if anyone tests positive within 14 days of the cruise, or while onboard. Vaccinated guests and children not yet eligible to be vaccinated who are sailing on or before April 30th, 2022 will have the following COVID-19 Assistance at no extra charge:


    100% cruise fare refund for you, and your Traveling Party, if any of you tests positive for COVID-19 within 14 days prior to the cruise or at the boarding terminal.


    Pro-rated cruise fare refund if your cruise is cut short for reasons related to COVID-19.


    If you test positive for COVID-19 during the cruise, Royal Caribbean will cover the costs of COVID-19 related medical treatment onboard, any required land-based quarantine, and travel home for you and your Traveling Party."


    They've also extended the 30 day final payment for this period. They have shareholders and creditors but dont seem too worried? As a customer it just seems like bloody mindedness on P&O's part.


    Regarding "rebuilding" combine this stubborn refusal to offer comfort, with the dreadful IT, failure to be able to speak to anyone on the telephone, lack of response to emails etc (see the numerous posts on other sections of the P&O board from people saying never again) and it looks like a recipe for disaster and that's even before press etc get a whiff of what's going on.


    And for what?


    Hi Megabear2 P and O seem to have gone to ground and this subject page slowly falling down the list. I Have still not had a reply but still hopeful.

  13. 28 minutes ago, Megabear2 said:

    Well that's quite interesting.  If they are monitoring FB then they must know the word is getting around.  Not being a social media user I actually thought the companies probably turned a blind eye.  Its actually quite a bold statement if Shelley has put it into the FB page, am I reading that right or is it private?

    Hi Megabear2 no not on the FB page its private. But the comments on P and O customer service are not good. And the main reply customers are getting is P and O are dealing with very complex ever changing foreign protocols regarding covid. It seems many customers not buying their excuses.

  14. 1 hour ago, Megabear2 said:

    So how would P&O link the email from Swanseasailor unless they are monitoring him/his wife on FB? Does this mean Shelley is following their posts on face of Iona? 


    I have no social media accounts, this is one of only three places I am active and this is intermittently.  I have openly told them I use CC and get information from here.  Could this be why I'm being taken more seriously and getting more open replies?

    Mystery solved before I Emailed CEO I posted similar Questions on P and O FB page. While it was Emily who I expect a reply to my Email CEO, Shelly must be one of the poor souls who have to trawl through FB moans and groans. After trawling through a few I feel sorry for Shelly as it seems they are being given minimum information which is probably an attempt by P and O to keep everyone in the dark for as long as possible.

       Its like if I felt unwell on a cruise would I risk informing P and O and possibly being offloaded next port. Well P and O in my opinion are infected and not telling us. 

  15. I have had a reply to my questions from P and O 

    I asked why P and O have not advised international cruisers of Protocols regarding positive testers and negative close contacts being offloaded.

    I asked questions regarding no insurance cover available for such scenario through holiday extras and others.

    I asked if P and O were going to cover costs to cruises who were not covered for such scenario. 

    I asked why P and O were advising sail with confidence whilst being aware that cruisers were being offloaded for both positive and close contact negative either through P and O or port of call official protocols.

    My answer from SHELLY. While I sent an email Shelly has replied via Messenger????


     Well I'm glad Shelly cleared that up. In other words you have booked your cruise you take your chances best wishes keep your fingers crossed. I shall endeavour and reply and ask Shelly if she would actually read my questions and and answer.  

    • Like 1
  16. 1 hour ago, Megabear2 said:

    Is that on Iona FB? I cant find any references anywhere to either that or the Marella one.  Ss a non FB user I'm clearly out of the loop!

    Yes FB I don't do FB but wife does, having read all posts regarding insurance many are confused/ in denial/ but mostly positive in grasping how confusing  and possibly downright devious P and O are claiming sail with confidence. While championing insurance that does not do what its supposed to do. But the fact that passengers were allowed to remain on board (in isolation) because stay sure did not cover a negative test disembarkation shows P and O are well aware of the situation. 

    • Like 2
  17. I don't know if I have had my last post edited its disappeared. 

    Reading a story elsewhere where a family of 6 were separated as 7 year old girl tested positive on IONA, Initially all were to be removed but it was confirmed stay sure would not cover quarantine of negative testers. So 7 year old and her father were offloaded Lanzarote (don't know if father who was negative is covered)

           Other 4 Gran, Grandad  Mother and baby were kept on board and isolated last seven days of voyage. Sorry do not have a date for this incident. 


