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Posts posted by mrBit

  1. I have to say, I wouldn't mind trying another cruiseline and look forward to it one day. I peak in at the royal board on here from time to time. Lots of Carnival insults and bashing. I feel like if I ever did cruise with them, I would have to keep it to myself that I had sailed all Carnival before. Good thing is that I know several folks personally who love Royal but are not so down on Carnival. It's a preference and not superiority. I would hope that's more representative of the majority.




    Here is another story from our Navigator cruise. We met a nice couple at wine tasting and later that day we had an issue of an over charge... so the same couple happened to come up behind us in the customer service line. We got to talking and they started complimenting RCI and then started bashing Carnival. This time I decided to say something, i told them we have sailed Carnival 5 times and loved it... get this... they then said... yea we sailed them too, mainly with our grandkids and kids and it was fun.....


    the conversation changed after that

  2. I have to agree here. We just returned from our first ever Carnival cruise and we were BLOWN AWAY. So many of the negative comments I heard about Carnival were undeserved. The food (which I heard the worst things about) was fabulous and the entertainment did not lack. And the service...WOW is all I can say.


    As for the Flowrider comment...I am sure it is great when it's open. On our RCCL cruise, the thing was always closed and 75% of the time it was open, it was open for lessons that you pay extra for. It was ridiculous, really.


    Yea the flowrider was on a set schedule, although when we cruised Carnival the slides were not always open either but as you said, why do these people feel it so necessary to slam Carnival... it's one thing on a forum but while on vacation... really?

  3. Agreed, our last RCi cruise on Navigator last month, every day there was at least 1 person bashing Carnival, i mean huh???? you are on vacation and yet carry spite to bash another cruise line... I could only assume those that did were not having as much fun as they could. So sad.


    An example, when i was in the flowrider line which was a lot of fun... a guy stated, "sure beats a stupid water-slide don't it?" as the carnival magic was next to us. I wanted to say, "No, i love the water-slides too." But figured it would have made a long and drawn out discussion taking the fun away from my next surf run.

  4. Carnival had a great Q4 2013 on top of already forecasting Q1 with the incidents it had and higher operating costs year on year and a 1.4% increase of ticket sales alone Year on year, Carnival is good to go.


    Thus pretty much makes the OP suggestions of economic numbers and reasons a moot point. But nonetheless fun to ponder...


    Things i know for sure is that, this has happened before as back in 2007 I had heard give aways back then.

    There are several articles covering Carnival giving away cruises to travel agents and the reasons why. My point to this is that contrary to another post, this is not kept quiet, I think Carnival wants the info out there it's inevitable anyway.


    My take is this is all is about PR as PR is about the tangible "what if" of potential business at an opportunity cost. Carnival was lanced by the media and boutique critics. Passengers whom have cruised before but for some reason are not now could represent a demographic fearful about going Carnival for their next Cruise. I read some time back on how cruising is an industry of repeat customers and those that go for the first time either become repeats or never again. So think about it, bad PR can influence opinion on whether one goes to RCI or NCL or x cruise line over Carnival having sailed them before. Free is the best way to change that fear and get that repeat business, it's the "well I cruised Carnival and had no issues" cruise that helps us forget. The "free" is to get you through the door.

  5. I too love the Conquest MDR. The decor is one of my favorite reasons i sail Carnival a lot. It is so festive and lot's of "pizazz" and does not hold back. I think it helps with the energy on the boat. Now i could also ask why does RCI tone it down so much? Navigator while nice both my wife and i agree that it is a very conservative design with some elegant tones to it. However it's not the "wow" no pun intended we get with all the glitz and pizazz Carnival's design has.
  6. NOSaints1,


    Satisfaction and familiarity; we know what to expect and always have a relaxing vacation. We have sailed other lines and choose based on what we know we'll like.


    Granted the newer RCCL ships do have a 'wow' factor, but they don't seem like cruising to me. I do enjoying seeing them, but expect they're not much like being at sea; they may be fine and we'll sail them some day I'm sure, but not in the near term. 6K fellow passengers and a central park....no thanks. :o If they follow Carnival's lead and start offering up free trips I'm not sure I'd take them up on that option either.....Not enough time to spend doing something I'm not sure I'll enjoy. This coming Monday when it's ZERO degrees and snow piled high I'll take any cruise line up on any free offer for next weekend. :cool:



    Bingo! We have sailed Carnival 5 times, loved, loved, loved it... we recently got off Navigator and had a good time as well. I loved the flow rider and the ship is very impressive and speciality restaurants.


    But Navigator did not "feel" like a cruise, I felt like i was in a mall and more "at home land based." We did everything on the royal promenade and 2 speciality restaurants but I don't why it just did not "feel" like a cruise but it was still very much enjoyable.


