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Everything posted by TigerB

  1. Greetings from a beautifully sunny Barcelona. We've not long got back to the ship and are sat in the sun, enjoying an alcoholic beverage 🍻 Of all the ports he have been to on this trip for which shuttles were required, it has been easiest here for wheelchair users. The dedicated minibuses can accommodate either four chairs and sixteen seated passengers, or six chairs and twelve seated passengers. We were straight on one this morning, and waited no more than five minutes on our return. In Marseille yesterday the dedicated minibuses accommodated two chairs and four seated passengers. They also had regular buses, which could accommodate one chair each. In Valencia it was a nightmare getting back; we waited thirty-five minutes in the blistering sun, and in that time three coaches arrived and left with a full compliment of passengers, but the wheelchair lift at the back on each of them was not used. Perhaps the drivers weren't trained to use them, but not good. The one we eventually boarded was a full size bus that could accommodate six or seven chairs. We're looking forward to Cadiz, where we don't have to endure the shuttle shenanigans. On board, we've eaten just once in the MDR of an evening, when we turned up just before 6pm and we're seated immediately, albeit in the 'naughty corner'. We still have breakfast in Zenith each morning apart from one, served by the same two guys we had in January. On one morning only we decided to have breakfast in the Meridian; more than anything just to see if, without tablecloths, it was like 🥄🥄🥄 😉 It felt rushed, and they were trying to put everything on the table at once, including a pot of Marmite (straight from the fridge) with a spoon in it; "Upstairs she gets it in a ramekin, lad". 🤣 We were glad to get back to Jed and Ador, who let us go at our own pace and anticipate our needs. So far, we've not bothered with the shows apart from Pulse in the Club House. Almost all the Headliners shows are the same as January, and a comic from that cruise has just boarded today. I may go and see his adult show to see if he has new material.
  2. Yes, Indeed! When our kids were little they didn't have fines, but if they were young now, we wouldn't definitely take the hit.
  3. I'm not sure how many kids are on board; not that many, but more than we're on at the beginning of January. Most of them are primary school age or toddlers and babies
  4. We also like to plan on one booking each week.
  5. We're on Iona in June, so will look out for that; thanks.👍
  6. These are from Glass House the other night... We didn't have dessert. To be honest, we weren't as keen as we were when we last dined here, on Britannia in September. I'm quite certain that the mains then we're one dish rather than a trio.
  7. I've checked my phone from January and this is the current menu: I'll probably plump for the salmon duo (again), and the Dover sole. I'll toss a coin for dessert; I'd have any of them 😋
  8. We're back in there on the second Barcelona day. To be honest, they do everything well in there. The menu will have changed when you dine in there; the🦞 will be on that one. But beware, you will make a mess of your table cloth; or maybe that's just us!🤭
  9. Here's some more food pics, folks; these are from Beach House on Thursday... (Halloumi) That pineapple dessert was, to quote Guy Fieri, "The Bomb" 😋
  10. We're planning to eat at Keel & Cow tonight; our lass has been looking forward to that for a while. There were a few things I fancied when I looked at the menu the other day, but I think it is changeover day today; so, we'll see. We've just about given up on trying to get into Olive Grove; I like the sound of the tuna steak but fear that they will now be starting on the other menu, the one we had on the last cruise and didn't like. Last night was the first time we managed to get in either of the MDRs; instead of waiting until the virtual queue opened at 18:30, we went down at 17:55; we got seated almost immediately. We'll try that again, but it wouldn't bother us at all if we didn't get in at all; the menus appear to be the same as January and, with there just being the two of us to please, we're happy with using the speciality restaurants. The only firm reservation for dinner we have in Zenith is for the next formal night.
  11. We've eaten a few times in there whilst on Britannia, and the only discernable difference between our last time on Britannia in September and the three meals we've had so far over two cruises on Arvia is the price increase.
  12. Yes, Selbourne; never again for us. Once bitten, twice shy as they say
  13. Our lass enjoyed the beef wellington, too. I agree you totally about the lobster pastry doodah; if we were in the Zenith I would have asked the lads for another two of those.😄🐷
  14. Wednesday night was the first formal night, and we chose to eat at Chef's Table for the first sitting - 18:00. I put to the back of my mind all the comments on these boards about it, both for and against, and went in with an open mind. So here's my review and verdict: When we came out of the lift (midship) on deck 16, there was a queue of folk stretching back through the double doors to the Sky Dome area. It was spread out as such that it was awkward for my wife to manoeuvre her wheelchair. Luckily, a couple allowed us into the queue ahead of them. We were greeted by the restaurant host about fifteen feet from where the Beach House desk is sited. Perhaps someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that when they started it was only using the Beach House part of Horizon. It appears that they are also using part of the port side too; from what I could tell, folk that wanted to share tables were being directed to that side. After verifying that we wanted a private table, we were taken in and shown to a bank of three tables for two, with a gap of less than two inches between the tables. So, it would have just been like sharing a table for six. We refused it. Even if we did want to sit there, it was no good for my wife's wheelchair, as whoever sat next to her wouldn't have much room. We were redirected to a more suitable table, which had at least two feet between it and the two tables for four either side. Our waiter took our food order and suggested that we may wish to order dessert, to speed things along. It was about five minutes before the wine waiter came to us. I seem to recall that a lot of complaints on these boards concerned the slow service and food not being very hot, due in the main to very few staff. They appear to have rectified that by drafting in loads of staff, and the service of food was very quick, lightning quick in fact. It's a pity the drinks service didn't match it. Our two glasses of wine arrived after our main courses had been placed on the table. The table next to us had their free fizz, and it arrived after they had finished their main courses. Now, one of the things about the menu is that each course has a wine pairing. If you followed that for every course, you would be having your main course wine with your coffee. The food: no different to what we have had on celebration nights in the MDR. There may have been a couple of tweeks, but I didn't have a look at the MDR menu earlier, so couldn't say what they were. The ambience: it didn't feel like we were eating in the Horizon/Beach House other than being able to see the servery, where all the food was being played up, from our table. There were certainly no 'buffet interlopers' walking through. But sadly, despite the tables being well dressed, the whole experience had a canteen feel to it, and it felt very rushed. In part, it felt a bit like one of those work Christmas meals at a venue that seats about a hundred folk; when the meal service starts, a load of waiters descend like locusts to get everyone fed before the cabaret starts. And before you know it, you've filled your belly without having a chance to savour the flavours. Another by-product of the rushed service is, unlike when you are in the MDR with your familiar waiting team and have no problem asking for an extra portion, it just didn't feel like that was appropriate. Verdict: seen it, done it, (not) bought the t-shirt...... definitely won't do it again.