  18. 21 minutes ago, Megabear2 said:


    All Clear - No quarantine cover but Platinum policy would pay out maximum £2,000 for abandonment. 


    I assume you were making your booking with a travel agent, interesting that you had to explain what's happening about offloading problem.


    Congratulations on booking your cruise, I'm sure you will enjoy yourselves.

    Cover for you section 2 Ruby Cover cancellation or curtailment.

    We will pay you up to the amount shown in the schedule of benefits for
    your proportion only of any irrecoverable unused travel and accommodation
    costs and other pre-paid charges which you have paid or are contracted
    to pay, together with your proportion only of any reasonable additional
    travel expenses incurred if
    a) cancellation of the trip is necessary and unavoidable or
    b) the trip is curtailed before completion
    as a result of any of the following events:
    1. The death, bodily injury, illness, disease, or pregnancy complication of:
    a) You
    b) Any person who you are travelling or have arranged to travel with
    c) Any person who you have arranged to stay with
    d) Your close relative
    e) Your close business associate.
    2. Compulsory personal quarantine, jury service attendance or being
    called as a witness at a Court of Law (other than in an advisory or professional
    capacity) of you or your travelling companions.


    Hi Meagabear2 my posting on face of IONA getting lots of comments with people confirming offloading on Marella Tui ship Barcelona describing Quarantine conditions as horrible. Also number passengers who were going to be removed P and O but when discovered Staysure insurance was not going to cover they were quarantined on board?. lot of confusion on what is covered by insurance and questions on why P and O who are aware of what's going on not informing passengers.

    • Like 1
  19. 12 hours ago, Megabear2 said:

    I'm not on the closed Face groups for any of the three ships currently sailing.  Has anyone onboard asked the magic question of who pays if you are offloaded with a negative test? Now that would be interesting to hear an officer's view!



    Well Megabear I posted on the face of IONA ( well the wife did lol) wow cannot keep up with comments I have made reference to this site/page/yourself ,asked people to ask the questions on face of IONA insurance for negative test/is P and O cover costs. and requested if someone gets a definite yes to an insurance providing cover for a negative test offload to please let us Know. 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  20. 3 minutes ago, Megabear2 said:

    I'm not on the closed Face groups for any of the three ships currently sailing.  Has anyone onboard asked the magic question of who pays if you are offloaded with a negative test? Now that would be interesting to hear an officer's view!



    I shall highjack my wife's face of IONA tomorrow morning when everyone is awake and see if anyone is aware of what's going on. Keep up the good work Megabar2 thank you.

  21. 2 hours ago, emam said:

    See post 563 where I asked twice what would happen if someone tested negative and was disembarked.

    Hi  emam totally agree with you, people are unaware of the hoops they will have to jump through dealing with insurance. Staysure may or may not cover or cover on individual cases certainly doesn't instil confidence neither does P and O sail with confidence slogan. when/if P and O or insurance company puts in writing passengers are covered for all costs if testing negative in regards offloading or even quarantine on board I will be one happy cruiser.  BEST OF LUCK TO US ALL😀  

    • Like 1
  22. Hi I posted on another chat site connected to the face of P and O and someone replied with.

     Hi Robert I would change your insurance company. I’ve just confirmed with Staysure that they will cover repatriation costs for all travel companions even if they test negative.

    • Like 2
  23. Well I had a reply to my Email, 28 days as per ABTA guidance how many passengers sailing in those 28 days unaware they don't possibly have appropriate insurance for P and O covid protocols.


    Thank you for your recent email to the Executive Team here at Carnival UK. Your comments have been noted and we have been asked to investigate and come back to you once this has been completed. Please note that we may take up to 28 days to reply, as per the guidance of ABTA and depending on the level of investigation needed.

    I am extremely sorry that you have had cause to email us and we shall be in contact in due course.

    Kind regards


  24. 16 minutes ago, Megabear2 said:

    Thank you. I'm worried they might just think it's me moaning!

    I Have also Emailed thank you Megabear2 for your hard work, its frightening to think there are probably thousands of people currently sailing who don't have appropriate cover. I for one certainly don't my cruise is not until February 2022.

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