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Posts posted by Joe33472

  1. 18 minutes ago, exlondoner said:

    If you didn’t have the alc menu for the first night, they must for some reason have been in a major state of chaos. On all five ships, when I have been in the QG, for at least 20 years I have ordered the Dover Sole from the alc on the first night, and managed to remember to do it at lunch. So I would guess something went wrong, perhaps simply that they missed it from your menu folder, though I think they usually put other things on top of it rather than remove it entirely.


    On the first day, the lunch menu was still in the menu folder along with the dinner menu for dinner service.  I thought that was weird, but that makes sense now.  The dinner menu must have been covering the a la carte menu.  I overheard a nearby table ask for some menu, they must have been asking for the a la carte menu.  The head waiter brought something over, but not sure if they ordered off that menu.   I don't think so.   It was a state of chaos on the first night and we did not have a nice experience.   It was actually quite shocking, but has improved 100%. 

    • Like 4
  2. 7 hours ago, Judyrem said:

    I think their appetizers are very unappealing.


    I think they need to update and redo some of the menu.


    I would be ordering the a la carte items almost every day.


    We've actually enjoyed the appetizers so far.  Most have been okay and so small that if you like the appetizer you'll be wanting for more, and if you don't like the appetizer so small that you won't feel badly not eating any of it.  With so many courses, we've never been hungry. 


    This fried goat cheese appetizer was really god, but this is a small plate and the fritter was really small as seen on the plate.   I'd say this is a 1/2 dollar sized and about 1/4 inch thick.  I think that this could have had two or three of the fritters. 




    The tomato tart last night was really good.  Forgot to take a picture.  That was a little bigger.   I was expecting a shortbread crust, but it was a puff pastry so light and airy and about the size of a small rice cake.  

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  3. One last thing I forgot to mention, a individual sitting very close to us is somewhat of an Internet "celebrity" or "social media influencer" who blogs on travel.   It's not Gary or Emma, but on that level, maybe even more subscribers.  I think the YouTuber has over a million subscribers on YouTube and several hundred thousand on Instagram.  


    Maybe the staff figured out who this YouTuber is and didn't want me talking trash about the service and food.  I recognized the person last night, but haven't said anything. 



    • Like 2
  4. Day 3 program attached:


    Day 3 Programme.pdf


    I tried to go by the Britannia restaurant tonight to make a photo of the menu, but it was a mob scene at the entrance on deck 2.   We had already changed back into smart attire and everyone at the Britannia entrance looked so fancy, that I didn't want to barge up there to take some photos in our smart attire.  I'll definitely try tomorrow to get some pictures. 


    Tired now, although we get an hour back tonight.  A really nice day on QM2 overall.     Good night!

    • Like 3
  5. 23 minutes ago, leyland1989 said:

    Considering an Uber cost around $120-150 to EWR, I don't think it's too expensive. 


    We have thought about taking the Helicopter from Manhattan but we have too many luggage for it to be feasible, haha. 


    I never fly out of EWR, so I'm not too familiar with the prices to Jersey.  Back in the day I would only take public transportation to the airport.  I had a health issue that made walking long distances tough, so I started taking Uber and a car service to the airport.    The health issue resolved, but I never started back on public transportation 🙃.  Definitely lifestyle creep. I work in Queens and would take the Q31 to Jamaica Center and AirTrain to Kennedy.  Did that for years.  $7.50 with no tip, back in the day.   I fly a lot (maybe 50 flights per year) so $100 Uber rides add up....

    • Like 1
  6. Some transfer information for Brooklyn was dropped off in the room tonight.   We have a coop in NYC and will be stopping there for one night after the cruise before we make our way to Boston/Manchester NH area to visit our families.  I'm thinking that we'll just take a cab or perhaps I'll see if the car service which I usually use will pick us up.   I can imagine that it's pretty hectic at the cruise terminal in Brooklyn and that a cab line could be long.  