  15. After our meal though I went to the toilets opposite. It stunk of cigarette fumes and someone; someone had been smoking in the cubicle. The cigarette had been stubbed out on the inside of the toilet bowl and the ash was floating on the water. Lazy &:selfish! 😡 The smoking area is only one flight of stairs away!
  16. We had a lovely meal in Epicurean; never had a bad one in there.
  17. We're on Arvia at the moment and their pre-registration started at 09:30 on Wednesday. They made a big thing of Cpt Camby coming to cut the ribbon, and all his elderly groupies were right at the front of the queue, waiting for their selfies with him. He was loving it! 😉 Anyway, we booked two; Arvia to the Med in the April with a different itinerary to the one we're on now, and nineteen days on Aurora to the eastern Med in the October. We didn't get as much OBC as we did in January, but at least the deposits were next to nowt.
  18. Last post before I lose my signal... Just sat down in Epicurean; the view from our table.... BTW - if anyone is interested, I asked our waiter for the proportions for the marmite butter.... ...80% unsalted butter 20% marmite
  19. Our cabin (not too shabby)... We're on deck 15 mid-forward, so ideal for running up the stairs for the odd cake from the buffet 😉
  20. We booked last Saturday and paid £649 each for an accessible inside cabin, and quite roomy it is too! I couldn't believe that so close to sailing they had five accessible cabins left. The ones that were about 40 sq/ft smaller were £599. It mattered not that it was a saver rate as, of the three in our grade, all would have been fine, and we still have £400 OBC 👍
  21. Yes, I know! No doubt because she felt so entitled that she didn't care. All me me me!
  22. In La Coruna just now. It is lovely, blue sky, sun out, no wind. What a nice little town. Just a short walk to a bay on the Atlantic side. Capt Canby promised 25°C this afternoon; I can imagine there will be a few at reception later to complain if it doesn't hit that!🤔 Pleasant sailing so far; I took my Stugeron but don't think I really needed to, as the journey across the western edge of the Bay of Biscay was relatively smooth. The ship may be full but, as it was in January, it really doesn't feel like it; there are plenty of places to escape the crowds. Judging by a few overhead comments, there appear to be a few new to P&O on here, and a few brand new cruisers. There are fair few kids onboard, but nothing like the 1000 quoted as being on the Easter cruise. Most of them are primary school age and younger. I've only seen one or two that appear to be secondary school age. The main differences between January and now: - they now charge for Altitude; £7.50 for adults, and £2 for young children. - crew appear to be more into the swing of it; service once in a venue is generally quick. - the body lotion and conditioner are no longer in the box under the bed, not for us anyway. Emily, our cabin steward, supplied both and asked that we leave them behind so they can be cleaned and refilled. Fair enough! There may be a few maiden aunts around the country not getting them for Christmas this year, though.🤭 - no shortage of towels like there was at the start of our last cruise. There are still queues at the MDRs at peak times; that didn't affect us last time as we booked our preferred dining two weeks ahead. This time, with not booking the cruise until last Saturday, we have found that our preferred dining time of 18:30 was not available; so, we knew we would be joining virtual queues. Yesterday the My Holiday app (for all the pedants, P&O refer to it as an app in Horizon) was down for a good few hours. We joined the walk up queue at Zenith at 18:20 last night, and there were about twenty ahead of us. As soon as it turned 18:30 I joined the virtual queue, at position no. 18. One of the hosts came along the queue to say there were only sharing tables available. If anyone wanted a private table, regardless of whether they were in the virtual queue or had a pager, the wait time could be up to an hour. We went to near the Glass House for a drink, and in thirty minutes we had only moved two places. I sacked it off and joined the Glass House queue. We were seated within five minutes. I think the pinch point for the MDRs must be for the couple of hours after 18:30 because, at 20:00 I joined the Zenith queue again to test it; I was at position 77. 55 minutes later, when I came off it, I was at position 17. So, that is a lot quicker than the two places I moved before in half an hour. Granted, it wasn't laboratory conditions, and it could have been because folk were sacking it off. Anyway, that's it for now; going off again for a couple of hours. I'll drop in again later.
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