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Posts posted by lilchuckie

  1. It‘s a safety issue. I don’t think you’re in serious jeopardy for that amount in today’s economy but you never know. A guy was followed home and robbed/killed from the Hollywood casino in Columbus, Ohio due to lax procedures like this. Allegedly he begged for a check and they wouldn’t comply. The gaming operator owes it to its us to keep us safe. I don’t play there anymore. This story makes me think twice about playing seriously on a carnival ship again. 

  2. On 3/20/2022 at 5:21 PM, sid_9169 said:

    I would be interested in hearing the opinions of female Tribe members about the "female" swimmer who won against actual women... Not trying to start some political pissing match, but in my opinion this "woman" has set the feminist movement back a hundred years or more. "She" couldn't compete in an all male field, so "she" decided to compete against the girls. Apparently, there are many who support this, but I have to believe that the overwhelming majority has to be against it. 

    i disagree, I think she advanced it. I think everyone knows I’m pretty conservative but I don’t believe men and women should compete in two different leagues when the government is subsidizing the sports such as college and school sports. 

    Let the market decide. I happen to be a huge fan of women’s soccer in America. I don’t really like some of the women but I enjoy watching them play more than MLS.


    Saying women are always inferior to men is ridiculous in my opinion. I don’t think people realize how great some of these women fighters are. My son went to high school with a young lady who was on the US Olympic Judo and maybe Karate teams. She was a down right beautiful young lady (I dated her mom and she was the same.) She could kick every guy’s ass in the entire school and it wouldn’t have been close. One time a guy from a rival high school, D1 football recruit, fought a smaller guy at a basketball game and she punched him out and held him in a chokehold until the cops came. 

    The only way we’re going to smash the patriarchy is once and for all declaring that gender is a social construct just like we did with race. We don’t have two leagues for different races in baseball, why should be have separate swimming leagues?

  3. 12 minutes ago, MeganGC1983 said:

    In room masks, Ukraine letter and Covid policies



    thanks for posting the Ukraine letter. My parents sailed a couple weeks ago and said it wasn’t addressed or if it was they missed it. I’ll just say that I am a sucker for world peace and I’ve been wondering wondering to myself how this terrible situation would affect the crew. I pray it all ends soon, happy cruising. 

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  4. I have a really dumb question/comment. When I first started drinking in bars and restaurants, my girlfriend and her family told me to never order by the glass because you don’t know how the wine has been stored, especially with sparkling/champagne. 

    Early in my drinking career I violated the rule and got really sick/hungover. Have you ever had a bad experience with it? Do they give you extra if you order late at night or ever refuse to open a bottle for you? I love wine but always buy the bottle when i drink it out.

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  5. 21 minutes ago, sid_9169 said:

    The absolute and utter stupidity of some people never ceases to amaze me... As if being sick isn't bad enough, I have a new parking neighbor, who is either blind or stupid or both... Yesterday, I looked out, and they were a little bit over the line into my space. I tried not to stress out about it too much, as I have no other option than to park in the space that I pay for. Well, today I look out, and this moron is wayyy over the line, and only inches from my car. There's no way that any normal person could possibly park like this and think "eh, good enough"... I went down to access the situation, and this idiot is a full 17" over the line into my space. I want to put a note on their window asking them to try and park more carefully, but sometimes miscreants like this will take offense to it, and who knows what they might do. Hopefully the cretin can even get out of the space without hitting my car. As soon as he's out, I'm going to have to find a traffic cone and put it on the edge of my spot, and maybe this dummy will get the hint. I'm only four months into living here, and it looks like I'm already about to be in a pissing match with one of my neighbors.








    i’d open my door a little wide and leave a scratch. Maybe she will get the picture

  6. 12 hours ago, cruisingguy007 said:

    Have a agave pineapple tea from Blue Iguana for me!  


    Hitting 15 is easy, I've eclipsed that by a long shot a few times. It's sustaining it that makes Megan something special. The first day is always the easiest with excitement, sailaway and just being fresh on vacation. It generally dwindles from there for most of us, down to a trickle at the end. Could be a good money maker for Carnival to offer the liquid IV services they have in Vegas where they do in-calls/out-calls with saline bags, meds and vitamins for a hefty fee. When you're Vegasing, it could be a lifesaver and help maximize vacation fun. Carnival could offer better rates and still make a killing on this same set-up for those who want to party like a rockstar and still hit shore excursions in good spirits, instead of dragging arse all day.    


    Have an agave pineapple tea for me! 

    vegas you have easy access to more than just IVs to get you going the next day. Tough to get nose beers in the middle of the ocean though I always seem to find some at margaritaville ;)

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  7. On 12/26/2021 at 1:18 PM, Saint Greg said:

    I read it as. “I want cash but I don’t want to ask for cash so I’m asking for gift cards to the places where I would spend the cash.”


    I would like gift cards better if they could all be added to my iPhone wallet. It’s annoying that you have to keep up with all the cards and the balances on all of the cards. And then if you end up with a small balance on one you either have to waste it or buy something just to use it. 

    Something like Walmart would be easy though. I shop at neighborhood market all the time. And I buy most of my gas there.



    I just counted 64 giftcards in my giftcard bag. I echo all of your complaints about them not being convenient. My ex wife and I fought about this every year because she thought it was tacky to give cash and insisted on gift cards for her people. I always gave my people cash and made sure the kids' teachers/coaches/bus drivers got cash instead of some useless junk they don't need.


    I've heard that people use gift cards because they don't want teens/college kids wasting the cash on drugs/alcohol/vices. My response to that is that that's what I spend my money on so who am I to judge? 

    • Like 2
    • Haha 6
  8. 41 minutes ago, jimbo5544 said:

    Pretty sure it is on every ship that has the choices.  I do not beleive that you can prebuy, but someone  can correct me if I am wrong.

    i wasn’t sure i legend had it because it only has chef table and the steakhouse. I was just going to send the money with his daughter she’s cool and will keep a secret/super trustworthy. Great family. 

  9. Does anyone know if we are able to use the Pokerbros app on our phone while on the ship? Pre-covid a lot of the lines blocked gambling sites. I do agent work for one of the clubs on the app so I'm trying to see if I should try to do a cruise this summer or not. Appreciate any help.
    For those who don't know, poker bros is a phone app that lets people play online on their phone as opposed to on their computer. Given it's not on a website, I was hoping that it wouldn't be blocked by the ship wifi.
    Sorry if you've seen this question elsewhere, I've asked it I feel like 20 times and no one has an answers. I can't tell if you people haven't discovered Pokerbros yet or if it's a dumb question. 
  10. great pics this AM. Do you use the pokerbros app per chance? I'm curious as to whether the app works on their wifi. The last time I was on a Carnival ship, they blocked some of my gambling apps (i think they block porn, gambling and some shopping sites.) Just wondering if that's still the case or if it applies to pokerbros as I have a sideline business as a pokerbros agent.

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