    I don't know if it was the time of the year but we did sail Carnival in winter as well, but NOS did not seem full (maybe a good thing) even though I am sure it was booked solid. But we went to all the shows, dining and everything and could not find where everyone was at??? The shows like the Ice show was awesome but half full... people missing out on one of the best shows i have seen on a cruise. Hey but less crowds can be a great thing except for a "festive feel" each so called "party" RCI announced... we went to but hardly anyone showed up and the deck parties were cut short. I guess the energy was different on NOS. To add we cruised with my oldest son at the time on Carnival who is now 10 years old but then he was 3 and he loved Freddy. He has great memories from Carnival... so now 2 more boys later ages 3 and 6 whom have never cruised grew up with Freddy stuffed dolls and such :P They can't wait to go on Triumph but I showed them the dream works theme on RCI and next year, they are excited about that.

    A note on kids, back when we cruised carnival, RCI did not take children under 3 for camp services (was a deciding factor at the time).. this has now changed as we found out on NOS, kudos to RCI for the change.


    We don't necessarily always hold the same reason for why we cruise each cruise. Sometimes it was for ports, others just to relax and have fun or sail with family. This last cruise was to just have fun and relax.


    Anyway.... we are booking Triumph for this Dec and Freedom or Oasis of the Seas next year for summer 2015. We have not found the prices to be all that different, Magic is pricey out of Galveston during peak season as is NOS. Florida seems to be cheaper so that is why we are looking at Freedom or Oasis for next year.


    So i guess what keeps us with Carnival was the feel and energy and fun of each cruise we had, they have always done a great job and as for RCI, we want to go again as well and while the energy is not the same, the vacation we had on Navigator while different from what we had before was nice enough to book RCI again as well.

  7. RCI is not cheaper unless there is a sale and both Cruise lines have sales during the year thus they are comperable. As with anything, the East coast is saturated with cruising, FL alone has all within driving distance 4 ports all sharing the same cruise lines many times. Galveston is bringing in huge area of drivers, which was a big deal that carnival brought up years ago in a press conference. Houston now has a cruise terminal so that puts 2 ports within an hour's drive and with time and more competition, prices will come down, but heck i can sail my family of 5 in december on the Triumph 4 day for the price I paid on the Navigator for 4 days this past Feb when it was just my wife and I. Granted Summer, Spring break, Holidays all have incredibly high pricing but it does not take a rocket scientist to figure out why.

  8. The prices are probably set a little high because of the "cheating" problem...:cool: This is one time not sharing is acceptable...


    I think the prices are very reasonable, heck in most restaurants and bars here in my city, drinks avg about $10. I liked the prices on the cruise as most hard liquor was sub $10. But, i agree, don't cheat a good thing.


    I got the premium package which was $55 a day, that was super easy for me. I drank from bottled water, soda and alcohol around $80 to $100 a day.. easy.

    3 glasses of wine for dinner, shoot more than halfway there.

    If you are not a big drinker, than it's "not worth it" I mean that in terms of bottled water, soda and some drinks per day.


    I like to drink while on vacation, i am not a big eater but drinking is my thing, and hitting 5 drinks while on vacation a day is super easy for me.


    Most of all it put my mind at ease, my wife did not have the package and her drinks were all itemized and it adds up... drink packages are care free in my opinion for no last minute end of cruise bill surprises.

  9. Death knell? Don't think so. Cruising is becoming more and more popular. There are more ships out there on the high seas than at any other time. And yet, most people have never cruised in their life. The market is growing and there are plenty of new customers out there.


    Yes, ships are carrying A LOT of people which means A LOT of different taste buds and likes which then means the cruise lines have to respond to such a larger and more diverse demand.

  10. You should have read further then because we're long past that discussion. The discussion devolved into name calling, bickering, and just general stupidity by those who think this is a discussion not worth having and that "if you don't like the specialty restaurants, don't go" or "to each his own" or "stop complaining." All of these comments miss the point......which you correctly addressed in your post.


    I agree that the consumer creates the demand. I tried hinting at this earlier. Now that you've taken a bite..I'll ask the obvious question: Instead of creating demand for restaurants we must pay for, why don't we create a demand for higher quality food in the MDR that is included in the price?


    I think we are asking for better in the MDR, I have seen improvement in the MDR at least for Carnival because I can compare over time but with RCI i would say also just from one cruise as with "my time" dining. I saw chef specials on the menu and suggestions and the ability to order "classics."


    Speciality restaurants are just that, they are unique in of themselves. I don't think i will ever demand the MDR to specialize in Sushi or Mexican food, but I could for example better steaks or to seat me when I want. I think those are being addressed. However, I would reasonably find it very hard to include a 16oz or 20oz steak every night as part of the "package."

    I think the demand is showing more of "when i want to eat vs quality" IE room service and buffet. Where as the other demographic is arguing for variety IE Sushi, italian and mexican food or BBQ.

    This leave the MDR in the middle, judging from my cruises both on Carnival and RCI, take the windjammer, they had pretty good food but the longest lines were for cheap meat hamburgers and hotdogs.... oh and pizza, i mean those lines were long. The salad bar eh... so so.

    I think you and I can argue for quality but so many others focus on quantity, time and variety.

  11. I have not read the thread in its entirity but the first few pages suggested the direction of cruise line to consumer manipulation of "what is and should be consumed" at least to fill the bottom line.


    That is the point though, the bottom line, and thus the opposite of what the OP suggests. Allow me to digress a bit from the subject at hand and to make a comparison to my market which is programming. I have been accused of manipulating but the truth be told my clients want X,Y,Z or I lose out and so I have to meet the demand or not have demand at all.