    The private transfer prices seem a little bit more than I would typically pay for an airport transfer to JFK or LGA, but I thinking that they have to factor in waiting time at the cruise terminal, so maybe it's not too bad.


    The car service I usually use is Carmel.  



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  7. We had a wonderful dinner in QG and service was spot on.   What a difference between today and yesterday as far as food and service.  It's like night and day.   Does anyone think that Cunard social media folks monitor this board?   It wouldn't be too difficult to figure out who we are based on my user name and location.   Perhaps it's just the craziness of embarkation day and the fact that we were a little grumpy yesterday, and the two not mixing well together.  


    In tonight's menu, there was an a la carte menu.  This wasn't in the menu last night, so perhaps on embarkation they try to keep special requests to a minimum.  Here is the A la Carte menu:


    6.24.24 Queens Grill A la Carte Menu.pdf


    We could definitely eat off this menu.  


    For tonight's meal, Osman had Turkish salad prepared for us as well as roast chicken.    Both were delicious.  The assistant Maitre D' carved the chicken at the table and prepared a wonderful gravy.   We skipped dessert because we were so full.  


    Excellent meal and service.  Top notch!   A++





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  8. 39 minutes ago, leyland1989 said:

    My strategy of going to dinner late (at 20:00) and doing my laundry during peak dining hours (18:00) paid off. It was empty. 


    I'm very impressed by the dryer, extremely high airflow, my clothes are dry within 20 mins. 


    Internet (my biggest concern) also working very well. I can use my VPN back at home and did a Team meeting without any interruptions. 





    Thanks for the heads up about the laundry!  This is hugely helpful!  I was wondering when we might do our laundry, so I think that this is a good strategy.  Maybe tomorrow night.   I must admit, however, that we're part of the 18:00 dining crowd.  Although we made it to 18:30 tonight.   And we're definitely not octogenarians yet, but were the only ones in the QG restaurant at that time.  🤷‍♂️ I guess we're early birds. 


    Thanks again! 



    • Like 2
  9. 1 hour ago, Kordy said:

    Wow. The Internet in the middle of the Atlantic is sure speedy.  The wonders of Starlink!  I am impressed. This is enough bandwidth for a video call. 


    Yes, it's amazing how great the Internet has been (knocking on wood!).  Meeting went great with video sharing.  I didn't open my camera, which likely helped with bandwidth.   Some connection issues when switching devices, but overall A+ with Starlink.   I purchased the two device plan, so we have some issues with switching between devices, but not a big deal.   We just have too many devices we'd like to connect to the Internet all at the same time.   First world problems 🙃

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  10. We went to afternoon tea in the Grills Lounge and it was very nice affair.   We enjoyed the finger sandwiches, desserts, and scones.  We're going attend tea in the Queens Room at some point, but we wanted a low key venue this afternoon.   There weren't too many people in the lounge so it was really nice and quiet.  We needed something quiet.  


    Now, we're really stuffed and could use a nap, but I have a work meeting in 15 minutes.   Hopefully the Internet holds out.  😀   Should be fine, as right now there is definitely sufficient bandwidth for a zoom meeting. 



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  11. 28 minutes ago, BklynBoy8 said:


    Even though I was in PG I use to pass the Britannia Restaurant outside and took pixs to compare. Menus for Britannia is right outside of the restaurant wall or on the table inside of the entrance.


    You may get some reflection from the above lights shining on the glass cover. 


    That's exactly what I was thinking I would do if someone else doesn't post.  It will give us something else to do on a daily basis going forward!   😀

    • Thanks 1
  12. 21 minutes ago, RK-NC said:


    I am beginning to think it is common to have dining issues on embarkation day. We cruised Celebrity in April and avoided the main dining room on the first night because we had heard of problems similar to what you experienced. Enjoy red and gold night! 


    Yes, it definitely could be an embarkation day thing.  Hopefully, this is the turning point.  



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  13. 32 minutes ago, Kordy said:

    Thank you for posting the QG Menus of the high-end food... does anyone have access to Britannia class menus for the rest of us?  It would be great to post if there is any availability to do so!


