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Everything posted by Cavagal61

  1. I reported the incident to Guest Services first thing this morning and was simply told, “so sorry this happened to you. I will report it to the maintenance manager and I will let you know what he says.” I would have loved to have been offered a massage, but I suppose I needed to have been in the shower to get that a LOL! I also spoke with our steward, and he did actually place a maintenance order for the lamp last night. He was very apologetic when I told him what hour that the serviceman arrived. Thank you to all who informed me about the Do Not Disturb button. We were not aware of that feature! And we will be most diligent about using the deadbolt!
  2. We are new to cruising with Princess and don’t know if what we just experienced is out of the ordinary or not. We are currently sailing on the Sky Princess, and given that we have an early port day tomorrow plus the clock moving forward an hour, we retired early. At 11:30 p.m. I was awakened to what I thought was a knock on the neighboring door. After about 30 seconds there was another knock, followed by our door being opened and light flooding the room. (In hindsight, we both forgot to lock the deadbolt). Realizing someone had just entered our room, I called out “Hello?”, to which I was given the reply of, “I am from maintenance here to fix your lamp”. Not having reported an issue, I asked what lamp he was referring to and he quickly said, “the lamp on your beside table - I’m sorry ma’am it is very late I will come back tomorrow” and promptly closed the door. My husband and I briefly discussed it and we determined that housekeeping must have noticed that we had unplugged the lamp in order to use the outlet for his CPAP. He rolled over and went back to sleep, while I on the other hand have been thinking about this for the last couple of hours. First of all, why would maintenance think it smart to come knock on a door when people are usually sleeping? Second, he could clearly see that we were in the room - after the second knock with no response, why would he enter? We could have been doing more than sleeping, if you know what I mean. Does this seem odd to anyone else? Should I report this to Guest Services? I’m curious to know how others would feel.
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