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Posts posted by Buckeyefrank100

  1. On 1/6/2021 at 8:04 PM, BlerkOne said:


    Why would Carnival care if a few more asked for refunds? As I pointed out earlier, customer deposits are kept separate on the balance sheet under current liabilities. Carnival has more than enough cash to refund everyone, but of course, most won't ask for refunds. And if a few asked for refunds, Carnival is off the hook for the $600/$300 OBC that a few fret about.


    In other news, Carnival filed an 8-K today


    While on the BS they are kept separate, the are NOT kept separate from a cash perspective.  They are not the same as a security deposit collected in regards to rent.  That carries a fiduciary responsibility with it, prepaid revenue (which is what this is) does not.  The cash collected goes directly into their general operating cash account.... so yes, they do care if more asked for refunds.

  2. On 12/29/2020 at 9:55 AM, cmukid87 said:

    Source?  Or is this an opinion?

    Certainly an opinion.  It is likely, but still an opinion.  On the flip side, a reorganization doesn't mean that GCs would be worthless either.  Now if the company goes belly up, they would be worthless.

  3. 6 hours ago, Aplmac said:

    You'll be seeing more of these as time goes by.


    Covid-19 Vaccination-Certification Card -issued by the CDC!

    (and the UK card issued by their National Health Service)



    COVID card.JPG

    Ugh and it's not only here.  I can only guess that Israel's method for handling life post-vaccine will be coming to the gold ole USA.  Israel is not forcing anyone to take the vaccine.  They are setting up 3 zones (green, yellow and ?)  Green zones are covid free and only people who have had the vaccine are allowed in those zones.  Yellow zones are zones designated where unvaccinated people can go.  I don't know about the other zone.  Each person will be assigned a color based on whether they get it.  Green allows you to venture anywhere in the country and also leave the country.  Yellow peeps can only go to yellow zones.  I'm assuming businesses will be heavily pressured into becoming a green zone leaving non-vaccinated people with nowhere to shop.

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  4. 27 minutes ago, BlerkOne said:

    On the latest Danish study there are caveats:

    It is important to emphasize that this trial did not address the effects of masks as source control or as protection in settings where social distancing and other public health measures are not in effect.


    So if you regularly wash your hands, social distance, stay home when you are sick, etc., masks have mixed results, but the study tended to support mask wearing more than not.





    Even Sweden has imposed restrictions, admitting their loosey goosey approach was failing.



    The scientific method is designed so that one variable can be tested at a time and when the Danish reviewed the mask effectiveness, they found little to no impact.  I completely agree that people should wash their hands and stay home when they are sick.  Those are different preventative measures though.  


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  5. On 12/4/2020 at 12:14 PM, fyree39 said:

    I'm OK with that. Anti-vaxxers/anti-maskers fill these boards. They can go on these specialty cruises and bring their own life rafts so they can paddle home from just outside US waters should they get sick.

    Not create dissention or an argument, but I cannot for the life of me see how this is not considered an inflammatory statement.  The underlying current for these types of comments are that people who disagree with your views, are worth less than those who believe the hype.  Also, for some reason, my previous account seems to have disappeared even though I've never been disrespectful to anyone here.


    With that being said, cruise critic is for creating an exchange of opinions and creating a dialog.  With that in mind, please consider the following.  A large study was done of the people who passed away from the flu pandemic in the teens (where most people wore masks all the time).  A vast majority of the deaths were not from the flu, but from secondary infections... and most of those infections were significantly worsened by the use of a mask.  The individuals were re-infecting themselves with pneumonia and bronchitis.  Less than two months ago, the largest single study of the effectiveness of masks to prevent transmission of the virus was completed by the Danish (I believe).  Their conclusion was that masks made no impact in the transmission of the virus.  They broke the data into three groups:  Those that wore masks everywhere, those that mostly wore their masks and those who didn't wear masks.  The infection rate for all three groups were identical, showing that mask usage does not prevent the spread.  


    Do I believe the virus exists, yes of course, I had it and amazingly I was one of the lucky few to survive (sarcasm). Is it contagious... very.  I'll likely take the vaccine and probably be required to take it since I work at a nursing home.  


    I do not believe mask usage should be mandatory because the data doesn't show that they are effective at all in preventing the spread.  In fact, there are numerous studies showing that masks are actually more dangerous to wear than any protection they may provide.  As many others have said all over the place "follow the science".  If this makes me less worthy as a person so be it.

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