    If someone else doesn't post, I can definitely take some photos and post online. 

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  14. 1 hour ago, Jack E Dawson said:


    I couldn't help but notice that lobster is on today's menu. That is a welcome surprise. 



    Hi Jack,


    Yes, lobster and also Chateaubriand.   We really like beef tenderloin, but think that it's tough to cook Chateaubriand to the temperature that we prefer.    Unfortunately, neither us eat seafood, or we would definitely have had the lobster.   Both our families would go crazy for the lobster. 


    Lunch is QG was great today.   So, maybe everything was embarkation day pressures.  



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  15. 47 minutes ago, RK-NC said:

    Hope today is a better day for you both @Joe33472 Thank you for sharing, especially for taking the time to post the menus and daily programs. (like the PDFs) We noticed on the daily program time change at 2am. We had heard that it happens at noon, which seems more disruptive. Hoping you have nice weather today! 


    Thanks RK-NC!  Yes, today is going much better.  We went to lunch and had a very lovely meal.   We started with the tomato tart with blue cheese and it was so good we forgot to take a picture.   Next we had ravioli and ended the meal with sticky toffee pudding.  All the food was served at the right temperature and served at a perfect pace.  The best part of the meal was that Osman came over and asked if we're okay for dinner (which we were struggling on what we would eat) and he offered to have something made for us.  We took him up on the offer, so we'll see how that works out.   I think we might actually try breakfast there tomorrow morning. 



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  16. Just now, D&N said:

    Queen Anne has multiple combined A & C installations in all cabins. They seem to share a 2.4A output.


    I was on an ITA Airways A220 in economy recently with 60W output USB-C ports on the seat backs. The flight wasn't long enough to need to try it out.


    With the lead time from specifying to delivery they will always be a bit behind the latest technology.


    Wow!  That's great that the Queen Anne has both A & C in the cabins.  It's going to take a long time for USB-A ports and cables to go away (if ever).   I was so glad when the EU pushed Apple to go to USB-C.  I don't think they would have ever done it without that push.   So, thank you EU. 



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  17. 3 hours ago, Joe33472 said:

    Good morning!   Slept really well.  The bed was very comfortable (as many say about Cunard) and no problems with the abundant pillows.   Checked my online account and it appears that we're being charged for drinks although we're supposed to have the Grills drink promo.   Will make a trip to the lounge to see if they can fix it there or if I have to go to guest services.   


    Went to the lounge and the concierge was very nice and let me know that on the US Grills Promo that the drinks are charged and then credited back the next morning at 10:30 a.m.   I'll have to keep an eye on that.  I remember reading posts about signing each drink tab, but didn't realize that things are charged then reversed.  Good to know.  


    I also forgot to mention last night that we went to the casino and asked for the non-smoking section and was informed that there is no smoking in any area of the casino.   Bravo Cunard!   We're super excited to spend some time in a smoke free casino.   That's brilliant.   I'm sure I knew this at some point, but now that we're on board it's really nice to know.

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  18. 13 minutes ago, rog747 said:

    Sorry to read of your QG Dining room issues with most of your food since you have boarded, to the point that your Wife does not now wish to go for Breakfast in the QG....I too would be very unhappy.

    If your Head Waiter and Maitre 'D are not made aware of these problems then they simply cannot put things right for you.
    I can assure you they will be mortified of the problems, and they will rectify things at once for you. 

    If they do not know then they cannot put it right, and I can safely assure you that when on Cunard before whenever I had an issue with food and/or service in the MDR/Lido/Kings Ct/or Grills then it has always been attended to with a very good end result.

    I agree with Host Hattie that it is most prudent that you have a quiet and constructive word with your Heads of delivery in your restaurant, I am quite sure they will redeem themselves. 


    I'm going to wait to see how things go today and if we continue to have issues, I will let them know.  