    Without getting too boring, cruise lines are meeting demand, it is us the consumer that create this, not the cruise line down to the consumer. If the demand were not there, the speciality restaurants would fail.


    So let me handle the likely rebuttal:

    The food in the MDR is now lower (on purpose) and so speciality restaurants are sought out.

    well, i have been on carnival many times, the supper club(signature, chef's table) is more like say going to Tony's here in Houston vs say Outback steakhouse. Does my demand for MDR get supplemented to the Supper Club? No.. It's a one time treat usually. But let's take a look at other speciality restaurants, like Guy's Burger joint or Sushi, Ji Ji Asian or BBQ for example... but these are normally their own worlds of food, adding to the variety outside of MDR or the buffet. Can a cruise line be everything to all taste buds for free? That is the question, i would say, very hard to do, especially take with RCI, i love the sushi on Izumi and they specialize in that, should the MDR as well? Should the MDR on RCI specialize in what Sabor does?


    If we read the boards here many times posters will say how boring cruise x will be if they keep going to the same ports or do x, y or z... the opinions here should be logic enough to tell you that indeed cruise lines are trying to be all things to as many of us as they can, but it can't be done for free.


    That said, another point, I would say the demographics while strong for speciality are not there in sufficient number. On every cruise i have been room service seems to be the largest hit followed by the buffet. I think speciality has a long way to go supplement "free."


    Another example, RCI now allows unlimited alcohol for individuals again to meet demand of frustrated consumers complaining about "not everyone in the same stateroom wants it." I have a hard time of seeing consumer manipulation, just the opposite.

  12. from Crown & Anchor website


    Cruise Points are the way you earn membership status in the Crown & Anchor Society. You can earn one Cruise Point for every cruise night you sail with us, and DOUBLE the points when you purchase a suite. For instance, if you complete a 7-night cruise, you'll earn 7 Cruise Points, and when you purchase a suite you'll earn 14 Cruise Points. Further terms and conditions apply. Points are not recorded or applied until after you complete your sailing. For example, if you are graduating from Gold to Platinum tier level on your current sailing, you will not receive Platinum level benefits until your next sailing



  13. Any chance you asked to talk with the manager or even the new captain sitting a few tables over? It's awful that your service was so bad, but if all you did was ask a passive aggressive question of the waiter, I find it hard to feel bad. I would have posted the issue here too... So I don't fault you for that in the least.. But at some point, you need to take a bull by the horns.


    My service was ok to good, i think the OP at Sabor had horrible service. I just added that in Chops we had Officers too, the "new captain" as our waiter stated and servers all over them.

  14. We actually asked why there was two tables of officers in Chops which were getting "extra service" and our waiter stated, "that is the new captain, chief engineer" and .... i forgot what the other was... he seemed nervous too. It does however seem backwards though, we are also guests and customers.


    I really dont care if officers catch a break and dine, but don't make us pay for a lack of service.

  15. But we couldn’t help but notice a table of 8 officers (including the Food & Beverage Manager and Hotel Manager) was surrounded by waiters and cocktail servers the entire evening!



    Huh, we ate at Chops the 2nd night and we too had a table full of officers being smothered by great service.... although our waiter and service was good but could have been better.

  16. I will admit that i like a nice sit down lunch and dinner but all too often i wont make the seating for lunch. So as with my past cruises, to the buffet we go ;)


    Where do i start....? Well, it was never really crowded and we always had an open table and great service. Many times we were asked for drinks and taking the empty dishes.


    Super friendly staff throughout the windjammer EXCEPT!!!!! >> What is with myself and others in a line only told to go to the other side as it was closed...supposedly.... I had my plate about half full then waited in the "other side" line to finish getting what i wanted to then come back to the "original side" and find people there??? Huh???


    Next, the food was so so, i have had better... i am not much for burgers, chili, hot-dogs and such. THat left me with "so so" Indian food and i like Indian food but not so much what they had. It was fine the first day but it was the same menu every day... huh? Indian food is pretty niche from most i know and i get the international theme so why not change it up???


    I ended up having more salads than ever.... good salad bar too. I wish they would have grilled chicken strips to put on the salad.


    Breakfast was good, THANK YOU FOR HAVING TURKEY SAUSAGE! I also liked the flavored water they had in the windjammer. Had they changed up the international food up daily, it would have been perfect... maybe next time.

  17. Part 6, The Ice Dancing Show.


    WOW! This was the best show on the sea across both cruise lines that i have ever seen. Such talent and how incredible in such a small space. The detail to costumes and themes were just fantastic. They had an acrobat ring segment which was stunning! I don't know how some have pictures as flash photos were prohibited, but i guess I will try next time.


    Some tips: order your drinks early, get to the show early so that you can find good seating... HOWEVER, while they do issue tickets complimentary, both shows were never filled up. So at least on my cruise it would have been ok to go to the show without a ticket. So sad the seats were not filled, maybe half for such a fantastic show! The same went for the last performance in the main theater, about half full. Maybe everyone was at the slots :P

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