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Everything posted by 4966and556

  1. @kazu I think this is the first post on CC that has ever brought me to tears. Joyful ones. So happy Little/Shadow was found.
  2. Thank you for the Daily Fleet Report. I like the quote.
  3. Thank you for the Daily Fleet Report! @dfish my husband and I just decided to try the Mexican version for supper tonight! Thank you! (He wanted hot dogs and I wasn't really looking forward to that tonight.) @kazu sending lots of positive energy your way as you deal with this.
  4. Thank you for the Daily Fleet Report! Overcast here with a chance of rain at some point later. I can picture the character in LOTR saying this at his birthday party.
  5. Will the Volendam be back in service for the cruise you are going on? She is currently hosting Ukrainian refugees.
  6. Thank you for the Daily Fleet Report! I would love nothing more than to be on my favourite beach in Gaurdalavaca, Cuba watching all the locals playing in the sand.
  7. Thank for the Daily Fleet Report! I love, love, love books. When dh and I moved into this house, he made the second largest bedroom into a library and we also have books shelves in every room of the house other than the bathroom and kitchen. I do have two glass front cupboards in the kitchen that have recipe books in them. This summer I am reading my way through all of our Janet Evanovich books. Last summer I read all of the Anne of Green Gables books. Pho is a favourite restaurant meal for us. When I tell people we are going for Vietnamese, I will always order the soup. It is possible to just eat the noodles and meat/vegetables. Just use the chopsticks and forget about using the spoon. There were times that I wasn't feeling 100% and I would order the chicken pho and just have the broth, so I only used the spoon and left the chopsticks on the table. I also put a squirt of lime juice along with 4 or 5 drops of hot sauce. The first time I had this soup was 1994 and I've been hooked on it ever since.
  8. @marshhawk they have never used the hot tub since they moved in 4 years ago. The previous owner turned it off and drained it and they have never used it.
  9. Thank you for the Daily Fleet Report! We used to take our extra zucchinis, tomatoes, etc. and leave them on our neighbour's hot tub lid, but not any more as they complained last year. 3 vegetarians live in that house. I'm quite certain that if cats could talk, they would tell you that every day is cat day. My husband told me that 1 of our cats already had her daily mouse breakfast today. The other cat joins in the hunt and the chase, but let's the tuxedo cat finish it off. We have farm fields all around us, so plenty of mice outside.
  10. On a cruise, I take the stairs and I do laps, plus I am swimming. Not to mention walking around in ports or sprinting to keep up with tour guides. I also tend to have a huge salad at lunch time if we are on a ship. I always weigh myself just before I leave my house to go to the airport and I also weigh myself when we get home from the cruise. I have lost weight on every single cruise I have ever been on. Oh, don't forget dancing to the B.B. King band before the late night snack and then a walk around the deck before bed time.
  11. @marshhawk I don't like landing in Toronto (closest airport when I did a lot of travelling) on a Friday afternoon. Too many business travellers getting home after their busy week away.
  12. Thank you for the Daily Fleet Report. I've been to Ponta Delgada as part of a TA in the spring of 2014. (I think that's when it was.)
  13. Thank you for the Daily Fleet Report! We certainly appreciate Farmworkers day in this area known as the Niagara fruit belt. Lots of vineyards and orchards around here.
  14. Thank you for the Daily Fleet Report! We had a fabulous thunderstorm here last night. We even lost power for approximately 30 minutes. I am really enjoying reading about Little Shadow and how she is getting used to her forever home. @kazu if you read this, we bought an "inexpensive" Hisense fridge last November and it has not had any issues, so if you are looking at fridges, check this one out. I think Cost co has them if you are a member.
  15. Thank you for the Daily Fleet Report. Overcast and muggy here. We were expecting rain last night but we didn't get any. We had a very light shower this morning while I was taking the garbage to the end of the driveway. By the time I got back inside the rain had stopped.
  16. @Sharon in AZ I really enjoy coming back west so we arrive in the same time zone that we live in and it's a quick flight home. Either way is okay though, because I'm doing a TA on a BHB.
  17. Well... we won't be having fish for supper tonight. Other than that, we had a great time.
  18. Thank you for the Daily Fleet Report. My husband and I are about to head out to do some fishing where the Grand River flows into Lake Erie. It's about an hour's drive from our home.
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