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Everything posted by GreigAlyson

  1. Once in the coach park (mainland), you have to get a boat / water taxi, to the island. As there are several coaches all arriving at the same time, you get funnelled in a queuing system on to the next available water taxi.
  2. We done this trip from Trieste last year. You will get on to Venice Island about 11am, then have approx 4 hours before you get the boat back to the mainland. Gondolas were a fixed price 80€ with no need to pre-book. There were also "large" queues to get access to specific buildings. The 4 hrs allows you to take in the sites, ie up to Rialto bridge, trip on Gondola, have lunch, browse the shops etc. I wouldn't fancy trying to stand in a queue for the likes of Doge's Palace, then have to run around to fit everything else in. If you skip lunch you may manage it, but its a long day once you leave the boat.
  3. I suspected I had caught Covid at the start of week 2 (confirmed via test on return), but like others on the boat, we just carried on. As long as you clear the embarkation test, you are all good to go.
  4. We are just back and after a few days of excursions, I stayed on the boat at Katakolon. Wife and daughter went for a walk, but as others have said, its a one street place with a harbour and is a base for Olympia.
  5. Many thanks for your replies, I am a lot more at ease now knowing / expecting the boat to wait until we get there. Just got the covid tests to go now! 😷
  6. Hi, We are due to embark on the Explorer next Friday 8th July where we are due to depart from Corfu at 11pm. If our flight is on time, I reckon its about 10pm before we get to the port. However, the outbound flight from Edinburgh to Corfu has been continually late for the last few weeks, where today its almost 4 hours late in departing. How long does the boat wait for the late arrivals before setting sail? If it does wait, what are the chances of getting anything to eat post 1.30 -2am? Has anyone had a similar experience of late arrival due to a delayed flight?
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