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    Tucson, AZ
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    Holland America
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  1. Thanks for the daily and fleet report. As I love bagels and do make them, I may just need to do so today. One Voice - how wonderful that would be! As my mom had no siblings, my aunts and uncles are from my father's side. I think I might have 5 or 6 left; I am not sure. And I am an aunt to 10. Thought provoking quote. I make chimichurri all the time but I don't do it the Mexican way - with cilantro (though I love cilantro). So I think I have my dinner planned for tonight but not the drink or the wine. I would love to go to Tunisia as I worked with several Tunisian nurses in Najaran (I was the DON of the hospital there). Great days in history. Tucson is weird in its weather. Some places yesterday were just inundated with severe winds, rain, and flash flooding. Electricity gone (power poles toppled) and I had a friend who lost the roof of her shed. But I just got some nice rain. We still have an air quality alert and thunderstorms in the forecast. Presently it is a nice 84F but with 51% humidity. As a former 1972 Olympic swimming prospect (we moved to AZ, crushing THAT dream), I will be watching the festivities today on Peacock. Sad to hear of the train disruptions though. And while I watch, I can finish transferring my pictures from one external hard drive to another. I started yesterday and I panicked when I couldn't "see" the hard drive but could on the disk utility app. First Aid didn't work and I thought I had lost all my pics. Tried my Mac Pro - nope. Tried my Mac Air - nope. Changed ports - nope. Changed cable - nope. Then tried my old HP - YES!! It was slow going but it was working. I had already made up my mine to visit a computer store to see if they could get the files off. SMH! @marshhawk I love your "happy place" pictures! @StLouisCruisers Happy Birthday to your DGD! @kazu I think it is normal to be a little apprehensive about a big major life change. Keep the course and rest as needed. 🙂 Thoughts for all those in need and cheers for those celebrating! Have a great day everyone!!
  2. Thanks for the daily and fleet report. Three good days and a weird quote. The salad looks delicious (recipes kept) but no to the drink and wine. I have never been to Bali. Interesting days in history! We have been under an inversion layer yesterday and today which results in a air quality alert. In my area yesterday we just got a nice little rain but many severe thunderstorm warnings on my phone. Rain expected again today with a high ~100F; presently it is 84F with 46% humidity. Since I wanted to treat myself yesterday, I decided to make pasta; it is so easy!! So a nice dish for dinner (with a red pepper almond pesto). I only ran half the pasta dough through the pasta maker so need to do finish cutting the rest of the dough and then freeze the little nests to use later. Tonight - who knows. I need to visit the store so maybe I will wander out of my abode!! @rafinmd Great report on the PSA levels! I hope you have a good doc appt. @StLouisCruisers I forgot to mention how cute the little twins are! I think mammos are so much more comfortable than they used to be. Hope yours is painless. @dfish I am glad you are happy with the results of the ablation. So sorry about the fire. @Crazy For Cats Amazing cat Legos!! @kazu I hope you don't have to do much staging. Remember, work a little bit and then rest. Repeat as needed. Thoughts for all and cheers for those celebrating. Have a great Thursday everyone!
  3. Thanks for the daily and fleet report. As my father is the oldest of 13, I have tons and tons of cousins who I have not seen in eons and really have no idea how many I have. Today I will practice self care by having nothing planned and I rarely go through drive-thus as I don't really eat fast food. Funny quote, soup would be ok but not today, no on the drink, yes on the wine and I have never been to Red Bay. Very interesting days in history. They had been predicting today's weather as a humdinger with heavy rain, damaging winds and hail and flash flooding this afternoon but we will see. We do have a wind and dust advisory for this evening though. Presently it is a nice 85F with the humidity only at 37%. Nice start to the day. I surprised myself with my attempt at the artisan sourdough bread. I think it came out well. While I love to cook, anything baked has always been a challenge for me. I think it is because it is more of an exact science and I am a more "taste and then adjust as needed" cook. But here was the result: Cheers for those celebrating. Have a great day everyone!
  4. Good morning and thanks for the daily and fleet report. Three interesting days to recognize but the first one, I completely understand! 🙂 Weird quote, I do like zucchini bread, I think I will pass on the drink, wine 👍, and I have been to Vancouver many times as a child and adult. Beautiful city. Three good days in history. I crawled into bed last night around 2300 and all of a sudden thunder and a hard rain started. It didn't last long, though. It is definitely monsoon season, which keeps our high temps a little lower - ~100-105F. Very pleasant, IMHO. Thanks to all who commented on my project. I am tremendously please the way it turned out. I think I have mastered the sourdough starter after deciding to weigh everything exactly. After several restarts, it is now doubling/tripling in 12 hours. So last night I started an artisan sourdough bread with all purpose flour, as I didn't have enough bread flour to make a real sourdough loaf. The rise on it this morning is impressive, so let's see how this goes. And I made starter discard crackers yesterday, which I loved. This little adventure has added things to my shopping list that I never really bought much of before. We will see! @dfish I hope the ablation goes well!! @summer slope Happy Birthday!! Welcome home @Lady Hudson! @kazu I hope every day gets better - just take it easy! Thoughts for all and cheers for those celebrating. Have a great day!!
