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Posts posted by chiefofsages

  1. I can't speak to this line, but on my last cruise (NCL Breakaway), we actually changed the settings on our own.  We were scheduled for an inside lounge, but the music was always too loud.  When the line changed the time, we all decided we'd just do 8:00 at the bar outside of that lounge every night, no matter what.  Worked well.  If you have a good group the first night, agree on a time/place every night, so that no matter what, you know where/when to meet up whether it's listed or not. 

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  2. Relatively new cruiser here who has only been to Bermuda thus far.  While I LOVED Bermuda (and plan to make it an annual outing), I'd also like to try some other destinations.  I would like to go on one in April, but my options are limited because I need to go out of New York or Boston.  I don't want to deal with flying for this particular trip, so those are the two that are within manageable distances for me.  Basically, I have a choice of Bermuda or Bahamas to go to, and I just went to Bermuda in October and will be going back next October.  I'm not doing New England since I already live up here!


    However, I have heard from multiple parties on separate occasions that the Bahamas are not a great place to visit.  I've heard the worst thing is that people hound you to buy their stuff and such, versus Bermuda where they pretty much leave you alone.  However, I don't want to let a few people who may have had bad experiences prevent me from going somewhere that might be great.  


    Your thoughts?

  3. On my most recent cruise on the Breakaway, my friend and I had our own cabins (solo studios), and we each got two specialty meals.  However, when we went to make reservations, you had to make it for two.  So she booked one, and I booked another, figuring that one of us would "pay" for the first night, and one would pay the second.  When we went the first night, they only took my card, so I "paid" for two specialty meals on my card.  The next night, they took each of our cards, even though they should have taken hers (per our plan).  HOWEVER, even though I "paid" for two the first night, and one on the second night, I never got a charge on my account for a specialty meal.


    Do the specialty dinners cover TWO people, for TWO nights?  Did we lose out on additional meals?

  4. Even though I haven't responded, I HAVE been reading everyone's responses, and appreciate that none of you made comments along the line of "suck it up". 🙂


    I actually went on a cruise a few weeks ago, and though not "solo", it was just one friend, and we had our own cabins.  While we spent a lot of time together, we also spent a lot of time apart.  The two of us were forced to make friends with a lot of new people since it was only the two of us (versus four of us last time).  We ended up making such good friends with people, we've already booked another cruise with one of them!  


    So, while I may not be "thrilled" to go on my own, I am definitely willing to, since I had to spend a lot of time on my own this last one and still had an amazing time. 🙂  Would likely limit to two ports not far from me, but now that I know I am capable of making friends on board, I'm not so worried about it. 

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  5. I realize that I am probably the only one who can answer this, but I figured I could lay out all my cards and see if people could give advice.  I am hooked on cruising, even though I've only actually been on one.  I have scheduled four cruises, but three of them got cancelled due to Covid.  Here's hoping the one in October isn't also going to get canceled. 😞  I loved the cruise because everything was paid for, planned out, and I didn't have to think about doing anything.  


    I do apologize in advance- I can never say anything succinctly.


    My problem is finding people to go on cruises with.  My financial situation is a bit unique amongst my circle of friends.  While I am a workaholic, it gives me a comfortable amount of disposable income- i.e. enough to go on a cruise once a year without worrying about being able to pay bills.  My friends and family are not in the same situation- they would have to save up for quite some time to go.  Going out to dinner isn't a big swing, but saving $1,500-$2,000 is a bit more of a stretch, and I get it.  Maybe there are cheaper lines to go with and I should explore more. 


    Another problem is suitable travel companions.  While I love most of my friends very deeply, they are also the kind of friends that one might not want to spend an entire week at sea with.  There is only one I could picture traveling with that has the financial means, but she doesn't have any interest in a cruise.  The friend I have traveled with is great to get away with, but she certainly can't afford a cruise every year and has said our next one will probably be our last together.  My siblings are all married with children, and two of the three are teachers that don't really have flexible time off like I do.  And while I like my coworkers, we try to keep a level of professional distance due to the fact that I'm in a supervisor role.  I'm a single 30-year-old guy who is unlikely to find a partner in the near future due to... well, nothing bad but nothing I need to get into here.  


    So while this may make solo cruises sound absolutely perfect for me, I am also very shy and very cautious.  I would be nervous to travel on my own.  When I was in Bermuda, I never even went past the port (excluding boating excursions).  I even went to a few meet-and-greet events on board, but usually wound up staying in my own little corner because I don't do well mingling with strangers.  I have a hard time inserting myself into groups and conversations, always feeling like I'm butting in.


    Anyone do solo traveling with either of the above issues?  (Lack of travel companions and/or social awkwardness?)  Any success/advice?

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  6. If this is already covered somewhere else, please feel free to delete.


    I wanted to see what people felt about tipping on the ship, on top of the prepaid gratuities.  I have pre-paid mine in general and for my drink package, and on my last trip, I only tipped the room steward.  It wasn't because I was cheap, I just hate carrying cash around with me on the ship.  When leaving the room, I only brought my room card and phone with me (except when getting off the ship in port).  I don't like loose cash in my pocket for my own reasons, and my wallet is bulky.  


    If you prepay your gratuities, is it still expected to tip?  Am I the jerk if I don't?  Like I said, I will leave a tip for the room steward at the end of the week and perhaps if I get a massage or something, but otherwise, are my prepaid gratuities enough?

  7. I just went on a cruise at the end of October on the Gem.  We ate once in the MDR (had pork- tasted good, but the portion was TINY).  We also ate at Magenta's, where I had the lamb and that was amazing.  Also tried O'Sheerans (spelling?) twice, and the food was pretty good.  It was bar-style, nothing fancy.  But we weren't looking for anything fancy.  Otherwise, mostly ate at the buffet because I never knew what I wanted and knew I could pick and choose what to get there.  Plus, I LOVED eating out on the back deck in the open.


    Maybe I have an easier time with food selection, but every time I ate at one of the sit-down restaurants, I had a hard time deciding what I wanted.  There were always at least two options that I had to pick between.  It may not have been 5-star quality, but it was certainly edible and I enjoyed not having to cook.  And I don't eat any kind of seafood, so that narrowed it down by several selections.

  8. Just trying to see if anyone else in the community is going to be going on the Boston->Bermuda Trip between April 24-May 1 of 2020.  I really enjoyed my last trip, but the LGBT gatherings were so poorly organized.  Literally, it was show up to a certain area with NO indication of who was there for the gathering and who was there just to get a drink.  There was also a lounge on each side of the bar, so it could have been one of three places.  Looking to meet some new friends on this trip. 

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