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Denise T

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About Me

  • Location
    Pottstown Pennsylvania
  • Interests
    Hiking, gardening, crafting
  • Favorite Cruise Line(s)
    Norwegian, HAL
  • Favorite Cruise Destination Or Port of Call
    Canada and New England, Alaska

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  1. Happy Friday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. Sunny today. Should be around 83. Watched the deer this morning. I have a massage scheduled for today and then it is back to grading assignments, a never-ending task. Officially 75 days until cruise day. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  2. Happy Thursday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. Cloudy today. Going up to 83. Woke up with a sore throat. Hoping just due to allergies. Spending the day grading assignments. Will also be dealing with my liability and business insurance today to make changes because I now work from home. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  3. Happy Wednesday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. Rainy day today. Lots of paperwork stuff to do. Grading of assignments as well. Now that I am working from home, it is easy for me to forget that I need to get out for my own sanity. Hopefully as it cools down, I will take Fancy out to the park more often. 77 days until my cruise! Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  4. Happy Tuesday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. Warmish, highs in the upper 80s today. Yesterday we celebrated Fancy's gotcha day. She is such a sweetheart. Mischievous but well behaved. She brings such joy to my heart. Grading assignments as usual. Oh, and 78 days until that much needed cruise. We disembarked in Vancouver last June when we were on our Alaska cruise on Nieuw Amsterdam. Happy birthday to @summer slope! Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  5. Good Monday morning. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. Not much happening here. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  6. Happy Sunday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. Safe travels to all who are trying to get to their destinations. Well, the furniture is out of the office and in storage. Today, I need to paint some areas where the 3M tape did not do what they were supposed to do and come off the wall without damaging anything. I then need to vacuum the carpet. Then this chapter will be closed. It gets better. When my sister and I returned home we notices a trail of liquid on the driveway and on to the street. After parking the car, it looks like something leaked from the bottom of my car. We thought transmission or power steering. I was able to call the shop and they said bring the car right over. As I got in the care to take it over to the shop, I noticed that the carpet on the passenger side was soaked! There was nothing there that spilled, and this was a lot of water. I take it in, expecting the worse. Even started to look at buying another car. Turns out it was an oil leak due to the shop not properly sealing or closing something after my oil change last week and oil spilled out. The water was due to a clogged AC hose. They fixed these with no charge. They did find that I had a bolt in my tire. Because all of my other tires were pretty good, they said I can just replace the one. I had them do that. So, very good news. Even better news is that there are 80 days until my much-needed cruise! Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  7. Happy Saturday. Thanks for the daily and fleet reports. Spending the day moving furniture from my office to storage. Some sadness in that I built my practice here. Some bitterness towards the landlord for not renewing the lease and refusing to tell me why. Some frustration yesterday trying to get my business internet sorted with Verizon. I want to cancel; they are trying to get me to transfer the contract to my home office, but I do not need it as I already have Internet. Transferred me to five different departments and I was supposed to get a call by noon yesterday. Nope. I got a message around 4 pm stating they will call me on Monday. I am not holding my breath. Oh well. Now to get my home office fixed up and redecorated. Did I mention there are 81 days until my cruise??? Bon Voyage to @cunnorl and @St Pete Cruiser! Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  8. Happy Friday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. Sunny and a high of 84 today. Just a tad cooler. I will take it. Having my business Internet connected in my home. I would have cancelled but I am in the middle of a contract and cancelling would have cost me $700. Tomorrow I will be moving the last of the furniture out of the office. At lease I will save on rent and travel time. Happy anniversary to @Lady Hudson. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  9. Happy Thursday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. Got more rain yesterday. Temperatures have cooled but very humid. Going up to 85 today. Clients and my class scheduled for today. Saturday, we move the rest of my furniture out of the office, and I will be officially working from home. Now, I just have to fix up my home office. I need it to be very flexible as I produce videos and a podcast from there as well. So, I will teach my classes in there. I will see my therapy clients (virtually) and I am building a travel business. I have a wall that is going to be the backdrop for the videos and need to figure how to incorporate all of these elements. Sometimes I get overwhelmed just thinking about it. Deep breath. @kochleffel, as a diabetic, those hypoglycemic episodes are no fun. I have not had one in over a year since my doctor took me off of one of my medications that would drop my sugar too low. Take care of yourself. Bon voyage @Lady Hudson! Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  10. Happy Wednesday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. We had several rounds of thunderstorms yesterday evening. Cooled things down ever so slightly. Expecting 90s today with more showers later. At least the vegetable garden got watered. One less thing for me to do. Spending the day grading assignments. 84 days until my cruise! It may be a little too early to pack. Happy anniversary to @Crazy For Cats! Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  11. Happy Tuesday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. Another hot one. Going up to 96 today. I am over summer now. Nothing much planned except the usual work today. 85 days until my cruise. But who's counting? Bon voyage @Norseh2o Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  12. Happy Monday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet report. I love salmon. I was disappointed when I went out to eat with my sister this past Saturday and we informed that they were out of salmon. Hot and humid did, high up to 95. We did get a good drenching rain yesterday afternoon after I weeded and watered the vegetable garden. Won't need to water today. Lots of assignments to grade today and then later this evening I have a committee meeting in which I will be taking over the leadership role. 86 days until my cruise. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  13. Happy Sunday afternoon. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. Hot again today. Got some weeding done in my vegetable garden and watered. Expected some rain but that might be doubtful. Seems the rain is all around us. We shall see. Took my car in yesterday as it was making a weird noise. Of course, the car wouldn't do that when it was getting checked. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  14. Happy Saturday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. Very early start today. Took the car in to have it looked at and an oil change. Hopefully nothing serious. Was able to get the grocery shopping done before the crowds came. It looks like we will not get the rain we thought we would so I will have to water and get the weeds out of the garden. Perhaps I will take a nap. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  15. Happy Friday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. It's raining! Expected to rain all day. I tried to get Fancy to go out this morning. She got to the door and turned around back to her bed. Everything will be watered now. I have a chiropractor appointment this morning and then I will finish up grading assignments for my one class. I will have to get up very early on Saturday to take the car in to be looked. It is making a whining noise when I make left turns. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
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