  5. Good morning and thanks for the daily and fleet reports. Three good days to recognize (thanks for the explanations) and I spit out my coffee when I read the quote. I do like coleslaw and make it frequently but clam juice should not be in anything, so I will pass on that. The wine is just a tad too expensive and one of my goals is to explore the UK more. I have only been to London and to Swindon to visit a friend. Wiley Post was killed in a plane crash at Point Barrow in 1935 and the TDY pharmacist (who had a 4-seater Cessna) flew us over the monument. That is the only way I know who he was! Last night my phone was exploding with weather alerts but I ended up not getting any precipitation at all, only some wind. 🤞 for today. We should hit a high of ~102F and right now it is a pleasant 85F with 49% humidity (that is a tad high). As I was resting between working on my project, I was looking up hotels to stay in Phoenix before my flight out in October, as I have super early departure. I choose one after a couple of calls to determine their airport shuttle schedule. Satisfied that all was set, I started to realize that I would arrive in Barcelona a day before I had planned. Oh-Oh!! Tried to add on a day to my pre-cruise hotel reservation - they are booked. Too make a long story short, I now fly out of Tucson (so Phoenix hotel canceled) and I have a one day hotel booked as soon as I get there. Gosh, I hope I don't have to readjust again - 100 days until my cruise!! The project is done. There were several hiccups along the way and I had to come up with solutions but I am pleased. I see places that could be better but that is ok. I learned a lot along the way and may try something like this again. I had fun. Some pics of the final result. @StLouisCruisers glad you got some rest after your marathon drive! @kazu Take it easy and give the doc a call if things are improving. Every day should be a tad better. <<Hugs>> @marshhawk I hope the appt for your DH goes smoothly. I like your happy place pictures. @rafinmd I hope your appt has no surprises!! @NextOne Happy Birthday to your DS! Off to do some errands. Thoughts for all in these tumultuous times and cheers to those celebrating. Have a great day everyone!
  6. Thanks for the daily and fleet report. Three good days to recognize and I believe the quote, though perfection is never achieved. The meal looks interesting and I will keep the recipes, no to the drink (brandy) and wine ($), never been to the port, and it a sad day in history. I am a procrastinator, especially if I am hesitant on how to do something. So, yesterday grouting was not done but a lot of watching how to do it was accomplished. Plus, heat is not this grouts friend, so with my apartment very warm in the afternoon (I keep it ~85-88F), I thought it wise to do it this morning. Deep breath and off I go. We should only hit ~100F and hopefully some monsoons later. I heard thunder last night and I kept getting warnings on my phone but no rain at my house, just a little wind. @St Pete Cruiser I am glad you got to Boston and will be boarding soon. @StLouisCruisers That sounds like a long drive and I hope you rest when you get home. @ottahand7 So sorry about your computer. Sounds like it is a goner! @kazu I hope you are taking it easy and on the way to recovery! @Sharon in AZ's DH - Happy Birthday!! Thoughts for all and cheers to those celebrating. Have a great day!
  7. While posting previously, I thought I would look at my flight for my cruise in October. THEY CHANGED IT!! Instead of going through JFK, it is now ATL. I had planned on visiting a friend in NY as there was a long layover. But after accepting the new itinerary (with a long layover in ATL - yuck!) I found another flight with only a 5 hour layover in ATL and getting into Barcelona 40 minutes later than originally planned with no increase of fare (I actually got $5 credit). The only downside is now I have to get myself to Phx very, very early in the morning. I tend to look at my seats every couple of days and tend to change them frequently. Plus, I like to see if there is a reasonable cost for an upgrade (I am going Comfort+ now). Boy, I am glad I looked!!