    • Like 2
  19. 6 hours ago, BklynBoy8 said:

    As Many May Have Asked....


    Appreciate Copies of the Menus and Daily Programs be posted...


    If you have time.


    Always appreciated even for the repeaters....Like Sailing With You....


    I've been posting the daily programs and menus in PDF format since it's multiple pages and thought it would be easier for viewing.   Would pictures be better?  Definitely would be less work on my part than converting and combining in PDF format.  

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  20. 1 minute ago, Victoria2 said:

    Apologies, mixing up posts.


    Yours was supposed to be just food and you got the cabin bit too. Good to know you're happy with it but as far as the restaurant is concerned, if unhappy today, get it sorted. 🙂


    No problem, the hanger and pillow discussion got intertwined with the restaurant issues.  I did mention that QM2 was probably built before USB.  I was trying to be funny....


    I hardly ever use USB ports, and for that matter all of our devices use USB-C and I would never expect the QM2 or any cruise ship to have USB-C ports. 



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  21. 7 minutes ago, Host Hattie said:

    Even in Britannia the waiters ask if everything was alright with your food. I don't often leave food but when I have, I've always been asked what the problem is and been offered a replacement. I'm not sure what's going on but you need to tell the staff that you're not happy. 

    I hope things improve for you today. 


    Thanks!   We're hoping things are better for us today too.  Maybe it was just an embarkation day thing.  



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  22. 15 minutes ago, Victoria2 said:

    I'm not a fan of QM2 and have no QG experience with her and doubt I ever will but I have of the rest of the Cunard fleet and I find it hard to take that the Cunard flagship has a QG standard which falls below her sisters. Not acceptable.



    If a hot dish, it should be served hot. If it isn't ask the Head Waiter over and ask why it's not. It happened to me last year  and the meal was whisked away and a replacement brought. It took time and my husband had finished his entrée but I got a hot meal. I  also asked if I could have a magnifying glass one meal so I could find my filet mignon. That too got whisked away and two brought for me. Freshly cooked  although I say cooked but as I have mine blue so it didn't take long.

    No one will spit in your meal and if no one points out issues, they can't be rectified.


    Each meal, there are items common to all menus which is why some dishes in the buffet will be the same as QG menu. The difference being however, is the range of choice in the various restaurants.


    Ask for the following day's menu the night before and if nothing floats your boat, ask for what you'd like. It's no trouble and it's part of the dining experience. That goes for starters, entrées and puds. Whatever you want, if the ingredients are on the ship, you can have it as long as you let the head Waiter know in advance [hence asking for the following day's menu 🙂].



    QM2 is 'old' and a few questions on this forum would have prepared you. Neither of the Vistas have usb ports as standard and I wouldn't have expected Mary to have either and would have gone prepared, mind you, we were caught out last year when expecting deck 6 aft cabins to have ports, and they didn't but that's another issue.


    We keep the bathroom light on so can't comment on night lights, and hangers? Can't stand 'those' so would try and get some 'proper' hangers if there are any on the ship.


    The butler is there to help in any way he/sh can. I usually ask for more padded hangers for delicate items although on Annie, I had more than enough this year.


    Basically, don't let 'things' fester. Ask, ask and ask again. 🙂


    We will definitely have to bring food and service issues to their attention at some point.  We'll see how things go today.  


    As far as the stateroom, we knew what to expect after watching many videos and the stateroom has actually exceeded our expectations.  It's a quite lovely space and even though dated, we have no issues with this suite.  We have more outlets than we could ever use; a comfortable bed and pillows; huge closet; and normal hangers.   Very spacious and nice sized TV which actually faces the couch and bed.   Our stateroom gets an A+.   We have absolutely no problems. 

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  23. Good morning!   Slept really well.  The bed was very comfortable (as many say about Cunard) and no problems with the abundant pillows.   Checked my online account and it appears that we're being charged for drinks although we're supposed to have the Grills drink promo.   Will make a trip to the lounge to see if they can fix it there or if I have to go to guest services.   

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