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Posts posted by jayoldschool

  1. That's the thing. X says no charter. I can't find evidence of a charter anywhere. I also don't ever remember them chartering during March break (and I realize that the break is different for many places). We can only travel at the absolute highest season times (two weeks over xmas/new year), and the one week in March, and those ships always cost at least 50% more to book and sail full, every time.

  2. I've been watching the March 11 sailing of the Infinity, and decided to book this week. It seems I can't. After speaking to X twice, and three agents, no one has the answer as to why bookings are closed. According to X customer service, it's not chartered, the blocking is done by the "revenue department". I don't see a dry dock happening for two and a half months.


    The March 16h sailing is still available.


    A big box store agent told me that the itinerary is still there, but is blocked from selling. Another online agent told me the same thing, but they COULD sell me group rate, A2 GTY, but that X could redeploy, change itinerary, cancel, etc. Another overseas online agent shows sold out.


    If anyone has any ideas, please LMK. Since we're teachers, we can't move our dates.

  3. You are not to reuse a glass at the dispensers, so you shouldn't be asking for your tumbler to be filled. If you want to use it, you will need to get soda in a clean glass then transfer it to your container.

  4. There's more than a few around here that don't know which definition of "Critic"

    applies to the name of this site.


    1 critic




    noun crit·ic \ˈkri-tik\









    Definition of critic




    1. 1a : one who expresses a reasoned opinion on any matter especially involving a judgment of its value, truth, righteousness, beauty, or technique Critics of the new law say that it will not reduce crime.b : one who engages often professionally in the analysis, evaluation, or appreciation of works of art or artistic performances a literary critic a film critic a theater critic
    2. 2 : one given to harsh or captious judgment a fierce critic of immigration policies

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