  8. They are gorgeous!!!! Thanks so much!! Wonderful creatures!!
  9. Thanks for the daily and fleet report. I remember sitting around the tv watching the moon landing; we would watch all the NASA stuff back then. I rather have hard sour candy instead of a lollipop. The quote seems stupid and no, no, no to meal and drinks. Never been to Norway. We had a very nice rain shower yesterday and, with my door open, I could smell the desert! Hopefully, it will return this afternoon. We will still get up to ~105F and the humidity is up there at 42% right now, so a little sticky for us. I ordered a new umbrella for outside so I need to put that up and take down the old one. I will probably take off the cloth, throw out the metal and see what I can do with it. I also need to get my hair cut as the curls have returned, and I hate them. I have been enjoying the very short hair I've kept for the last year and a half. It is just so easy to take care of and since I never learned girly ways of makeup or hair, this is so much better. I think today I will grout; I am a little nervous about it. But I have come this far - can't stop now!! It shouldn't take long as the top is about 4' x 1.5'. There are some areas where the distance between the tiles is a little less than desirable, but it is what it is. 🤞 Bon Voyage @cunnorl and @St Pete Cruiser (even though yours is delayed a day) Gosh, @StLouisCruisers not a good way to end a cruise and I hope the alternative plan is to your liking. Welcome home @tupper10 @LambKnuckles Every time you post your cruise countdown, I go look at mine - 102 days!! But checkin for my flight is 97 days!!!! 🙂 Thoughts for all and cheers to those celebrating. Have a great Saturday!
  10. Happy Friday thanks for the daily and fleet report. I always listen to the flight attendant’s safety message though most people don’t. Never had braces, not a fan of daiquiris or the other comestibles and Komodo Island is on my bucket list. Interesting days in history but, after researching it, I definitely will toast the Seneca Falls Convention (women’s rights). Internet finally came back on yesterday even though I kept getting notifications it hadn’t. Then it went off again last night and still off. Who knows if it was because of the storm on Sunday or the IT outage or what. I have resorted to my iPad. I think I have PTSD from the Sunday storm as we had a severe storm warning last evening and I went out and secured everything. All I got was some rain. Whew! Today the final tiles will be secured down after gluing the top row a couple of days ago. I tested the placement yesterday and found one place where there was a problem but I fixed it. Tomorrow is the day of grouting! @kazu I am glad surgery went well and you are on the mend. Don’t fret over the first “lookers” not wanting to buy. There will be plenty others, I am sure. Happy Anniversary @Lady Hudson Happy Birthday to @smitty34877 DB. The sweater is gorgeous! Sorry to hear about the need for a double mastectomy of your sister @Seasick Sailor Thoughts going your way. Thoughts for all and cheers for those celebrating. Have a great day everyone!
  11. Good morning and thanks for the update. I love caviar and sour candy so I will take everyone’s. I salute Mandela and I agree with the quote. Pass on all the food/drinks. Never been to Scotland. I remember watching Nadia. I have no internet and I hate typing on my phone so this will be MUCH shorter than usual. I hope @kazu Jacqui’s surgery goes well and hugs to @marshhawk. I hope @Cruzin Terri gets an acceptable plan for your pain. Bon voyage @Lady Hudson. Sad to hear of the heat related death. Unfortunately it happened here this week and father was arrested. Have a great day everyone! I loved the rainbows!!🥰
  12. Thanks for the daily and fleet report. Had to look up the meaning for Baton Rouge, and Criminal Justice is important. I do like the quote, I will pass on all the food and drink and never been to Spain - yet!! I love the history around Russia's czars and czarinas!! As a Cali born girl, I went to Disneyland many, many times growing up. There were 6 of us whose birthdays were around the same time and we would go for our group birthdays - because we were born the year Disneyland opened. I went back about 5 years ago and suffice to say, I will not be returning. So sad. The landscaping guys were here bright and early this morning taking up all the downed tree limbs that have littered our parking area. My car is under a carport so pretty protected. I think my neighbor had some flooding in her apartment as she has towels hanging over our shared outside wall. Poor thing!! It probably came through her sliding door, which I do not have. I love doing focus groups. It is so interesting and enlightening. There were 6 females on this one and it was more about and AZ political race. I think I had been on another one with the same moderator. I hope to do more. As I was gluing down the wood border for my project, a problem arose that I didn't think of. The liquid nails I bought is white. It didn't stop me from doing the work and it doesn't look too bad this morning but I don't like it. I think I have come up with a solution but that will come later. It won't matter for the tile laying as you won't be able to see it. I had decided to use glue instead of thin set because that would have required installation of a backer board and I didn't want to mess with that. My blue penny rounds came in yesterday! Yeah!! So they will be somewhere in the design (I have a vision of where). I love doing stuff like this!! @kazu I am glad Ivan came through ok and since you are so far ahead of me - in terms of time zones - my thoughts for your surgery tomorrow that all goes well. Anytime someone goes under sedation, they want someone with you for 24 hours. I never comply! 😏 (I am a very bad patient) @Crazy For Cats Happy, Happy Anniversary! And I love, love that cake!! @Cruzin Terri I hope you get some answers from your virtual ortho appt! @Vict0riann and @superoma I hope everyone's covid symptoms aren't too bad! Thoughts for all of us and cheers to those celebrating. Have a great day everyone!
  13. Happy Tuesday to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report. Love the quote and minestone (but not today), pass on everything else, never been to the port, I salute veteran's of any kind, I am my own personal chef, and, not like everyone else, I like snakes. During my first marriage we had a couple. One was a little guy with different shades of brown spots. He would lay in the plant next to where I would sit and then slither over and lay across the back of my neck. Then we also had a red racer who did not like me at all!! He was about 4 ft and we kept him in a water bottle (the one that you would find on a water dispenser). He was too big for that so we ended up attaching ~4ft high card board box to it so he could move around. I would walk by his little abode and he would strike at me; never anyone else - just me. My husband would feed him dead mice once a week in the bathroom. Well, one day, after setting our oldest on the toilet after a nap, when she called me saying "I'm done", I went to get her off and there was Mr. Red Racer in the corner. I told my husband he had to go. I still smile when I think of all the snakes I have had encounters with. Ok, I know, I know - TMI!! LOL!! It is cooler today but the humidity is up there. We are expecting thunderstorms this evening; monsoons are definitely back. I still have stitches at least for 2 more weeks. The surgeon stated it was ~90% healed but he was being cautious. The hardest part is where it is on my back - right where the curvature is and really any movement causes tension on it. Oh, well, I would rather keep them in for awhile rather than have it open up again. The staining on my hutch is complete. My blue penny round sample will probably be here tomorrow (early) so I may add them to the design. Today, I probably will attach the wood border; I am not going to lay the tiles until tomorrow with hopefully the grouting done on Friday or Saturday. 🤞 Tonight I have a focus group - which should be interesting based on all the things that have happened lately. @kazu I hope Ivan does well in surgery. I am sure he is in good hands. @superoma I am so sorry you tested positive. Yes, the current strain is very virulent but not as deadly. Hugs to you and your DH. @Norseh2o Bon Voyage and welcome to Tucson!! Thoughts for everyone needing support and cheers to those celebrating. Have a great day everyone!
  14. Good morning and thanks for the daily and fleet report. I am a proud dork (and nerd), I do like gummy worms (but don't eat them frequently), and I do give away things - and need to do that more. I LOVE the quote; I was born in CA and lived there until sophomore year in HS. My grandfather aways seemed to have houses in orange groves. We would have to go lite the smudge pots when the weather got cold. My niece used to own an orange grove. I will pass on all the eats/drinks and have never been to the port. What a great archaeological find! We had a horrendous storm last night that truly had me frightened. Winds up to 70 mph and things were just whipping around with rain going sidewards and hail. I lost internet but still had electricity but many of my friends just got electricity back this morning. Trees down, roofs blown off, flooding, power poles down. It was bad. My little patio has roofing material in it, my bird feeder/hummingbird feeder/solar light all blown down, umbrella has a broken rib. and pieces of trees strewn about. There was a tornado warning and I could swear that is what I experienced but no report this morning that was so. Lots of clean up will be done today! But this morning it is beautiful Sunny skies with a predicted high of ~100F but with an active monsoon prediction. 83F presently but the humidity is ~50% and clouds will be rolling in soon. 🤞 we don't get a storm like yesterday today. Off soon to the surgeon to hopefully get my stitches out. Not looking forward to it but I hope it is all okay. I feel some tugging but since I can't see it (and it is covered), I don't know what it looks like. @marshhawk Yes, I love the pics of the butterfly and caterpillar. 🙂 @Lady Hudson and @Quartzsite Cruiser DHs - I hope the medical visits go well. Thoughts for our country and those on the care list. Cheers for those celebrating. Have a great day everyone!
  15. Good morning and thanks for the daily and fleet report. On a trip to Portugal to meet a friend, we accidentally went to a nude beach. Let's just say I tried really hard not to ogle. Sharks are important and the happenings at Nice should be remembered. Not a fan of corn salsa or the drink, maybe the wine and I have never been to Cockburn. Bastille Day! 🙂 The female parliamentarian was Rawya Ateya from Egypt and it was interesting about the open source OS developing. We might get some rain today but, of course, that is location dependent. It is only predicticeted to get up to ~103F today but the humidity is up - around 50% - which makes it feel hotter, IMHO. I hate humidity. The project has officially started as I stained the long wooden piece and sanded down the top yesterday. I forgot about getting some turpentine so I have to head back to the building supply store. I did manage to get the stain off my fingers though!! One more coat on the piece of wood and more sanding today. Thanks to those who liked the design. 😊 @StLouisCruisers Sorry to hear Ren broke his clavicle. Thank goodness no surgery is needed. @kazu 🤞 on the showing today. Happy Birthday to @Seasick Sailor DH Allen and to @rafinmd's nephew. It is also one of my brothers birthday. (I think he is 58 🤷‍♀️) Welcome home @luvteaching! I hope you and your friend had a great time. RIP Shannon Doherty and Richard Simmons. 💔 Since the Wizard of Oz is one of my favorite movies, after yesterday's news, all I can say is I hope all of you can celebrate something today. Have a great day!
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